Are there many churches where you live?

Are there many churches where you live?
Here there are virtually zero churches which aren't only for tourist.

please explain what this picture is

Also, yes, pretty much every village has one, usually one or two small chapels too.

There is one in my village, a few hundred meters away from my house.
Maria Theresia ordered there to be enough churches so that nobody would have to travel far and so we have a bunch.


Usually 2 per town, protestant and cuckolic

> please explain what this picture is
its me you idiot, hews are made of shekels


Ps:Churches are the most beautifull/impressive places of worship as long as you are not atztec.

Thoss pyramids were baller.

0 in my part of the city

not as many synagoges as here
there is at least 1 synagogue per 200 citizens

Yes, there are.

They're everywhere. There's at least four within walking distance of my house, two of which are stuck randomly in the middle of residential neighborhoods.

>Murican speaking about churches
You have many of "reform" churches in your cunt; It doesn't mean that they are real temples.

My city with a population of 22k have 5 christian churches I can think of, probably one or two more. Every village with 500+ have a church

Your "real" temples are dead.

Every fucking step.

They are still standing tho. I was baptisé in one of it.
There is churches in every little village, even if its less than a hundred inhabitants.

I've never seen one, believe me

How many people genuinely go to churches? They're just tourist attractions now.

Maybe because people are educated now?

I now that Americans are descendants of religious fanatics.
They leaved Europe to build up your cunt.

That's why I have no trust about your churches.

our religion evolved, pope even recognised the principe of evolution.

You don't.

>He thinks the """faith""" that willingly and enthusiastically follows this faggot has any legitimacy whatsoever
Stay cucked, froggy

I'm not Christian and you can be educated and still be a believer. Everyone can the aesthetic beauty of your churches, but your people don't truly love them and its sad.

>but your people don't truly love them
when you see something every day, you end up not seeing it.
Anyway, I don't understand why you say that people here don't truly love them. Besides the habitude, It's pretty false.

Also my English is shit sorry about this.

There's a difference between the pomporous churches you see in the big cities of England, Italy, Spain and France and the village churches. We love the beautiful churches, but simply don't care for the generic stone cross-shaped church, that are everywhere.

>I'm not Christian and you can be educated and still be a believer
Yes, indeed.

I have 15 churches within 2 miles of me

Va te faire enculer pêh.

>I now that Americans are descendants of religious fanatics.

>British economic settlers are religious fanatics

Ahh, pop-culture myths

Yours are smaller so its not fair.

Every town and district has at least one here tbqh

Lol my local priest is secretly a faggot

Tons of churches where I live. Every tiny village has at least one (sometimes 2 because in ages past it was considered liberal as fuck to allow a protestant church in your village).

Isn't christianity pretty much dead in the entire Levant anyway?