wow so this is how linux look like
Wow so this is how linux look like
Other urls found in this thread:
looks comfy desu
why do people purposely style their distros / DE to look like complete shit..?
Different tastes
Because usability > pimped-out 1337 look
Some people actually use their computer, not just look at it, you know.
wow bretty good
is that i3? What status bar is it?
>useless shit on desktop
>useless info in the tray
>pythons helloword
10/10 would be autistic larping teenager again
add conky with some more completely irrelevant stats for the complete experience
I don't think you know what ricing is
These new desktop threads sure are fun.
>use i3
>float windows
Just use Xfce4 if you're not going to use the tiling, idiots.
should I go for pulseaudio or stay on alsa?
it can look like anything you want it to
Don't we already have this thread?
I3 + polybar
Desktop posters want their own desktops to be as visible as possible so they start new threads when old ones are still alive. Exactly why this cancer is banned.
holy memelord
See the uptime. Windows user just booting up his Arch to post in a fetch bread. Sad af.
>high-res antialiased fonts
>basic, 16 color dithered icons
this looks both worse than a modern design DE and a windows 95 themed DE
sorry user
does it looks better now?
Stay on plain alsa
Bozgors get out.
now that's much better
microsoft sans serif would seal the look in my opinion
>microsoft sans serif
Why not Liberation Sans? He can avoid installing those fucked fonts.
well, if they're going for a windows 95 look, why not go all the way?
>so he can avoid installing these fucked fonts
what's wrong with ms sans serif?
I've never seen ms fonts be as pretty as I remember for some reason, so I got all the hate. Not even win95 looks like it was in my childhood, and any font I installed just don't look quite right for some reason.
I had to resort to other retro looking fonts to have the look and feel, but now I hate those fonts with passion.
looks like icewm to me
nothing will ever look or feel like it did during your childhood
ah that's okay, I respect your personal preference user
>not even win95 looks like it was in my childhood
tried running it on a CRT?
Szia domi cica :3
mi a fasz ez fiam?
>muh individualism and self-expression cannot be described by a default desktop
rate my naming conventions Sup Forums
basználak kedves dominik
B-But ricing Arch while using i3 on a Thinkpad is the true Business© experience senpai.
looks like someone reset their computer to lower their RAM usage
are you using the free or proprietary graphics?
desktop threads are back aaaa
Currently the proprietary drivers, but for my first fresh install I've been using the free ones. Honestly, on older Thinkpads, it doesn't really make any particular changes.
stop deleeting my posts please im not ban evading
linux sucks
Are you two the same person?
No it looks like this
Stop pretending you're pedo-Sup Forums, you asshole.
stop being a baka, baka
wow really nailed le anime aesthetic rice starter pack there kiddo, you jerk off to that webm on a loop don't you
>windows 95
>window shadows
Remove the shadows and it will be perfect
Kérlek Dominik fiam, gyere vissza a poojeeet apádhoz, és installáld a windows © 10 ©-et.
gyerek /ka/-ba domi
wallpaper please :)
great, thx m8
that font rendering is a crime against humanity. I thought I remember your desktop being good, why did you change it
its been the same for a year so i doubt it
and actually the font rendering is custom designed
its avant-garde u wouldnt understand
2004 > 2014
What's that monospaced font?