It's dead

>it's dead
What do, now ?

continue using it, because it still works better than any other player does.

mpv / potplayer

this desu


>it's dead
Works fine in my machine.

It's not dead retard

I would like it more if it didn't have the Windows 95 UI.

it's still alive. the "farewell" was just a ploy so they could get more people to contribute

Use mpv

the ui is timeless, minimal, retro but tastefully so.

It's the best looking player

Dumb animeturd shills.

Fork it. It's GPL.

My shortcut still seems to work

I don't watch animu.

Enjoy your botnet

Ive switched to mpv when media player classic was still alive. No regrets.

I'll get on the mpv train 2-4 years from now

When did it stop working? Which OSs are affected?

I still works for me though.

What happened??

I'm gonna rape your juicy boipussy if you don't.

Work on my machine. I hate mpv autistic command line elitist faggots

Do we have to wait 4 years for that? Can't you come over right now

Use potplayer

>he set up mpc-hc for something other than anime
It was all a prank.

It didn't, it's just that some retards think that if something doesn't get updated every 15 minutes it's literally useless and old