Daily reminder Elon Musk is the most representative person in /tech/ living today...

Daily reminder Elon Musk is the most representative person in /tech/ living today, and should be a symbol of Sup Forums instead of the pedo communist RMS

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


>an entrepreneur who masterfully exploits market craze and virtue signalling PR to build a massive business empire is representative of the industry largely consisting of socially retarded high-functioning autists with infantile hobbies

Nice meme.
In the meantime, he built this.
What the fuck did you build, or RMS?
A few lines of C code 30 years ago?

A hardworking and successful entrepreneur instead of an autistic neckbeard with poor hygeine? Are you sure?

>the most representative person in /tech/ living today
>should be a symbol of Sup Forums

>ayy, musk did this

why has Sup Forums never produced quality Musk memes?

It's time to change that

here's one more

Musk confirmed Hair Club for Men member?

And chin club for men?

Musk memes are the dankest memes.

>he built a shitty six figure virtue signaling car under heavy subsidies from the government and rabid investment craze
wow, what an achievement

Go dickride on leddit.

The big 3 US auto companies are all in the top 10 corporate welfare queens list.
Musk paid back a gov loan to get Tesla going 9 years early with interest.

>look at those guys they're just as bad
So what is there to praise about him? He took a massive low-interest loan from the government, used it to build a business in a heavily subsidized industry with great public image and reinvested the IPO gains into expansion and vertically integrated side projects, all the while riding the hype wave to exploit the best and brightest for sheer pennies. He's a brilliant businessman, but absolutely shit innovator.

>americans make shitty cars
wow who would have known?

who did his hair replacement? I need some of that

>What the fuck did you build, or RMS?
Part of the software that runs on it.

Le green guy meme. Reddit gold and spam guaranteed.

if you have to ask, you can't afford it

Musk is a managerial mongol who shits ideas and builds nothing. Such an enrichment for humanity.

I didn't ask how much, I asked who. I can afford it, I just fear them fucking up and getting the doll hair look.

>virtue signaling car
wow, you really wrote those words? I can't wait until the US is the only nation still using oil.so people like you get poorer and die earlier.

can't wait for your e-car to be batterydead

>only nation using oil
gas will be cheap and plentiful

very successful conman

Are you aware that things other than gasoline are made using oil?

Enjoy your cancerous tap water.


enjoy having to wait 60minutes to 24 hours to recharge your 200 mile range
>tfw 5 min fill-up and go

Reminder to ignore what this charlatan, scammer and a welfare queen has to say. He's all about attention whoring and putting himself in the middle of news... because it makes it easier for him to raise money from taxpayers.

>Elon Musk's growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies
>Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell solar panels and launch rockets into space.
>And he's built those companies with the help of billions in government subsidies.

>Can we wean Elon Musk off government support already?
>Perhaps now Elon Musk can finally get his hand out of U.S. taxpayers wallets

>Its Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism
>It has been widely reported that among SolarCity, Tesla, and the rocket company SpaceX, Elon Musks confederacy of interests has gotten at least $4.9 billion in taxpayer support over the past 10 years.
>This is almost half of Musks supposed net worthtaken from the pockets of American citizens and put into companies that can survive only by cannibalizing each other, spending without end, and promising that success is always just beyond the horizon and yet never arrives.

Thunderf00t explains how Musk operates:

1) Take an old idea that was shelved for being impractical
2) Take it and pretend he invented it and it's his
3) Make the bullshit idea even bigger
4) Make a bunch of bullshit CG videos showing the idea in action
5) Raise money from stupid investors and taxpayers
6) Swim in $$$$$$
7) GOTO 1

Totally fucking BTFO!


wean Enron Musk off of government support? He says the government wants him to rebuild PR's electrical grid with solar panels and batteries!

Is this a troll thread or does anyone here actually realize he didn't build any of this shit?

You think he actually designed those rockets or cars, or even the autopilot software at the very least?

Pfff yeah, you could also do it, but that's so under your level to even try. Oh well back to jerking off to cartoons

Sup Forums is too high on his cum right now to realize what level of a conman this guy is.

>all my friends have clitgasms from the liberal news how Elon "will build puetro rico's grid green"
>giving him so much credit
>mfw solar panels were invented in like the 1890s
>lithium ion batteries invented in 1970s
>he's literally putting a plastic case on them and selling them like apple products
>shills just don't get it

who's going to pay for PR's new grid? certainly not PR, ever

>uuh ur dum haha
Go back to /r/futurology, slobbering retard.

the RMS praise is just a meme, newfag

exactly. and im sure the USA already has subs to grid companies and theyll get government funding to build PR's grid again

but im actually not sure on the whole PR-USA relationship, do they actually get federal budgeting?

Shove your dragon dildo deeper for daddy Elon you little good for nothing slut. While he put people on Mars you put things in your butt surrounded by piss bottles. Bitch

its funny bcause it surely isnt my country

>being a subsidy leech is a good thing

Elon is a turbo-commie who's business model relies on govt handouts. Reminder that Tesla has still NEVER returned any profit to anyone.

is rick and morty the new atheism?

No it's the new family guy. Alt-rightism is the new atheism.

I don't like Elon and Tesla, but your retardation is just harmful. Tesla makes around $18k profit on every Model S. Not paying out profits as dividends doesn't actually mean not making profits, my lad.

>doesn't earn cent from spacex

>Capitalist space man
>Turbo commie

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Daily reminder that Musk literally spent over a decade years on and off again with a golddigger and is currently fucking Johnny Depp's sloppy seconds (and also a gold digger), meanwhile RMS is a complete Chad and actually cucked someone.

>everyone butthurt about a wealthy innovator
>still glorify a poor man because they relate to him better because they are poor

>living off government subsidies and investor backings
>being a good capitalist
Pick one. Tesla Motor's problem is that they're not making money.

>fit multibillionaire beloved by tens of millions of yuppies who plays with space toys and electric cars all day long
>flabby fat unkempt autistical freetard viewed as clown by most professionals who spends time eating gunk of his feet

>wealth is the most important thing, no one should be interested in tech unless it involves obscene accumulation of capital
tech bros in 2017, everyone

One is a beta cuck, no matter how much money he spends on his vain as fuck hair transplants. While stealing your tax dollars.

The other is a total Chad and doesn't give a fuck that he's overweight and unkempt and drops truthbombs everywhere. Also, he doesn't steal your tax money.

>Richard Stallman is a pedophile communist

Substantiate your claims.

See Accumulation of wealth isn't even a good argument, as Tesla Inc is actually losing money.

>le cuck
>le chad
It must be tough growing up poor and retarded.

See You're placing all your money on a so-called "visionary" that lives off investor money and government subsidies. At least Stallman puts his money where his mouth is and doesn't money on silly things like dates with movie stars and hair transplants.



Money is the motive for virtually everything. Get used to it pleb.

>be elon musk
>ugly mongol face
>start company
>name it after the key innovator of electric power INFRASTRUCTURE
>build battery driven cuck autoMOBILES

>meanwhile RMS is a complete Chad
The faggot that literally refused "Netflix and chill" since Netflix was proprietary, and grumbles how it'd be nice to have a gf, since he's a lonely old man?

Ah yes, a rolemodel for us all.

What has he actually designed recently?

Take for example his rusty pipe project, he outsourced it on a design competition where winners get literally nothing and Musk gets to keep the design and any hypothetical profit he could make out of them in the future (which ended up being nothing).

>be Enron Musk
>start ponzi scheme wrapped in a tech company
closer to the truth

GNU is the most libertarian thing in IT right now, despite what RMS thinks about it.

The only thing Elon Musk is good at is tricking investors into throwing their money away.


The dude has engaged in literal orgies and frequently hook up with a married chick.

And your proof is?

>not understanding how cashflows work
>not understanding how investing works
>conflating gross profit and EBITDA
Again, I don't like Elon, his personality cult or Tesla in any measure whatsoever, but your raging lack of basic economic understanding and autistic insistence to engage on topic you're clearly too dumb to understand is just embarrassing. Please visit Econ 101 when you get to college in a couple years and stop gracing us with your retardation.

>currently fucking Johnny Depp's sloppy seconds
He break up with that semen tank.

>2016 Net operating cash flow ($123.83M)
>2016 Net investing cash flow ($1.21B)

Jane, you ignorant slut: marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tsla/financials/cash-flow

you don't have to be smart to 'trick' investors most of them are so dumb you can just tip them off to something and they'll follow like sheep to the slaughter

>muh cashflows and muh 'vesting'
Tesla is losing money and it is wasting your tax dollars. They frequently struggle with delivering on their promises. This is a fact.


>you don't have to be smart to 'trick' investors most of them are so dumb you can just tip them off to something and they'll follow like sheep to the slaughter
Which explains why you are a poor autist neeting on a cantonese basketweaving forum.

>2016 Free Cash Flow ($1.56B)
Whew. $MU will have positive FCF of over $5B this year and their market cap is 33% less than TSLA.

>video from a shitty conspiracy theorist on youtube
>meanwhile Elon is actually making rockets

>I don't understand basic econ and GAAP but the adding a meme arrow and "muh" is an argument anyways
>Tesla is losing money

why do you assume s/he's poor? don't project, faggot

Bracing for meme pic reply that doesn't actually refute argument

>muh basic econ

Elon is a beta though

>plastic surgery
>marrying Hollywood sluts

While RMS is a pretty cool guy who doesn't care what people think.


>conservatives ever being right about technological progress
There's a reason the divide is between conservatives and progressives. Technological progress happens everyday. Conservatives are NEVER right about any of their tech predictions because they all predict anything new will fail due to their belief that old technology is the only way to go.

>the government should just literally throw money at a guy because MUH SOLAR ENERGY even though solar is a pipe dream

I never understand why the left is so anti-scientific when it comes to nuclear power and why they keep on insisting on wind- and solar power, despite it having been long proven inviable.

>I have no actual argument so here's a rant from another retard who calls subsidies "crony capitalism"

>companies should receive government handouts while people should just starve and remain homeless and jobless

>long proven inviable

>promisse turn mars in aqua
Fuck you, Elon.

>Tax rebates and grants ANY business can apply for is "stolen taxpayer money"
>Tax rebates for citizen that invest in solar are somehow Elon taking taxpayer money
>Apparently only giga rich people can afford a 70-40K car
>Doesn't mention at ALL that all of the non tax rebate component has been paid back
>90% of the article isn't even about tax money, just 'WAAAHH ELON MUSK IS A GOMMIE HE ONLY LANDED A REUSABLE ROCKET TWICE'

Nice article bro. Just for fun though, what argument did you actually want to make with that article?

I'm not a Sup Forumslack. Most Sup Forumstards are anti nuclear because they believe it turn the friggin frogs gay.

nice repost mr reddit

most of Sup Forums seems to be into unironically into no making money

>I'm not a Sup Forumslack

that's funny, Enron Musk is also not into making money

>thinking wealth = money
>thinking there are no political motives anywhere
>thinking spacex is anything besides a perfunctory institution set up for the government to have somewhere to park their idle NASA engineers while they have nothing else real to work on

>I'm ignorant to the point I don't understand basic macroeconomics and make retardedly infantile emotional straw man appeals
People are not starving in first world. And yes, governments should incentivize prospective important industries to keep the economy competitive on the world arena. A better question is why are you so vehemently and autistically against subsidizing the future of transportation (ie EV overall, not Tesla alon), yet don't mind trillions of subsidies to oil industry which makes profit hand over fist.

I'm not. Not everyone with views slightly right of you are literally Hitler. Grow up.

>People are not starving in first world

4000 people starved to death in the US last year according to UNESCO.

doing their part to conserve the environment, thank you eco-friendly dead-anons