What's your working/coding fuel of choice Sup Forums?

What's your working/coding fuel of choice Sup Forums?


White Sips

I get 8 hours of sleep a day so I don't need stimulants, manage your time better



t. addict

Anything besides black coffee is for nu-males and script kiddies.

Says the oxidane addict.


>taking this amount of pride in drinking black coffee

Keeping your brain hydrated is the best performance enhancement

apple juice

>Shitting up perfectly good caffiene with sugar and cream

Buy better beans/grounds, get better coffee. Even the cheapest grocery stores have some decent options.

I'm bulking.

Jesus christ almightly.

red wine and ciggies

how is that legal


Enjoy your diabetes

That's a big bucket of genetics

Oh whatever

>faggot junkie trying to justify illicit drug use by comparing it to water
wew lad

t. sick demented perverted freak who's in love with his sister

Considering the beverage he's drinking, I have reason to believe that's a water color paining of you


>that one rebullcuck

>38 grams protein


Coffee or a gallon of iced tea

note how they don't give the percentage for the sugar

weed. i think i have written the most clean code when i was pretty high

I sustain myself with the blood of the innocent.

American labels didn't have % sugar at the screenshot was taken. Now it's required by the FDA I think.

No white sips? Lame poll faggot

wtf is that? horse cum?

>drinking coffee
>drinking energy drinks
>drinking the caffeine jew
>not getting good sleep, wokring out, and drinking water

>no tea
what is wrong with you?

Not European/gay

took you long enough britcuck

Pu'er/white tea.
Superior to coffee in every ways.