Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I found this iPhone. No idea who the owner is, had the phone for a week, no one called it, or texted it.

It’s sill registered to the Verizon, how can I restore it?

Give it back, Jamal.

Give it back user

Is this a 6?

You can't steal iPhones you dumb ape. Return it and get a job so you can buy one. Even if you manage to reset it, you will still need the iCloud password - which you don't have.

Restore it to it's previous owner

Just open it up and sell the parts.


Why, it’s fully functional

I think I bricked it.

How do I get this thing to safe mode?

And people pay good money for fully functional parts.
Thanks to Apple refusing to sell replacement parts to third-party repair shops, you can make some dosh that way.

idk i think there are some chink shops that can reset stolen iphones by fucking with the hardware. Not something you can do at home tho. Google it I'm sure you'll find something.

Dude, you can't restore the phone you dumb ape. You need the iCloud password.


nigger confimed

Pretty sure I can.

Downloading latest iOS now via iTunes.

Checked. Good luck op

No, you literally can't. You'll still need the original info.
>babbys first iPhone

No you can't. Stop wasting your time, give it back to its owner and apply for a job, Jamal

Lets hope you can't restore it

Give it back, Jamal

Huh. This iPhone just restarted while it was connected to my pc, and unlocked itself.

Guess I’ll see who the phone belongs to

How is this possible Sup Forums?
Is OP lying for attention?



give it back tyrone

It’s a company phone with Citrix software. I think they tried to remotely wipe it, or unlock it or something cause it just booted up, and the Citrix app unauthorized itself.

I’ll wait if someone tries to call it, the two text messages are spam, and a bunch of incoming spam calls too. No identifiers other than some weird AD pc name on it.

If this is a company phon, I don’t think anyone will try to claim it. It has no personal data on it other than some apps.

Sup Forums BTFO !!!



oh shit tyrone actually did it, he cracked apples security. steve jobs died for this

A+++ trolling DeShawn!


Fake news


See that arrow next to the % charged?

That mean location services are being used.

people don't lie on the internet

Give it back, Jaquarium.

I hope they will find and arrest jamal


How fucked am I? The icon isn’t there anymore

I guess icuck wasn't configured on that thing

I open these threads just to read these messages

give it to the damn police you fucking nigger

not really. put the phone in download mode and restore it via itunes. this deletes everything on the phone but you can use it as new

uhm? retard you need the account info for itunes

>Even if you manage to reset it, you will still need the iCloud password - which you don't have.
This is incorrect. I reset an Iphone 4s I bought at an auction that was unlocked and was able to use my own AppleID to install apps to the phone.

Most companies don't allow two factor authentication cause if you forget your password, you can't reset the Apple ID for like 2 weeks. Shit is retarded.

jesus christ shut the fuck up if you never stole an iPhone I know what I'm saying because I do this every time

Spoiler alert. It was his all along.

Hahaha. Yeah okay Jamal. Whatever you say

More than likely.
OP just wanted the attention.

You dumb fuck. That just means the user didn't setup iCloud on it before, which is pretty much unheard of in recent years.

give it back, LeDarion

Tbh OP that's what you get for asking Sup Forums of all websites.

>be user
>update to ios 11
>phone slows to a crawl
>decide to restore phone
>have an idea to make an ebin meme on Sup Forums
the post


Boy it sure seems like a lot of people on Sup Forums randomly "find" iphones lying around all the time.

Nice dubs Jamal.