Which language should I learn? Python seems like an efficient and powerful scripting language while Java looks like it would be great for software development. Any recommendations?
Python versus Java
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java is slightly less sjw friendly
I guess I should have added that I'm interested in software dev
>decisions are ultimately made by a single white male
>more sjw friendly than java
Java has more job prospects. Python is easier to learn and write.
If you live on the east coast I would say Java for sure. Python seems to only be used on west coast or in machine learning.
Both are extremely valuable. If you're serious about software development, you'll eventually learn both. Flip a coin and get to work.
what is it with pajeets and language competitions
all languages are created to fulfill their own role
if you can't understand this basic premise, hop onto an easier industry like packaging
I used to hate Java, but once I finally tried it I found it's really coherent well thought out language. Sure, you'll miss a few features, but the APIs are stable and the semantics are crystal clear and there is a ton of good infrastructure built around it.
The only problem I see is that a lot of very obtuse frameworks have sprung up around it, but you don't need that to build good software.
> white males cant be sjws
java is the superior language of business. Python is used by academics who are in general a cult of brainwashed leftists
>coherent well thought out languag
>literally labels himself as a dictator
>brainwashed leftist
You got it right, user. Java is designed for commercial software developement while Python is great for writing small scripts or programs by yourself.
so the question is what path to take. commercial development or programming small scripts
All programming languages are scripting languages.
>commercial development doesn't require small scripts
The real answer is: you learn both.
>dictators cant be leftist
That's not the sjw kind of lefist.
and real socialism has never been tried
Learning java you can write portable software in any other languaje like kotlin, cloujure, prolog, ...etc
There was a time I used python to test small stuff but has no sense now that I am a mature Java programmer I have a big list of libraries including mines to attack many problems easy.
Python is like javascript with constrained syntax.
both are very useful
>Python is like javascript with constrained syntax.
Granted, it's a bit slow on the uptake for new features, but look what that kind of headless tacking on everything and the kitchen sink has done to more ad-hoc constructed languages like Python. They had to sort out an awful lot of past bad decisions in Python 3, breaking compatibility, and as a result hardly anyone uses it. Sure, keep it around for legacy apps, but where I work they had started a project just last year, and it was still Python 2.
>as a result hardly anyone uses it
Every relevant library is compatible with the latest version of Python.
>they had started a project just last year, and it was still Python 2.
I recommend finding a new job. There is no reason to use Python 2 for new projects.
Learn both
As a beginner, would you recommend it? It seems like a lot to handle if I'm just starting off.
Java, C#, and Python are all garbage.
no, the best language to start always gonna be C why?
>lets you understand a lot about how memory and process works
>If you learn C you can write code not only for PC but tiny microcontrollers.
You could do the same in C++ but is bloated af.
>I recommend finding a new job. There is no reason to use Python 2 for new projects.
I managed to get it shut down and replaced by something written in Kotlin.
Then what is not garbage
this was made an absolute retard LARP'ing as a programmer
so potentially 60% of Sup Forums
most languages arent straight up garbage. its all a matter of comfort and what u have to do
haskell, prolog, lisp
python will suck your dick and cuddle with you
java will shit beans on your face and force you to do factory work
>prepackaged whipping cream and condensed milk
you can tell a retarded Sup Forums cfaggot made this
Python, Bash, C, and Assembly in that order
>muh superior language
any simple challenges for Java?
The real fucking problem is that big software libaries on machines nowadays still use Python2. It's a joke that my Ubuntu machine even comes preinstalled with Python 2 so that older shit libraries can continue to run. Especially manually changing my python version on every new machine I come into. I've just resorted to calling it with python3 instead of trying to create aliases or configure the proper default python version.
It actually boggles my mind why so much shit was deprecated from 2 to 3. There is almost 0 backwards compatibility from 2 to 3. It's insane--they just expect everyone to just either stay with old shit or to kick everything into overdrive for the next month while they rebuild the entire app from scratch.
Since i have programmed in both, i would suggest starting with python. It is very efficient code-wise (no need to write excessive amounts of code). Java is good for larger projects.
I would ultimately reccommend Python as a starter language, then go to Java. Then go to Julia because it is better than both of them.
They're used for very different things. If you want to become a dev, stuff like Java and C++ should be your picks. However, if you want to be a sysadmin, Python, Perl, or some other scripting language would serve you well, but you'd have to learn some other things too, such as Linux administration, basic networking, and such.
My advice? Start learning asap. No matter your choice, there's a lot to learn.
C and C++. They've been proven to run faster than languages like Ruby, Java, Python, and a lot others, even in graphics. How many fucking video and photo editors are made in Python or Java? None, because they're slow as fuck. The reasons so many people push it on here is because 1/2 of Sup Forums is underage and Python is an easy, accessible language when it comes to developing shit they like like games or minecraft ripoffs or whatever
the real problem is that all you dumbasses sit in your rooms all day making programs like to-do lists, random libraries for solving obscure problems, or something equally dumb instead of just finding a real problem and getting a solution for it.
There is no superior language. Whatever gets the job done is all that matters. No one gives a shit if your app runs off Python or Java, it just needs to work and it needs to work well. You can write a shitty Python app or you can write a shitty Java app--both are shitty because the end product doesn't work.
I agree with you, sir.
Beautifully spoken.
you're a total idiot. sometimes productivity is more important than speed
Recommendation is learn both and more, but just start with either.
I don't even like Python and I much prefer Scala over Java. Its still sometimes necessary to know Python or Java.
Python is nice scripting, but Java wins for actual software. Mainly because of the static type system and speed.
But C and C++ are two of the most productive languages out there? They're both more expansive than Ruby and Python and their speed edges out Java significantly.
are u dumb
you're a fucking idiot
large scale production you save more time by importing whatever python module than you do from the slightly improved runtime of writing it from scratch in C
unless whatever you're doing is super speed critical or will literally be run millions of times (I develop probabilistic models so Im talking about things like inverting huge matrices) it is a complete waste of effort to code something in C if a library exists in python
suits want results fast
shush, both of you.
The minimalistic coding of python with the performance of C and C++
thank me later.
>it is a complete waste of effort to code something in C if a library exists in python
gee python sure sounds like one of those basic extremely high level building block style "programming languages" that they teach kids in middle school
oh wait that's exactly what python is i forgot
>The minimalistic coding of python
people use python because you can
import solution
Who cares?
python is shit.
C is much more minimalistic than python.
Java's OOP implementation is superior to Python's. Also the python community is awful.
>its simple so it must be bad
> slow as fuck
No, Java is not slow as fuck, it's widely used where performance is critical -particularly when a distributed system with a shitload of storage or processing power or such needs to be fast and resilient.
Video editors? Lel, the JVM runs the performance critical shit in behemoths like Twitter and Netflix... but also hundreds of other big companies (both custom solutions and those based on widely used frameworks like Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, Elasticsearch and many more, plus the actually also pretty big data crunching J2EE fossils).
C/C++ is only like 2% faster than Java.
people use java because you can
copy and paste
python is nice, it gives the illusion to unskilled people to feel they coding when they are actually only using libraries as a program.
and C/C++ is 0.1% faster than Julia.
Firthermore Julia outperforms C/C++ in many instances.
Check it out you fags, Julia is a language as beautiful as her name.
no dude, you are describing python, java tends to be extremelly verbose so its self explanatory so documentation doesnt encourages you to copy paste examples as python and javascript.
I was clearly talking about application, not servers. Seeing people use Java and C# for anything other than servers or web is painful, to say the least. In fact I'm pretty sure both of those languages were specifically build for server side application and scripting and not actual programs.
It has a lot of libraries and whatever the fuck modules are so it must be good? Not sure I'm getting your logic here.
that's wrong tho
>broken english
>defending java
quelle surprise!
OMG this really proofs that python devs and community is retarded, how is python so old and still slow, seems that javascript engines developers are much more serious and smart people.
who cares english is not my primary language.
¿cuántos lenguajes hablas pinche pendejo?
kiam da lingvoj vi parolas?
>video and photo editors
Aren't even really performance critical. Most artfags even seem to use utterly shitty Adobe software there.
> your boss asks you to write a program to do x
> you start programming your solution in C
> meanwhile pajeet has imported the solution
> they ultimately generate the same results
> your C version will save them time after 5 years of constantly running the program, accounting for your dev time
the most important part, on research fields pajeets and pythom import-fags can't do a shit.
learn java. python is slow, and its a bash replacement that got out of control, only really useful in some data sciences.
>programming language vs scripting language
I see what you did there
>and its a bash replacement that got out of control,
actually this is true.
>dynamic programming
>and a dead language
just whatever you do op, don't learn that shit. contribute to its death by not giving a fuck.
Maybe your English would be better if you hadn't wasted your time learning fucking Esperanto, you disgusting third-world faggot.
dude stop your shit are you a female?, all scripting languages are programming languages.
who fucking cares people can understand what I said also if you are as smart as you claim to be, you could correct my grammar instead just claiming is bad otherwise I think is perfect and efficent, is my version of english.
>muh compiler tho
>your boss
Found the wagecuck faggot lmfao
>pushing inferior products out there because they can be made faster
Found the silicon valley millenial venture capitalist immigrant lmfao
>will ultimately generate the same results
Found the delusional Python shill lmfao
>friend is a python programmer
>is making a calculator
>I ask, "what's with all the arrays?"
>he replies, "making it cool"
fuck off communist and take your retarded economic model with you
>superior language of business.
you mean the syntax is like meetings. 90% composed of unecessary bullshit coontent
python is used very much in academia, try again
Jesus fuck why is everything MUH SJWs
because they have to force their politics into everything
this is the backlash
ok faggets, why Instead complaining about languages we don't create one.
Lets start picking all the good things from other languages, first I would start grabbing all from javascript.
>interpreted language
>I used to hate Java, but once I finally tried it I found it's really coherent well thought out language.
It's a terrible language for a beginner since so much of what you use is obfuscated magic.
Here's a nice example
just the idea of this functionality implemented this way should scream retardation
>He doesnt know about racist physicists & chemists.
Pure functional programming language without a garbage collector.
Yeah man identity politics are dumb that's why I support white male identity politics instead. Fucking sjws.
are you serious?, using as an example a high level api?
in that case python is much more terrible because even simple loops using range is obfuscate magic , persistance using thinks like pickle, python implementations are so slow by itself that people ends using numpy which is an extreme layer of obfuscated.
The only languages that has less level of obfuscation are C and C++
>Pure functional programming language without a garbage collector.
I like the idea, but needs to be minimalistic not bloated as fuck as haskell and without shitty (((())))) as lisp.
Sorry but functional languages will always have bloated syntax (unless you want to incorporate whitespace.)
Use ML syntax.
This must be a troll.
Mods do something.