What is the best color scheme for programming and why is it solarized light?
Color schemes
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I like oceanic with a less bluish background
which front is that?
Fira Code
Are you sure this is Oceanic in your screenshot? I just installed it in sublime text and it looks vastly different
its called oceanic next
but, I've changed the background to a neutral dark gray
thanks, that looks better
is that atom?
yeah, its shit though.. but so is VSC too. I'm switching between them, but honestly, they are both shit.
Aren't both of them made with that bloated electron piece of shit?
Just use textadept instead.
How do you force yourself to stick with a new color scheme, I always end up going back to this one.
Are you ok?
Looks pretty nice
this would trigger my OCD though, I would have to put the indent backround to blue, or the mainbackgroudn to dark grey
base16 ocean
>he doesn't use bimbo
excuse me???
So you want a different background for the line numbers, the indent margin and the main code window, correct?
wot m8?
can someone spoonfeed me a pitch black background color screen for sublime
gotchu covered fampai
no, it has to be same colour (it could be different shade)
for example, this atom theme takes the syntax background and uses it for the entire ui
How do you get all of this extra shit on the right and the bottom?
Way too many fucking colors
->vim mode
and similar
hows dis?
The alpha and omega of fonts: DejaVu Sans Mono.
>all these fucking colors
Is your attention span so fucking short that you constantly need to be reminded what is a keyword and what is a variable?
l> iterally no nodeJS debugger in any thing but VSCode and Webstorm.
surely better than before lol, but ignore me.. if it doesnt annoy you, put it however you want.
>thre is one in chrome canary though (I find its the best one)
>wot m8?
can you hook that up to any text editor?
nigga that shit looks awful
>he doesn't have ADHD
what are you even doing here?
>easily readable proper color application
>colorful enough to keep autist attention
be gone thot
>no vim or emacs
Jeez I can understand no vim but somebody has to be using emacs.
posting just for you
Why do people hate contrast?
wtf how do I make emacs look like that
Thanks user.
>anything light
Not edgy enough. Also eye don't like my eyes getting raped.
Visual studio's dark theme is the best I ever used
>B I M B O
A man with taste I see. Except for that trashy font.
Is this Sublime?
upload the font somewhere
Is this background color a good fit?
Monokai dark
Idiots use light backgrounds
As long as it's dark
Sometimes when I work outside a light high-contrast theme works better
how can you hate your eyes so badly that you use a light scheme?
i use sunburst, default one from sublime text.
best programming font?
no u
used to do dark themes, but as of late been using more lighter ones. also trying to stop doing stuff late at night, but even then redshift helps negate eyes burning past the sunset
>not dark solarized
It's like taking a delicious cake and smearing shit all over it.
Solarized was design to have the same contrast as reading a book outside.
Oh, and so you don’t burn your eyes out of your heading when you stare at the screen for 15 hours straight.
Just the decent coders.
Use the package manager to install solarized. The use the package manager to find one of the zillion file tree plugins.
I would’t bother though, get used to using iswitch properly and you won’t need it and can save screen real estate for something else.
i guess i'm so used to dark screen that it's more comfortable for me even during daylight
>not using moe theme
>hey user, that's a color scheme, what's it called?
>uhh, m-moe theme
>oh cool gonna google it
>*sees this weabo shit*
>uhhh, ok user
post your scheme you anime faggot
Vim Jellybeans is nice.
>no scheme
>no syntax highlighting
2 beer and some wagner
What font?
pure black on white is the only way. colorschemes are for brainlets.
found the LARPer
t.never coded a complete program
>being this retarded
>t. brainlets