C Sharp is the best general purpose language

C Sharp is the best general purpose language.


it literally is though

that would be Kotlin

Go away Jetbrains.

Fuck off Microsoft.

It is. Need a quick demo or proof of concept? Just throw some shit together in VS and voila.

Hell I bet you could use intellisense to write a complete project just by hitting tab.

What is?

yes it is. unless you need something \w high performance then you fall back to C

>not buying a banner to promote your shit

>general purpose
That's called java.
That's called electron or python.

Linux support is still meh.

I mentioned this language to a mobile developer and he hadn't even heard of it. Fuck off shill.

>multi platform cancer
>web lang cancer
>whitespace cancer

There is no *best* language. C# is pretty neat when you want to throw together a quick project, certainly much better than something like C.

My go to language for stuff like that is usually JS with Node, but I suppose that's because I have other requirements.

C# have become amazing lately. It is extremely good and is improving.

Namaste my friend.

what kind of an argument is that? op said "best", not "most popular". also you have to be pretty fucking clueless as a mobile developer to not have heard about kotlin. it's one of the 3 languages with first-class support on android.
you have to do better than that micropajeet

C# really is good but dotnet core is still really buggy.


Still better than microshart cancer.

yeah, no

C# is just an inconsistent and bloated Java.

its my favorite language, no matter what i do when i come back to c# it feels like home turf, and its just so god damn comfy. i think its the swiss knife of programming. i just really wish dotnet core would get more love.

What about Java

Python > Java > C#

C# with less features

if Java had better generics and inner classes weren't fucked, it would be superior

C# with much better ecosystem

is it good enough to get me a job?

Yes. ez.