/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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>Rust doesn't even have linear types
What a shitshow

Writing a new OS.

Linear types are snake oil.


>assining variable causes print to fail
So this is the power of nu-male language.

>my hello world program is memory-safe!!
Daily reminder that Rust is a language designed for fizzbuzzers. Enjoy performance degradation and excessive verbosity any time you go beyond immutable tree structures.

Yay it works

How come rustfags can never give me a non-trivial example of how rust can prevent C memory problems?
Every single issue they bring up is day-one C tutorial shit.
Of course you don't start writing to an uninitialized pointer.
Of course you don't write the end of an array unless you like pain.
Of course you shouldn't pass strings with no null terminator unless you like undefined behavior.

what u wrote this in? Looks nice.

bcz tha rust ppl should be killed fuck those niggaz
they want to hurt my people

C++ with SFML

whats your endgame tripfag

> causes print to fail
Causes compile error, actually.
>several threads later, he still can't comprehend how borrow check and RefCell work
Just stick with C, m8.
>C is easy, just don't make errors!
Wow, nice idea, I wonder why no one explained it to all these professional C programmers putting bugs, leaks, and vulnerabilities in every C project.

any math book worth to read?

I dont do rust but wouldnt it be nice if there was an artificial intelligence robot software that could automatically catch those errors without repetitive manual testing?

I have noticed an influx of namefags recently.

>/psy/mon|1X - 1|/sci/mon
>2pac winapi soldja
If you see these names or any other name-fags, make sure to call them a faggot and make them leave. They are plebiscites from redit. If they have a trip-code then it is even worse.

I know Rust better than you do, fizzbuzzer. Come back when you have some defense against the fact that you suffer from performance degradation and excessive verbosity any time you go beyond immutable tree structures in Rust.

d = {0 : 0}
for i in range(1, 100): dict.update({i : i * i})

Basic task shit. Is it the only way?

What ide text editor do you use looks like visual studio 2012+ anyways good job! Would be cool to remake it with pure winapi for tha drawing part. I mean not really just I would find it cool...

oh why can't fantasy become reality?

Rust is a solution in search of a problem.
Nobody will ever use it because any non-trivial rust program becomes to resemble C++ and it's insane nested template hell.

>in every C project
citation needed

To take back tha streets
I need to take back tha streets from the rust/pthon/java... fags and fake ass niggaz

{i: i * i for i in range(0, 100)}

fuck rust only fake ass niggaz use it oldschool for life fuck these patricidal niggaz. Rust fags aint into system prog. so they pretend they don't use our tools cuz they too clever or what not. I see trew ur smoke and mirrurs I SEE YA

no, there are many other ways.
unfortunately this breaks the zen of python, yet another reason why python is such a shit language.

I'm starting with my news aggregator project.

Brainlet detected

I'm gonna create a sales point program on rust with a good looking GUI, this will be my first "big" project on Rust and I was wondering if you guys may have some resources I could check, specially for connecting to a database in Rust and using gtk, thanks beforehand.

Hi guys.

I'm interested in developing software that interfaces with various websites (probably api data?), collects their data, produces a spreadsheet/model, then can use that model to engage in real world transactions

IE trading software that will follow my own ideas of what is profitable and not, based on past information

I know very little python, and am learning Racket at my university now (the intro CS classes all teach you racket, it's supposed to be "intuitive" or something).

Is there a language that might mesh especially well with what I'm trying to get involved in?

In addition, are there any legitimate companies or positions of employment that knowledge related to this sort of project might appeal to?

Thanks guys.

decide what my project will be
it has to use:
preferably swing, java fx is also possible
some kind of collection
some kind of serialization
and JUnit

I was thinking about a shitty multiplayer tic-tack-toe, but other ideas are welcome

>sales point program
You mean scraping or actually using an api? If you mean scraping just learn about HTTP and parsing XML or rather HTML. Many different technologies can be used for this.

Looks nice. Thanks.

Does documentation count?

What are some good licenses?
I kinda want to forbid big corps to use my code, at least on paper. On the other hand, individuals should be free to use it

>want to forbid big corps to use my code

GPL doesn't have any policies that prevent corporations from using your code, but in real world usage, no corporation wants to touch GPL, AGPL, or LGPL code under any circumstances because it's a legal can of worms and there's no shortage of MIT/BSD licensed cuck projects to copy and paste from into your proprietary product without having to contribute upstream, make your product open source, or even give them attribution rights.

genuinley shit
Useful for learning, great for writing small programs and for ez pz back end modification on the fly. Great if you want to make baby's first calculator.
Genuinely a good language. Sup Forumstards don't know what they're missing. Not as cood as C by comparison, but definitely better than python or rust for larger scale projects.

I would recommend Julia.

>all these professional

GPL allows megacorps to run your software on their servers as long as they dont distribute the binaries. For example, if you write a spam filtering tool in Haskell and release it under GPL, Facebook is free to use it to filter spam on their servers.

What's wrong with trying to make a sales point?

desu I don't mind java I just hate java programmers and their culture same thing as python even though unlinke java I have never used this lang.

idk can't you make a more interesting personal project also why in rust for a sales point... this is shit code monkeys wrote in asp not asp.net back in the day really boring shit.

and when corporations pick the cuck project to use, they often will contribute to the cuck project for free or will throw money at the devs because they're now invested in the project's survival

>in Haskell
don't tell me you're also vegan

How many lines of code did sony contribute to freebsd because their whole OS and network stack is built on freebsd?
This happens all across the board.
Corporations see "open source" as free code that nerds wrote that we can steal with no effort.
They can even relicense the code, which is what happens 99% of the time.

*ps3, ps4 OS and network stack

Java is a terrible language.

I don't have an opinion on Java programmers.

I know it's really boring but it's not really a personal project, it's a final project for my Introduction to databases class to make a small salespoint, I could probably do it with Java in like, a month or so with all the requirements, but I want to experience a real challenge, so I picked rust, the deadline is in "mid-december" so there's plenty of space for learning the language.

Open source is truly free, unlike free software!

It happens all the time. Corporations also open source projects they built using their own money, like React.

I don't program in java anymore but I remember back in the day it was great for learning programming to a certain extent it's also good for beginners bcz the huge library they have.

write it in Visual C++ if you want to do something different with some COM if you want the corporate slave (TM) experience.

>back in the day it was great for learning programming to a certain extent
Back in the day it didn't even have generics, so it cannot have been great for learning programming.

yeah, that's why the BSDs have such great hardware support compared to the GPL licensed kernel ;^) those corps sure like to contribute!

Is C# a good starting language?

Sure I guess.

>free software is not free
t. brainlet

Yeah, C# is definitely one of the better beginner languages. Has syntax familiar to other languages with tons of Just Works™ stuff built-in.

Here's a good book for beginners; there's a free PDF on the page + samples:

Well I used it back in 2005 with java 5 and it had them so fuck you fake ass nigga.
It's ok better to stick with a C syntax language anyways just make sure to evolve to a serious language later.

>can't separate a label with the actual meaning

Just because I claim my ballsack is free (as in freedom) doesn't make it represent freedom any more than the ballsack of the guy sitting next to me.

Any OOP language is a bad starting language. If infuses the beginner's learning experience with pointless distractions (classes, objects, methods, inheritance and other memes) and ideological propaganda.

It sounds paradoxical, doesn't it? But free software places restrictions on what you can do with it, so how can it possibly be free?

>classes, objects, methods, inheritance and other
It's painfully obvious that you're a beginner trying to parrot Sup Forums memes by your choice of words here.

>just because I'm mentally ill it's proof everyone is
how can you be so dumb?

any high level language will give you pointless distractions. As a beginner I remember I would ignore this even though I wished I has started with C not java.

>learning programming
>the first thing you get hit with is public static void main(String[] args)

Those restrictions only affect you if you try to deny your users their software freedoms.
You take GPL software, and you put it into a proprietary project.
You are denying users the same rights the original project afforded you, and you are now in violation of the GPL.

>your choice of words
So what's the proper choice of words to refer to classes, objects, methods, inheritance and other OOP memes, fucktard?

>free software places restrictions
you're confused; the copyright laws place the restrictions

how is this different then being hit with
int main(int argc, char **argv);

thank you so much.

I really want to get off the ground with programming. it's the future

Did I say C/C++ was any better for learning programming?

>any high level language will give you pointless distractions
Not every high-level language constantly shoves in your face its highly specific idea of how code should be organized.

>it's the future
I'm not saying you're wrong, but this is a silly thing to say past the year of 1989 or so. Programming already "is".

int main() is quite easy to swallow as a mantra you're just supposed to accept right off the bat.
public class Hello World { public static void main(String[] args) not so much.

Don't worry to much with OOP (class keyword etc...) for the start just focus on basic control flow learning about arrays...
what do you suggest a language without a main function? This will give you too many bad habits programmers who start with python always suck.

>free software
>what you
The "free" refers to the software, not you; that's why it's called "free software" instead of "freely usable software". Come on, this is basic logic.

yes you are correct and I do think C is the best beginner language but I think most beginners will not think too much this and will just start writing code in any main function.

it's the present

Best C book?

Literally worse than Java/JavaScript.

I think entry points should be low priority compared to variables, functions, conditionals, loops, ...

C's great for a first language

>int main()
>is quite easy to swallow
>and I do think C is the best
That's C++ tho, not C.

just read the C and UNIX bible by it's creators
yes they should just ignore it at the beginning see it as this is where I write my code and that's it
C and C++ have the same entry point silly

int main() is a valid declaration in C or C++

and before someone corrects me I mean classic entry point of course it can have many different ones depending on your platform and type of thing you build (DllMain...)

>C and C++ have the same entry point
they can, but "int main()" is not it
how about your read some more about those languages instead of being an ignorant?

>Playing around in C++
>Deciding to make a little CL program that calculates primes
>/comfy/ because you can do all the efficient unsafe hacky shit, Java pleb never got to know before
>Can check up to 10mil for primes in like a minute on my 6700k
>Google "efficient prime algorithm" and find 'Sieve of Atkin' used in primegen by D. J. Bernstein that can check the first billion for primes in 8 seconds on a god damn Pentium II-350


You are right, I should already do debugger.

>int main() is a valid declaration in C or C++
read the std

We're in tha real world faggot in visual studio you can uze int main with cpp u dumb fuckz

actially. i think this will return false in java?

Does this book have everything one would need to know C?

besides modern style

"How to solve it" is top tier for brainlets.
I would recommend people who are "bad" at math reading it first.

Daily reminder if you don't program reactively then you're a bad developer.

>akari no sievu
sasuga akari chan, inventing new c algorithms

>you can uze int main with cpp
of course, that's what we said, why are you repeating it? are you retarded by any chance?