>Android will never be as smooth as iOS
>iOS will never run on phones with extreme strong specs
I wish we could have both
Android will never be as smooth as iOS
Other urls found in this thread:
iPhones don't have strong specs?
Neither of those statements make sense. Get your shit together OP.
We already do.
Oneplus 5: youtu.be
Note 8: youtu.be
Note 8 isn't for everyone though, it's almost 2X as expensive as the OP5.
droidheads seem to think RAM is the main piece of hardware that matters on a phone
3gbs of ram is not enough, you know it.
Thats the main reason iPhone 8s loses to the newest top of the line androids
>Android will never be as smooth as iOS.
True, but they aren't far behind. Right now I think they just lack polish due to manufacturers and Google not caring too much about user experience and animations. That's why I love iPhone. They realize that the user needs visual feedback first and foremost when interacting with a touch interface.
>iOS will never run on phones with exempt strong specs
Wat? You are aware that apples chipsets blow the best of Qualcomms chips out of the water, right? And because their OS is written from the ground up for their own hardware, it is really well optimized for memory usage.
Android has now officially exceeded iOS performance.
iPhone 7 is about a year older but it still performs better at intense committing tasks.
Besides, that's not what I was referring to. We're talking smoothness and User Ex. Android tends to stutter and lag or simply lack animations to certain apps leaving you with that ugly jittering feeling where you wonder if you made contact or not and hinders practical day to day usage.
But I gotta admit, that 1+5 is a killer, especially for the price.
>iOS will never run on phones with extreme strong specs
What do you mean? iPhone specs run the iPhone's OS very well. Do you require something else?
What about the iPhone 8 plus losing to the note?
It didn't lose on performance only memory management due to iOS 11 being fairly new. Will get fixed in a few months.
But again, raw speed is very competitive especially with 3rd party apps. No doubt android is sort great these days. I'm interested more in smoothness and lack of jitter. It matters during everyday use as it makes it very difficult to do a simple task simply because you haven't received the visual feedback in the split second you needed and end up constantly re-evaluating what action took place or should be taking place.
Did you notice that not all the apps opened smoothly on the note 8 and some touches were delayed? This lack of UX attention is one of the few things that is me about android. Over years of use and constant update of apps, it gets worse. That was the lack of "polish" I was referring to.
iOS was seamless from day one even if it lacked some functionality and features.
What you're talking about are animations in dev/launcher settings that can be completely turned off.
I've been on and off iPhones and I don't remember there ever being any settings that allowed you to do that.
>>Oneplus 5: youtu.be
>Note 8: youtu.be
>It's faster because the animations are shorter.
What a retarded benchmark. They should do it with animations disabled.
Animations help prevent delay and inconsistent UX. It provides an almost mechanical visual feedback to a touch interface that creates a sense of acknowledgement of touch to the end user.
I do not wish to turn them off, I want them to be forced, uniform and prioritised above loading of all other elements for the above reasons.
Too many apps and/or buttons within apps on android do nothing for a second or two after being pressed. Even on the fastest phones. iOS gets around this by forcing developers to submit a static image of the apps first page.
Some android apps cannot be bothered and simply wait to start the app until it has loaded all elements causing the system to hang. Eg. Chrome.
Still, iPhone lack ram and Android is still a laggy mess.
Fucking combine the both and give me the best experience I can get.
You've just described the note 8
>smooth lag > less lag
A laggy mess that lacks ram?
what a fucking nightmare
With the Google Pixel, all reviewers claimed it was the smoothest smartphone experience on the market. I never used one though.
I did however use iPhones and they weren't 100% smooth.
Not anymore it seems. If shitting all over the newest iPhone 8 Plus with a desktop grade SoC isn't fast then I don't know what is.
to be fair i am always opening every app on my phone one after the other....
That would make the iPhone look worse. Lmao I'd love to see that.
good for you I guess but here's what I stipulate from the test: the A11 is blazing fast and amazing but it's constantly overheating and thermal throttling. Proof: iPhone 8 Plus battery explosions
I'm using a pixel and can tell you that it is pretty damn quick. It opens all apps nearly instantly. I've never had it stutter or jitter before. It probably has something to do with it being stock Android without all the bloatware shit other manufacturers use. I've never had an iPhone before so I can't compare the two just giving my two cents.
>iphone 7 a month ago
>blazing fast, kicks the ass out of any new android or samsung phone
>updated it to ios 11
>slow buggy piece of shit. i've seen nexuses that were more reliable than this
Software > Hardware
thats dumb I can disable animations on my android, you can't on iphone. therefore android is smoother.
> Android will never be exclusive
> iOS will never stop sucking dicks