Good Code Editors

I tried out Vim but I didn't like it very much. I'm installing Atom right now. What code editor do you use?

vim on command line
atom for html or other stuff
ide for specific languages

vscode and intellij idea


used to use vim, then started using sublime, and now i'm on visual studio code

Sublime Text 3

vi/vim in a terminal for everything

emacs or bust, seriously
I only really "code" latex stuff (not a cs pleb) but auctex is absolutely godtier.

Didn't use vim properly then. Vim takes a bit to learn and takes a while to grow on you but eventually you'll end up with vi keys in your browser, shell, pdf viewer, &c...

What about for Python?

Emacs...but I don't code.
org mode 4evar

Feature level of vim but no learning curve

visual studio code

Can Vim compile C

Yes, vim is an excellent compiler. It compiles everything from Python to Lisp, including C.

python is an interpreted language

Woah, woah, are you, per adventure, a scholar in the sciences of computing and programming?!

:!gcc source.c

you can configure vim as a front-end for gdb too if you want a gui for debugging


sublime text and JetBrains package

my point is that there is no such thing as a python compiler


vim is a meme
everyone has gone through it
but not everyone has realized that.

yes there is, retard. cpython, the most used python implementation out there, compiles .py scripts into .pyc bytecode.

a language can't be interpreted or compiled in itself. it's fully implementation-dependent. there's plenty of python compilers

Sublime Text 4 beta

for C/C++/C# and web development i just use Visual Studio Code since i'm mostly on Windows

on Arch i use vim, but i suck at it

Any reason to use a text editor over an ide?


>confirmed pro

this means back to square one
python is an interpreted language

real man uses only and only cat to code

cat >>

Sublime Text

Need a C and C++ IDE, is Xcode as bad as people say it is, or is it just memes?

only retarded people uses ide specific languages and not what they want.


implying is not the only good editor.

kys my dude

intelij because school and sheit

ok fagget
cat >> fagget.hs

Truly the patrician choice
>no geany
wtf. Geany is amazing for what it is. Just wish I could get a dark theme instead of the white. It burns my eyes even with redshift on

Geany and Emacs have a huge , huge reason why everybody should stop using them, I hope after I reveal this you could open your eyes and realize why you has been doing wrong

>Emancs and Geany are not vim

red pilled now.

I wrote my own

>41 posts
>no nano

I thought nano was for OS X

Post repo. Unless you mean you wrote some shitty curses textpad.

That or Vim is the easier option when you're banging on a keyboard twelve hours a day.