Zuckerberg outline's Facebook philosophy
On the one hand, it's nice to want to unite people. On the other, thinking that a mass, centralized form of communication that causes people to see each other or be together less would unite everyone, could be the thinking of a shut-in megalomaniac
This only concerns the normiest of the normalfags, nobody worth a damn uses facebook
It's just an effort towards normalizing pedophilia, you'll see.
gonna need a big fat source on this one OP
You are a dumb nigger, read the fucking thing. If you are not under the Facebook umbrella you are not credible. Employers will not hire someone with a double life and people will not want to associate with you. It's his model for the future- everyone will be open with one another.
Here's the REAL Facebook philosophy:
>"They "trust me", dumb fucks " - Zuckerberg
If facebook peasants don't want to associate with me that's fine by me.
You still stalk her profile to this day user
spoken like someone who doesn't work for a living
>the facebook philosophy of zuck's outline
sentient silhouette!
I am independent developer with my own product. I communicate with my users/clients via email and my website. Somehow the sky hasn't fallen because I refused to Fecesbook
>we'll be more tolerant of each other's flaws
>by constantly living in anxiety of being shamed
>Not having a social media account is the same as having a double life
what did they mean by this?
My blood is boiling.
How can a "man" be such a fucking delusional piece of trash?
What is the point though? Facebook/Instagram- social media in general is just a layer to the usual persona. There is no real opennes, it's just a stronger hold on how we will shift people's perception of us. No one, except maybe hormonal teenage girls in the mid 2000's uses Facebook to show their "real side" of themselves. It's sort of of a virtual trophy case for your life for other people to admire and ultimately feed into their own anxieties.
No one really uses Facebook anymore besides messenger. It's more of just a thing you have.
Did anyone watch 60 Minutes last night?
Trump's "Digital Director" openly admitted that Facebook embedded themselves with the campaign, allowing them to use analytic tools so powerful that they could create an advertisement to target a single person in a rural town.
Facebook has the power to control people's minds; it is the most effective form of brainwashing we have ever seen, and yet people are not absolutely terrified.
Oh ok, I assume the same will apply to those who hold office and positions of power?
I think this used to be true up to 2 years ago, roughly. Nowadays people are leaving it, care a lot less, or use it less for anything other than events / messaging. Or to show off a big move / promotion.
I second this
>With the looming threat that our embarrassing information will be broadcast, we'll behave better.
creepy as fuck
>I am independent developer with my own product.
I want to make this happen for myself. I have an android app I'm maintaining and hoping to grow now but do you have any tips for a newbie?
More like "having one persona online and a different persona in person--or multiple personas online--shows a lack of integrity"
>tfw The Facebook Effect is like eight years old now
I believ in honesty. To me, honesty means you should tell the truth when asked, but you can still not incriminate yourself by choosing to withhold it if it doesn't come up.
People have a right to having secrets.
It's against the sharia to snoop unless people are invited to snoop so this will not take hold in Europe.
Right now I have a job and don't have Facebook. The shit never came up.
that shows an inherent misunderstanding of human psychology
you don't act the same towards your lover as you would with your parents or your boss or your kids, and that is NORMAL. forcing people to conform, and claiming the difference in behavior is due to hypocrisy or dishonesty shows that misunderstanding.
also, there's a thing called privacy zuckerberg doesn't get. on that account alone, I think he's top person in the world who needs to be doxxed.
Yep... when they figure out pretty much everyone is into it just like on Sup Forums where it's anonymous people are gonna get shocked.
Source on this?
>are you hiding something?
Secrets are lies, sharing is caring, privacy is theft.
Even if complete freedom of information is moral and righteous, which it arguably is, there is nothing acceptable whatsoever about one corporation having a monopoly over all the personal information in the world. There is nothing good about giving any one person that much power.
If Facebook became FOSS, would Sup Forums start to support it?
holy shit what a fucking god complex spazz this kid is. fuck i don't wanna live life under the constant fear of being shamed. Jesus its religious cult 2.0
>doesn't check source before reacting
you are part of the problem
Collated for OP.
>implying that doesn't define anyone who would think that way
>implying i named zuck by name
But I've never used facebook. What now mr. shlomo?
Mandatory pic.
Spot on. I usually choose not to answer a question than to lie.
It's false?
>doesn't provide link while chastizing others
>What is the point though? Facebook/Instagram- social media in general is just a layer to the usual persona.
if anything it's made people better at creating a fake image. teen girls are basically their own PR department, upping their photoshop skills and using analytics to post their pictures at the right time to maximise likes.
The Facebook Effect
by David Kirkpatrick
I think this is from that book, or pieced together from the book. How much you want to trust THAT source is something else, too.
From google it looks like its from a newer book, author also copied and pasted this bit for a guardian article. As creepy as it is I dont see any actual proof.
It's a red flag enough to deny hiring
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
>kikerberg doesn't know what it is to be human
color me shocked
Yet the government hides things all the time. Oh but wait, your logic only applies to the underlings, not those in power
Source is "World Without Mind" by Franklin Foer
call me when facebook freely publishes its entire database (with passwords), all of its source code, all accounting/legal documents, and every private email written by its executives, until then it's just hot air
But people fake their Facebook, Instagram, and tinder profiles.
Social media doesn't represent the true side of people.
>you don't think the people in power would be hypocrites, do you?
you're not fooling me, zuckuss.
Anyone remember the chinese faction in Alpha Centauri? Yeah.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing of value. Privacy in itself is a commodity.
Hey Zuck, thanks for all the names, addresses and even patterns of all those kids.
Can you post your credit card number and password?
My "computers" teacher in primary school told me to never ever post personal info in the Internet, though.
T-thanks big brother zuck
It's like a blond strongish woman that always have a machinegun on her pick up?
Almost everyone twists logic to justify their actions
he's not wrong imo, what he doesnt understand is that his vision creates mob mentality that vastly outweights the positive effects of personal transparency.
Plus, equally important he overlooked the possibly vital function of secrets, especially when faced with mob retaliation: We may be right but if we say our truth, we would be beaten down before we ever had a chance of proving our version of the truth.
Zuckerberg is trying to kill that entire dynamic which is dangerous imo, very dangerous.
It's actually almost completely identical to the dystopian future of some of these 1984 Fahrenheit blabla books, where in theory everyone follows the law if you watch them on camera all day every day but in practice maybe the law isnt so perfect and it should be broken to allow for change. Ironic isnt it, that the very people who understand this concept when it comes to immigration law do not see the same when it comes to their own target laws, which is sort of an indication that his vision is already dying when he cant even see such basic mistakes in reasoning.
The threat of online pedos was overblown but important in a more general sense. Don't give info to people you shouldn't trust is all it comes down to.
Radical transparency is retarded though. Sure, most would act at least a bit better, but it'd result in Orwellian control of the populace.
So this is like being anonymous but without the anonymity right?
I don't think we're even on the same continent, friendo.
She'd say "you don't trust stranger on the street, why would you trust a stranger on the Internet?". Didn't play the pedo card AFAIR.
She's always on the move, due being pursued by creepy naked men.
>If you have nothing to hide
But I do and certainly you do too.
Everybody has secrets and everybody has things that should better remain secrets.
Please state a job that REQUIRES a FB profile in order to maintain employment, shitlord.
what if i dont use facebook
I only use faecebook to download some uni courses, I unfollowed everyone on the friendlist and I use an extension to block any image on facebook
they are dumb fucks for doing that desu
Having a very low-profile online presence can be considered a quality by some industries, like banking and insurance or anything else where you'd have access to information that should be protected. No big bank is going to hire you if they think you could potentially share too much on facebook/twitter/instagram/snapchat/linkedin/whatever.
I'm sorry nobody took the time to thank you for your gesture, even if it's a small thing. If you're still out there, know that I appreciate it.
I'm really not ready for Instrumentality yet
This doesn't really make sense, governments across the planet already have EVERYTHING on the average citizen. No matter how much you followed wiki.installgentoo, it did fuck all except clean up ads and mundane tracking. Further, even the most mundane data on average citizens is still micro-security issues. NSA for example, while it harvests Five Eyes citizens, it also tries to prevent 'enemies' from seeing the very same stuff.
If Zucks really does believe this, he is legit detatched from basic social animal behaviour in that things are hoarded and shared only with certain trusted members, from your neighbourhood to international politics. It's why the Soviet system cannibalized itself. It's why Christendom fractured.
The clusterfuck of the EU, a globalist project which has only splintered Europe further into nationalist sects with their own financial systems, micronations, and now religio-enthnic groupings from Africa and Asia, is a great contemporary example. But at least all the money is the same now! Oh, wait...
Interesting image. I wonder if the ever expanding surveillance state and society in which nobody is ever really private actually contributes to things like mass shootings and the like. It has certainly contributed to the rise of the so-called alt-right and their increasing visibility in which they are essentially just saying 'to hell with keeping this separate from my other identity.'
I miss the days when on the Internet nobody knew you were a dog.