The naming convention "male" and "female" is problematic...

The naming convention "male" and "female" is problematic, would you sign a petition to force mynufacturers to rename them "innie" and "outie"?

Other urls found in this thread:

How about chad and slut?

did u just assume his gender?

Why the hell Sup Forums cares so much about politics? Is this board basically a Sup Forums with programmers?

BBC and bussy

Sup Forums is just different flavors of Sup Forums


Good one.

>implying 99% of Sup Forums can program anything beyond fizzbuzz

Alright, how about Master and Slave?

why not positive and negative

This is our site. Leave if you don't like it newfag

Why not plug and socket?
Standardize across all boards.

the irony is that both the male and female parts of the wire are exactly equal in utility with neither being useful without the other and both working together to productive ends

>this is what post-2013 newfags unironically believe

Fuck this gay earth.

Stigmatizes HIV carriers.

What about transgender adapters?

So women are just sockets to you user?

Modern Sup Forums is the closest you can get to old Sup Forums.
On 0.5chan at least

On a scale of 1 to 10, how triggered are you by this dongle?


Steve Jobs really has infected us to the core.

This what post-2015 Sup Forums has actually become, le oldfag retard.


Sup Forums rules everything around me


>assuming two male connectors can't work together productively

what a dumb nigger

There's no need for that.



lmao so in the end 2 people lost their respective jobs


turns out she took a picture of the wrong people. and the ones who did make the joke got fired.
