Is Spotify the best music streaming service now that the free Chinese apps no longer work?

Is Spotify the best music streaming service now that the free Chinese apps no longer work?

>pirate music
>upload it to google music botnet
>stream your music for free
What's the point of Spotify?

>Is Spotify the best music streaming service now
But it has no music.

Now do that all from your phone. In the the middle of a 2 hour drive.

>open google music in car
>play music
That sure is hard.

>>pirate music

How? Fuck torrents.

>how do I pirate without using the easiest way to pirate
Are you too stupid for torrents or something?

some people have better things to do and would rather just like open the fucking program an play whatever they want instead of hunting down torrents and uploading shit

It's too much work to download something, drop it in your music folder, then let it automatically upload in the background? Maybe you're better off giving the music jews your money every month then.

>downloading music only to upload it so you can download it in lower bitrate every time you listen to it
Haven't seen a streaming app yet that beats pic related.

Takes around 30 seconds to open up Google Play Music on your phone.

You NEETs don't understand. Torrenting music just takes too much time, I could work in that time too.

Why not do both?

Why do you feel as if you're entitled to music?
If you wanna pirate be my guest, but don't promote it as some sort of moral battle.

meh it sucks if your into even slightly obscure music

>Why do you feel as if you're entitled to music?
Why do you feel as if you're actually paying for your music when you stream?

If OP is stupid enough to spend money on a streaming service, what makes you think he has a phone with an SD slot, or can even understand how to use one?

I never did. I just called you a retard for paying for a potentially free service.

not our fault if you can't be assed to find and download something you like when you discover it, then make it universally available across all your devices. it's not like you wait till you want to listen to do this shit, but I guess planning ahead is too much for ya

>It's too much work to download something, drop it in your music folder, then let it automatically upload in the background?
compared to clicking "play"? sure
>Maybe you're better off giving the music jews your money every month then.
spotify is like 6$/month in my country. I don't care whether they are jews, illuminati or aliens. they provide a good service at low price

but I already have spotify and tidal on all my devices

>compared to clicking "play"? sure
That requires you to download an app, registering an account, setting up your user details, giving away your credit card number and curating a playlist.

With the radio, you just have to turn it on and tune it.

that's nice, how you like them ads/paying for only the most mainstream music. seriously how do you deal with streaming services that don't have anything yo can't hear on the radio? at least use fucking pandora, the have a halfway decent selection

$6 > $0
Also good luck if you like any somewhat obscure music.

Unlimited data plans for phones aren't really a thing here in straya. I only get 6gb of mobile data, so I opt to just torrent music to sd card while I'm on home wifi


>You can go hunt your own food for free, you can make your own clothing for free, you can make your own for free.
Paying 10$ a month for being able to have a single app, in which, provides me all the music I need, allows me to download it and put it in one single centralized environment across all my devices and makes it easier for me to find new music. I know it's hard for retards to understand that people value convenience and their time, but keep downloading your ripped MP3's Pajeet.

>spotify "extreme quality"
>"Extreme – Equivalent to approximately 320kbit/s."
>not even 1,411kps CD quality

I'm not paying for that

i pay for google play and pirate shit it doesn't have. as a side benefit you get youtube red which means no ads, ever.

>Being this retarded.
Yea and the Radio gives you not one shred of control over what you listen to.

When I want to listen to streaming music I just put on a ShoutCast radio station stream.

Am I a pleb?

>phone plan offers me unlimited spotify premium that doesn't consume data
You fuckers can't come up with a better app.
Downloading music takes a shit tone of time and space on your phone. I can listen to what I want, when I want without restrictions.

Neither does Spotify if you don't spend the TIME AND EFFORT to actually curate playlists you want to hear.

You're comparing hunting and making clothing to clicking a download button. Jesus. But please, tell me about how much of a waste of time it is while you argue with some random guy on Sup Forums.

>provides all the music I nee
yea if you're a basic bitch
>allows me to download and centralize it
so does google play but you have better selection plus the option to add music if you want
>find new music
the way spotifies bubble works, you'll very rarely hear anything you haven't heard before
my argument isn't really with convenience but your choice of convenience

what does radio have to do with on-demand playback?

>that's nice, how you like them ads/paying for only the most mainstream music.
what ads?
>seriously how do you deal with streaming services that don't have anything yo can't hear on the radio? at least use fucking pandora, the have a halfway decent selection
spotify and tidal have great selection, especially in classical. also what's with you guys and the radio?

>$6 > $0
the time I would waste downloading and cataloguing music by myself would be worth more than $6
>Also good luck if you like any somewhat obscure music.
I can still download when I can't stream something. Also the stuff is often on youtube so I can use that since I grew out of audiopaedophilia some time ago

you type the name of the album, press enter and then press play. it's really not that complicated

>what does radio have to do with on-demand playback?
You turn it on and you have music. Instantly. It's free, zero hassle and contains ads that are equally as shit as on Spotify.

>you type the name of the album, press enter and then press play.
So much effort. Try to do that all on your phone while driving across the country.

I have yet to find a streaming service that has a decent selection for metal and alt country

its bloated shit. the windows program was atrocious. never touching it again after that experience

Thats the fucking point you autist. If you're to lazy they offer a radio service. Now fuck off.
It's a waste of time and theres tons of artists I would have never listened to if it wasn't for Spotify. I am personally choosing to go on Sup Forums for the exact same reason you are, for entertainment.

>If you're to lazy they offer a radio service.
You know what offers a radio service? The radio. It's also free and way easier to use. No account required.

>You turn it on and you have music. Instantly. It's free, zero hassle and contains ads that are equally as shit as on Spotify.
what ads? also why are you still pretending to be retarded and bring up the radio when we're talking about on-demand playback?

>So much effort. Try to do that all on your phone while driving across the country.
I did. it's easy unless you're handicapped

did I miss something?

My sideloaded spotify still works? I just listened to it for a few hours without ads.

Also, you can buy hacked premium accounts for $1.50. Just sayin

Paying the $6/mo bill is a waste of time too, as is selecting what you want to listen to, as is pairing your phone to your car stereo. Just turn on the radio in your car and guzzle your fill of whatever's on if you don't want to take the time to have some control over what you listen to.

OK, but people pay for it because it's an On Demand service, stop being fucking retarded.

>pay a monthly fee to stream a limited selection in shit quality
>spend 30 seconds finding a torrent of anything I want in superior quality
Streaming services are for plebs.

The radio is on demand. It delivers music when you want it to. When you don't want any, you can just turn it off. Dead simple, free, none of the hassle that Spotify has. Maybe if you have no life, you can spend all of your time configuring your Spotify account and playlists.


Not the original guy you're replying to but fuck off back to r*ddit with your pedantry, you know exactly what he meant

>hear about new ablum
>spend 5 minutes looking around torrent sites for a good rip
>not many seeders
>20 minutes later it's done
>unmount sd card, remove from phone
>insert sd card into PC, copy files, unmount
>put back in phone
>fuck this rip is missing a track
>oh well
>play on phone


>hear about new album
>type the first few letters of the album title or the artist name
>click on result then click play

worth $10 a month imo, pirating IS free but it's also tedious and i aint got time for that

I was a big user and was using pandora for a while but it repeat stuff to much and didnt have good algorithms for similar music. google music is what I use now and It's alright but still not as good as used to be.

Wow, look at you tough guy. Truly the Sup Forums elite we've got here.

I only listen to vinyl ripped using decent rigs. Brickwalled masters from digital formats; all I hear is the wave clipping.


>turn on the radio

Spotify is tedious and I ain't got time for that.

they dont play full albums on the radio dumdum

Shut up and take your Reddit Tier bait with you.

your argument against radio is basically the argument against spotify, it's sorta said that you can't see it

find me a torrent of this in 30 seconds

>find out about torrent site that has music
>check sign ups, closed
>months later get interview
>audiophile spergs out when you say vinyl is just a nostalgic dad
>get denied
>months later pay for invite
>get 50mb free to download
>download half an album
>seed for months but seed boxes get priority
>free download for certain picks
>download every conceivable bit rate for music that sounds like anal hair being strummed
>finish the album you started to download
>get banned for buying an account


$10 to listen to anything, anywhere, at anytime

>wats a false equivalence.
Since when does the radio
1. Play full albums
2. Curate personal playlists for you?
3. Played music, in which, you want at any time?
The answer to that is never. These are the reasons why people pay for Spotify, but I guess its more fun to be retarded.

worst fucking mobile app i've ever god damn seen

Sup Forums Sharethread provides me with all the music I need.

I upload all my mp3s to google music and stream from my 16gb iPhone 6 that I bought for €150

those things take time and effort on your part though and time and effort is your fucking argument for using spotify vs torrenting and using google play or something simmilar

>hear about new album
>pull my phone out of my pocket
>fuck, I need to charge my phone
>put phone on charger
>wait 30 minutes for it to change
>unplug my phone
>unlock my phone
>scroll through all the apps until I find Spotify
>tap the icon
>wait for it to load
>tap the search bar
>type in the name
>tap the album
>tap play


>hear about new album
>download torrent to SD card
>put card in phone and play it in better quality

the point is streaming services take much less time and effort

the first scenario still seems quicker

Done. Took 28.215 seconds.

It saves time, when I buy a new phone and have a curated playlist filled with the Music I want and all I have to do is press a single button and it's on my phone. It saves time when I reinstall my OS and instead of having to sit down and find every last fucking song I had, I simply click a button.

not to get a level of service any better than radio it doesn't.

and what happened when you hit a dead zone. enjoy your buffer retard

nice!!! seems you were right after all

yes it does. to play an album you want to play in spotify you have to type its name and press a button twice. to play an album you want to play on the radio you need to turn on the radio and then wait anywhere from 1 second to infinity for the station to play the album you want

Use Spotify dogfood or don't use Spotify at all.

>there are people in this board who don't know what Soulseek is

Just stop.

It's actually pretty good at finding some more obscure shit.
Obviously that doesn't include the Sup Forumscore that you and the three other guys listen to though.

how do you get to skip the "using your phone" part in your scenario where you are also using a fucking phone ya dork?

actually isn't even that good at finding relatively popular shit

I used soulseek recently to make a mix cd for my aunt. Its so perfect and refined now after a decade.

>it saves time
yeah because you did shit ahead of time just like you would if you torrented, and who the fuck has any kind of music collection worth mentioning that they keep on their main drive of their main machine? seriously all your arguments are basically
>I use spotify because I'm not a Sup Forumsentooman
so then why are you even here?

Name one thing that you would consider popular and I'll check if it's on there right now.

You don't have some stored music?

Your life must be hard.

Download Videos from youtube...

beyonce's lemonade

good one user

I download music to my phone and keep it on an SD Card for the exact same reason you do.
>and who the fuck has any kind of music collection worth mentioning that they keep on the main drive of their machine.
People who don't have multiple drives?
>seriously all your arguments are basically I use Spotify because I don't use Gentoo.
No it's because I want an ON Demand streaming service, in which, provides my music in an easily accessible centralized environment.
>Why are you here
You get the fact that people use technology for reasons other then fiddling with their obscure Linux Distro's right?

I use something similar.

I can't believe people on here actually pay $10/mo.

Yeah, OK, I'll pay $10/mo for music, $10/mo for access to PS/LRcc, $10/mo for netflix ... no thanks



I still buy cd music.

I'm sorry.

obviously you don't take music seriously,
>no multple drives
you can get a terrorbite for seventy bucks
>on demand
yeah that you have to plan ahead to use properly, we're just saying there are other, better ways of planning ahead
>do things besides linux with your puter
yeah so? you really think that's all anyone here does? and what does that have to do with being into technology and music enough to have your own well curated collection that's protected against data loss?

I do too occasionally but usually only of smaller bands I actually want to support.

streaming services are god tier that's not even a discussion
you can have tons of music, your own playlists, etc. everywhere, anywhere, you just need to log in. wanna check an album? just go and listen, you don't need to keep track of how much space your phone have or whatever
With that being said: fuck spotify. shit quality, shit company, shit mobile app, i use a cracked apk and i hope they just go bankrupt at this point

Yes, Spotify is probably the best unless you want to upload your own stuff.

Im not. I dont believe in paying to stream/car has cd player

I think he's talking about the whole "upload music to re-download" wrap around bullshit. Even after tons of time pirating music, you're just fucking around with jewgles shit player

>i used a crack apk
Huh? I didn't know such a thing existed for spotify

It doesn't


Although Spotify is pretty good for general music imo,

I appreciate getting a weekly playlist made for me of artists i might never have discovered on my own.

>Torrenting music just takes too much time
if you have a shitty connection, sure.

>Basic Bitch
Whoa, easy their mr hipster. Dont upset your stomach after drinking a mocha-chino while listening to your cool, awesome, rebel indie bands. By the way, starbucks closes in 15 minutes.

>implying you didn't just describe a basic bitch

Now imagine if spotify went away suddenly without notice.

All of your collections. Your music. Gone.

>This company is shit
>I'll show just how shit they are by using their services and complain about them on the Internet.
Let me guess you also have a "Cuck Hunter" T- Shirt and a Kekistan flag.