They fucking did it



I'm impressed. Too bad all that money is going to waste. If Canonical couldn't succeed, why should a couple of autists get any further?

does it have libre hardware

they wont even attempt to make it
its a fucking scam

t. retard

Because those idiots were trying to reinvent everything. Their phones actually got sold out and were unavailable which is another reason it failed. Purism is actually using the already existing software and only have to worry about drivers.

They are already working on test devices.
They are using already existing hardware.
They only need to get the hardware working(hw killswitches,..).
KDE and Gnome are working on their mobile support.
Because it can run nearly any GNU/Linux, software support will come pretty soon after it ships.

inb4 install gentoo

The phone is too big for my taste but their 13" laptop looks very neat
Wish it was around when I way in the market, would have gone for that instead of XPS 13 probably just for the sake of freedom

Problem with ubuntu touch was
1.the os is buggy android support
3.os is slow
4.instead of just making ports for phones people already had(galaxy s3,s4,s5) they forced them to buy from a chinese company and some spanish shitfest

>Cortex-A53 phone that will ship in 2019
>gief $600


Technically the cpu does not have blobs.
The only problem will be the baseband chip.(which can be disabled by one of its killswitches.)

I do not see what the point of a really powerful cpu on phone is.
It's just a social media device.

>Librem 5
Where are previous 4 versions? Never heard about it. Obviously failed attempts. If they failed 4 times already, they gonna fail fifth.

Shite bait

>open source
>still tracks you

>Here goes some mockups we did. That's all we got.
>Give us money now
Okey, here goes all my monies.
>Many years pass
>We spend all money, need more now
Okay, here goes all my monies
>Repeat as necessary
Ya'll muthas dumb as dirt. How do you keep falling for this.

The 5 is for the screen size fool.

Those niggers wanted to reinvent the wheel. They sold out both times, and then just died off because, like usual, they can't go through with their endeavors, ie unity.

>Probably had to get a loan to get the final stretch "donations"

What are you poor lmao. Serious though, you're buying from a minute competitor who can't match the price of these giant tech industries.
This shit's crowd funded for fuck sake.

wow cool

They crowdfunded their laptops, which now exist and can be bought.
The phone might very well end up behind schedule given their history, but it will come out

>year 2019
>freetards release midrange 2013 phone with reskinned debian

t. jelly proprietary cuck

It's a high end free as in freedom smartphone, better than anything we've ever had. Only cucks are not hyped.

>portrait mode still shoots videos and pictures vertically

When will they learn?