Ask an embedded developer turned into full stack developer anything

Ask an embedded developer turned into full stack developer anything

do you suck dicks?

Funny, I went the opposite direction as you OP. I originally worked as a back-end web dev and then I transitioned into embedded.

How many dicks can you fit into your asshole at a time?

Why did you ruined your life?

do you understand what arduino tachyon excelsior means?

but y tho

how you enjoying that paygrade drop

Not OP, but I'm . You got it the wrong way around, I made more money as a webdev than embedded. Considerably more money, actually.

Tell me about embedded, did you write C/asm a lot or was it just verilog? Also do you need electronics knowledge at all?

Now why the heck does web dev pay more than embedded? Webdev is easy as shit.
t. backend python dev, I don't make shit though

You make more money by exploiting people than enabling people with technology. Also, enterprise is possible.

Supply and demand. The demand for embedded is really, really low in these days. The demand for custom IC designs is almost diminished, and everybody just buys individual components from the big companies and put them together. There's some demand for VHDL/Verilog/FPGA stuff, but you only need like one or two guys doing that.

As a back-end web dev, I made 650,000 NOK a year. Now I make 450,000 NOK.

how do I write a firmware installer that interfaces with a ttyUSB interface?

OP here, Webdev is easy as shit when you want to do simple CRUD app with simple JS in frontend using something like jQuery

Modern web is much more complicated nowadays especially in frontend: Webpack, SPA, PWA, Typescript, ES6, SSR, reactive programming, caching, security

It's only complex because js nerds have no other way to ensure their job security.

Well, obviously it works.

maybe, but it's surely at the detriment of productivity, simplicity and security.

Verilog is a about developing hardware not software, you mostly won't deal with c programming if you are a digital designer and the other way around, digital designer generally make more but the market is shrinking, embedded software is still strong but may be more and more abstracted to higher levels because money

Yeah but high level embedded just isn't there yet. Board bringup is still clumsy as fuck and bootloaders, drivers, libraries are still all over the place and SDKs suck.

What is stack overflow?

how many times a day do you think of suicide?

>As a back-end web dev, I made 650,000 NOK a year. Now I make 450,000 NOK.
>200,000 NOK less than before
The price of enjoying what you do, I assume, in which case, it's kinda cheap.

>The price of enjoying what you do, I assume
That's correct.

>in which case, it's kinda cheap.
Well, it's certainly not cheap as I clearly had to make severe reductions to my personal expenses. But seeing how I'm supposed to be doing this for 30-40 years of my life, then yeah.

Don't get me wrong, it's a liveable salary. But it's far from a comfy salary.

You are a full stack developer, right? So you never malloc?

What the fuck is a full stack?

I guess it's a who/where thing. I got out of web in DC cause the pay sucked compared to Cost of Living. Moved out to a more rural/industrial area and got an embedded job for similar pay with less than half the COL. Don't regret it for a second.
>tfw no longer having to work with numales and fat shrews all day
Icing on the cake.

>wage slave can't fathom not being a wage slave for the rest of his life

What languages and frameworks did you learn to get your foot in the door?

> you never malloc?
recently? of course not

i did the same as you
i still do both but embedded is more fun right now because there are new and interesting problems to solve

depends on the job, there are countless interesting and boring jobs on both sides

More because the web is an insecure and broken piece of shit, really.

I did exactly the same shit as you. I was developing some drivers for some shitty embedded chip company.
I loved the transition, especially when you're paid double to write monkey level code