Why not pick forth as your programming language?
Why not pick forth as your programming language?
I won't pick it because you faggots keep making these garbage threads
If we didn't make these threads you wouldn't even know about forth. Makes your brain churn.
Redpill as to why I should.
Why though?
What does it do that C++ or C can't?
Forth is completely customizable while it is running. You could open a forth shell and then implement javascript and start typing in javascript in the middle of your forth program.
I'll make it my fourth programming language
why would i want to do that? why wouldn't i just use jjavascript?
It would need to have that huge javascript engine first. Which is ... Why the fuck?
Because you can customize your javascript to work exactly how you want. You can combine javascript and perl and ruby.
Join the most communist vaporwave christian community around
You've convinced me
Should I finish SICP first or jump straight into forth?
>Because you can customize your javascript to work exactly how you want. You can combine javascript and perl and ruby.
Then it wouldn't be javascript. If i want to write my own javascript, perl, and ruby and combine them then i'll be reaching for ocaml or scheme to do the job, not forth. I programmed professiinally in forth from 1984 to 1994. It was obsolete by 1992. Get over it. Its as dead as SNOBOL.
sicp is for lameos
How so?
common lisp is better than scheme don't ya know?
What a terrible opinion
Common lisp can do more than scheme does. There are things that common lisp does that scheme can not do.
Explain yourself.
I thought the point of SICP was to provide an easy way to get into FP and other various topics, I'm aware scheme is primarily for education (which is why I intended to learn it)
You can do functional programming in common lisp too. Most common lisp implementations are done in an immutable way. Nothing stopping you from doing fp in common lisp.
And by the way nothing stopping you from doing immutable programming in forth either.
My primary reason to get into FP/lisp was to better myself as a programmer (as FP is commonly referenced as "changing the way one thinks about programming")
Would common lisp have the same effect as scheme is specifically mentioned to have? Would forth? I apologise in advance if this is a brainlet response
Only if you programmed common lisp in a functional way.
The only thing functional programming is about is immutable programming. if you can understand immutable programming you can understand functional programming.
Whereas common lisp does both. Common lisp can do both functional programming and mutable programming. Common lisp also lets you customize the syntax however you want.
Forth just does this in less space. The basic forths are like 500 kilobytes on linux and you can make smaller ones that fit on a computer the size of a peanut.
How entertaining do you find it to programmer in common lisp and forth in contrast to other languages? I don't need specifics or anything as to why, I'm just curious if it's enjoyable or fun in general
It just doesn't stack up.
FP in common lisp is so gross. Lisp-2, no tail calls, weird list comprehension functions. Not the same as Scheme.
Why should I?
That sounds horribly awful. Why would anyone go through all that? Like for real.
The thing about forth is that every function is like a small puzzle. What would be boring arithmetic in a language like C or Scheme, requires putting thought into what combination of dup/swap/over will get you the answer in the most efficient way.
I like this problem solving aspect, but wouldn't it make development time slow? Or does the customizability of forth counter this?
baby can't build his own lazy evaluator? here's momma haskell's titty, goooood goood thas it boy
>learns scheme
>why is there no maintained library for X?
>lisp sucks!
common lisp is better
Yes it can slow things down, but forth projects are usually small in size (both physically and in memory) so its more important to be able to extend and interact with the code than to be able to churn out tons of code. Either way I prefer something like Scheme unless I'm doing _very_ low level programming
Why would I write an entire new interpreter? Besides its much easier to make e.g. a lazy DSL in something like Racket than Common Lisp
Forth is the most v a p o r w a v e programming language youtube.com
Forth is litereally just a stack and nothing else.
It's like going into the woods with just a pocket knife and a water filter.
Honestly OP if I'm going to use any retarded language I'm going to use Brainfuck.
at least forth have professional usage
Forth is not dead. Forth is alive.
how good it is to be a god.
forth is a trap language.
I have C and C++
you also have homosexuality.
it's time for a change.
learn forth today.
What does that mean? Does it have extensible syntax like the Lisps?
look like just the right thing for you my fellow trap lover
you can implement everything with the forth's word system
Why isn't it more widely used if it's so powerful?