/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones
>Guide: canpicker.com/

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Has headphones peaked?

Pic not related :^)

Name a better headphone so I can tell you that you're wrong.

4th for kill all footfags

is this a good song for testing headphones?

I need a pair of totally closed headphones so I can watch Anime and or Porn in total isolation on my computer.






There is literally no better cheap IEM than the QuadBeat 3 series.



>no bass

>Has headphones peaked?
>Sennheiser HD 600
Headphones have yet to peak, my dear homosexual :)

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

Posting template.

300 GBP Max
Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H
>Type of headphone
Full Sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
bassy and warm
>Past headphones

The ones you own. Post 'em, fagatron

Actually, I have the DT770 PRO 250 Ohm version that work fine with my pc already.

Nah, 660S is gonna be lit tho

>sounds like HD650
So, it's worse than HD600.

first FR for aeon flow open back

Damn, we actually got interesting answers and minimal shitposting, who would have guessed?!
Very cool to see owners pointing out what they don't like about a headphone, makes for quite an interesting read.

Have another animu bikini headphones, guys, kudos.

At least they fixed that no sub-bass problem. Who knows? They could have also fixed its narrow-as-fuck sound stage.

Wow, it's fucking shit.

>no sub-bass problem
This does not exist. Sounds like your ears have a problem.

Post the graph or post your headphones

if you're looking for an upgrade to the hd600 then just get a pmx2

Please stop this bullshit. You literally make this place worse for everyone. You clearly spend a lot of time here so what's the point. On a side note the magni 2 and 3 are amazing amps and dacs are mostly a meme. Get a decent one, that's it.

Only Ja'Qalardgreenique would call this "no sub-bass."
>to the hd600

Post pic and timestamp of your headphones.

Looks like no sub-bass to me. And your headphones? Just repeating what other HD 600 owners have said in this thread and in general.

the pmx2 is more neutral than the hd600 and it is planar with lower distortion, especially in the subbass. it's more a more transparent device than the hd600 and it is the upgrade to the hd600

>Only blablabla would call this "no sub-bass."
>posts a graph that indicates it needs more sub-bass

>the pmx2 is more neutral than the hd600
prove it with more graphs because i dont see a comparison on the questionable image you posted

that upper midrange and treble response is impressive for an iem, almost ety-like


>the pmx2 is more neutral than the hd600
upper midrange is too weak


>my name is Da'Newportius Menthol and I require more bass than 30 Hz even with 1 kHz

Spouting memes won't help you user, especially if you don't own the headphones

It's your graph saying so, nothing subjetive about it.
Maybe cherrypick better next time?


Typical Sennheiser listening experience.


Simply Sennperior fidelity, user.

to what?

Yep, looks like the average sen user and experience. Kill yourself lmao

>ComfyGrados is back and shitposting on /hpg/
>newfags can't detect his posting style and let him shitpost freely


Don't respond to his posts and feed him.

Mind pointing out which posts, my user?

Dark times.

>liking them ironically or unironically
>caring about a hpg tripfag

Who gives a shit



Notice that I didn't quote the other HD600 shills, ComfyGrados has a unique posting style that's easy to detect if you're a /hpg/ veteran.

>MA900 shilling (claims it's the ComfyGod)
this one is factual though, the ma900 is 195g, while other headphones that typically are considered the most comfortable (shp9500, hd800) are around 225g

Oh, that user has been shitting out posts like that for quite some time now. Pretty dedicated user; posting all day, everyday like that.

On that note, I wonder how long he has wasted his life on /hpg/

>every opinion I don't like belongs to (insert tripfag here)
I have seen this kind of posting ruin so many generals. Please don't start this cancerous bullshit.

That isn't ComfyGrados, that's the HD800/LS50 fag, you can tell by the punctuation and shitposting style. I've been here too long.
This one has a mix of ComfyGrados, HD800/LS50 fag and some random anti-Sennheiser fag.
Hi CG, nice attempt at not capitalizing your letters to disguise your posting style.
It's not a tripfag, it's an anonymous shitposter.

>Hi CG, nice attempt at not capitalizing your letters to disguise your posting style.
lol. enjoy your finger pointing

>It's not a tripfag, it's an anonymous shitposter.
Either way, the moment we start talking more about drama than headphones is the moment these threads get even worse than they already are. Sup Forums can no longer have good Madoka threads without someone accusing someone of being ACK every 10 goddamn posts. Let's not become like that.

This thread is garbage already, it's literally 'muh HD600' and 'HD600 is shit' for 300 posts.

Shitposting has ruined this place. Whenever someone presents a decent argument the other guy either stops posting or resorts to shit posting like a fucking teenager.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Don't see any of you suggesting a new/better topic so i'll start: post the headphone you want to upgrade to some day, tell everyone why you want it.

the reason that /hpg/ is shit is not because of shitposting or le drama or whatever the fuck you think it is. it's simply because headphones and audiophilia is a slow moving hobby and people need something to fill the time.

it's like being locked on an island with a group of people with nothing to do, eventually you're gonna start drama because atleast it's not boring that way

>that autistic pastebin
Did you just literally post a manual detailing exactly how to trigger you? Do realize what you've just done?

Memes aside the hd600 is actually that good, especially for the money. The problem is that autists feel the need to downplay it because they own worse gear in a similar price range.

That's a good point. It's like Sup Forums generals for series with no new content.

I already have the headphone that I want.

But I won't mind owning these speakers.

This is correct. There is nothing to discuss.

Literally nothing. I'm already content with my AKG K7XXs and frankly, i'm not comfortable with spending anything over $200 on headphones. I would like to own some speakers someday, though

Hi CG.
Objectively, yes the HD600 is great but it's not for everyone because some may want a different sound signature.

The problem are the shills exaggerating the headphones

I don't disagree with you but the actual problem is that most humans are fucking dickheads that cannot accept losing This is an anonymous forum so anything goes, and the usual type here go rampant and even when they're proven wrong they resort to childish tactics. Rather than saying you win or fair enough. I've noticed that americans are the worst when it comes to this. Especially when ti comes to gaming for example. Being a loser is fine, but this place is filled with bitter, sore losers.

I was thinking of picking up some HD579's from a local shop, I've got around 200 to spend on some new headphones after an old shitty pair broke.

I was kind of looking at HD599's too since they look like pure sex. I'm mostly looking for something that's comfortable and doesn't necessarily need an amp. Should I stick with the 579?

You're right. Too many people here simply can't accept that HD600 are better than their headphones.

Most are usually anti 600 autists. It's pretty easy to spot.

HD579 and HD599 are measurably almost identical so HD579 represent the better value. HD579 are the best headphones under $200 and are much better than DT880, which have poor durability, ear raping treble and no mids, and K701, which is tinny, bright and has no bass.

>I don't disagree with you but the actual problem is that most humans are fucking dickheads that cannot accept losing
do you not understand the hypocrisy of your post about you caring so much about wining or losing that you can only see in terms of winners vs losers?

The worst seems to be the HD 600 marketers

Hi ComfyGrados!


>Poor durability
Tell me more how it is a long term problem that costs $15 to replace


I don't care about wining or losing when it comes to this hobby, because it doesn't work that way. My point is that most here care about winning an argument/pissing someone off rather than continuing a discussion even when they're proven wrong.

I literally cannot upgrade from HD600.

I agree.

>My point is that most here care about winning an argument/pissing someone off
yes, and the reason for that is because we are social creatures and we learn from each other through arguments and fights, just like how cats pounce on each other and play fight. I'm not sure I see what the issue is


Fulla 2
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
DT880; way too much treble.

It's not an issue, I just see the difference between posters, especially in this general, never mind the actual board. Some are reasonable and the rest come across as immature 19 year olds who try to get a reaction out of people. If they aren't 19 then they need to have a good look at themselves. autism is real and it's here. Fucking hell.

Do you desire a place to talk about headphones with reasonable people? If so, why do you talk about headphones on fucking Sup Forums?

I think you're in the wrong place m8

Used Audio-Technica ATH-R70x

Where do you think you are?

HD600, obviously. You wouldn't expect it at $300 but they're actually the best full-sized headphones you can buy at any price.

Post your DT 880s

Really want the AT 1000z/2000z. These red/silver titanium earcups hnnnng. But they are closed backs over $400, so I'm hesitant.

This. I agree.

this is amazing
literal bot tier

>Shittymotic "comfort"


>But they are closed backs over $400, so I'm hesitant.
friendly reminder that you can get TH900s for $600 used. that's only $200 more