Sup Forumsuys, whats the best ide for C?
Sup Forumsuys, whats the best ide for C?
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Don't use an IDE for C. Use vim or emacs.
It not only enhances the experience of programming in C (at least for me), it teaches you how to be a better C programmer.
Save the IDE for languages such as Java and C#.
vim, :!gcc, :!gdb
Text editor + terminal
A simple text editor and a compiler.
Kdevelop is also a good idea.
vim and gcc
VSCode + c/c++ extension
Mostly a text editor, but will do highlighting and show you method signatures
How does that work when making large projects and programs that require external assets (3d models for example)? What about when you're compiling?
vim with gcc and a healthy amount of testosterone
Dedicated programs for each will work better than them all crammed into one (which will really just be a GUI frontend for gcc etc.)
Fair enough, I've not developed a game outside of an ide like unity and cry
you create a damn makefile instead of have the IDE spoon feed you
xD developing should be needlessly complicated.
Doesn't the idea do that automatically while also managing the file layout better
what happens when you're dealing with multiple files? Are you really going to use Make?
>learn how object files work
>learn how makefile wildcards work
>use make
That's gonna take forever on larger projects for no reason what soever
From your question one can assume you are not working on any large project anyway.
Remember this post next time you're trying to work out why your IDE-generated makefile isn't working
I've started liking and using Eclipse at work.
Has this ever happened? Never happened to me in cry, unity code blocks or bluej. Even if it does you can just edit the makefile
use an IDE
I use eclipse for java projects @ work which led to me using it for C when I needed it. It's okay, kind of a pain in the ass to initially get everything set up and isn't worth it at all for anything that's gonna take you a few days to do. But GOOD NEWS you're not limited to just ONE fucking editing environment. I just use sublime for smaller projects.
That goes for all IDEs btw.
>underestimating make
you've never used make have you?
this. learn how to build using makefiles. I know it can be fucking overwhelming and stressful for beginners, but if you can push through it, you'll be in top 10% of programmers. every hacker / software engineer genius / "10x" programmer was once dogshit
I guess people use CMake to make compiling easier. I've seen people use stuff like Qt which has a bunch of IDE bullshit.
Let's put it this way: The majority of the developers for the linux kernel, which is 99% C, don't use an IDE.
Yeah I know, Linux kernel..
Ignoring this one project though which is always brought up.
To be honest, if you aren't writing something very low level, like a kernel or driver, there's little reason to use C anyways. But Emacs is a great tool for editing just about anything besides Java (Java is insufferable without major IDE help. I consider this a flaw of the language)
Codeblocks is a step above geany, it has more features, but is bigger in size. Sometimes the suggestion feature might not work.
I currently use Qtcreator, it's pretty top tier, not too heavy like the Java based IDEs (eclipse etc), but still has a lot of features. It prompts you about the function arguments, it's very handy
This, geany is very good, its light and does whatever you want. Haven't used it for anything too heavy though
Actually I mainly use c++ with lua. Occasionally lisp with c.
Those are very good combinations
Clion. Just crack it
vim in a docker container
Serious question.
Can I do some meaningful hobby-tier shit or game mods with codeblocks or any other viaual/graphycal approach?
codeblocks would be alright if it wasn't unstable and constantly crashing
crashing once or twice every few weeks of use is annoying
crashing literally 5 or 6 times in the span of 15-20 minutes forcing me to save after every line is absolutely absurd and is pushing me to find a different IDE
Mods in what way? I wrote a csgo cheat suite in code blocks.
And how do you debug?
You know that the gcc compiler has a debugger option
Microsoft Word
with gdb, obviously
use eclipse. Don't listen to the vimshills with no productivity.
code:: blocks is unstable shit and clion is not feature complete
What about C++, what is the best IDE for it?
>learn how to build using makefiles
gnu DDD
Got it.
If you want to get shit done then use Visual Studio desu mi familia