/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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first for honda a best


I'm unable to get my WiFi working. Using a TP-Link TL-WN881ND and any Debian based system won't get it working. Apparently it should be supported but I can only get fedora to see it. Even enabling proprietary drivers doesn't fix anything. I'm thinking I should just switch the card out at this point but idk. I have to use Debian for certain software anyway, anyone got ideas?

hi guys. newfag here. how do you make those illustrations in the terminal? is there a way i could use wget to retrieve an image from google images and turn it into this character-based illustration?

do you have the actual binary blob of the driver?

do you mean screenfetch, or a frame buffer?

i have no clue but ive seen them posted in this thread before. decided i was curiosu as to what they are. kinda like an image made of different coloured keyboard characters

it's called ascii art son

do you have a screenshot?

did it look something like this?

Yes, its the same with every Debian based distro too.
Is there a mainstream card that's got open source drivers? I know Asus sells one of their cards as being "Linux" compatible

yeah i guess it stuff like that. how is this done?

install aview

it there a way i can use echo to print it out if i put the characters by hand? example, as part of a script.

Not sure what you mean but you can use cat to print to contents of a file

i use more for that
more .

i want to be in freedom, everyday it feels like i'm not in freedom.

How do I stop DNS leaks in OpenVPN? I don't know that much about networking but I thought the whole point of using a VPN was that websites wouldn't be able to see my real location, no matter where my IP says I am the DNS leak still shows on every site I check.


If the dns requests are being made outside the vpn you can use iptables to tunnel everything to the vpn.

If you don't want to make any dns request you need a dns cache and crypt dsn would also be nice.

As long as it's a little more difficult for my ISP to log it just tunneling them with iptables should be fine. Are there any good guides?

>no feet

It's trivial, just look it up somewhere.

I really don't have that great of a grasp on what I'm doing when it comes to networking and CLI-based tools, but I did manage to fix it by checking the Arch wiki for OpenVPN.

Stupid question, but now that I'm routing DNS requests through the VPN, is my ISP able to see any of the pages I'm connecting to, or only the VPN provider?

Debian seperates non-free stuff into a different repo, if you add non-free to the end of the repo url line in /etc/apt/sources.list then do apt update you should be able to find a package probably named firmware-something for it. Also atheros chipset generally have the best open source drivers.

If you are running your own OpenVPN server then I think you have to specify in the config some DNS servers or else the client handles DNS locally.

img2text and jp2a produce pretty good ascii art

Is there a way to switch between intel and amd graphics, like nvidia with bumblebee?
Here's my inxi
It's a memepad T500

Help me out fellows.


>not running clang compiled LLVM kernel, LILO, Busybox, zsh, and glibc swapped out with musl-libc

Uninstall shitstaind


>tfw use gcc, gnu-utils, grub, the entire gnu suite and emacs
Feels good man.

Switch to devuan or gentoo so you don't have the systemd shit.

Have you considered Devuan?

Devuan is outdated as hell.

The solution: Reboot.

it's debian based, being outdated is a core feature

literally any atheros card. also asus linux compat is shit

Devuan is just debian without systemd. The testing branch should be up to date with current debian stable and the stable branch is just a release behind. They should catch up soon anyway.

You can run Devuan Asci (unstable)

try opensource drivers and running programms with DRI_PRIME=1

Ok so when I run inxi with DRI_PRIME=1 it tells me that the amd card is my openGL renderer.
Does that mean it's working then? I don't really have anything graphically demanding installed unfortunately

What's with systemd?

forgot screenshot

Read up without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Arguments_against_systemd

if the opengl strings are different with and without prime, then yeah, it should. basically it offloads the graphics content from your amd card to intel

yep, gallium there, it works

>being this retarded

And if I remember right, the're no more proprietary AMD driver right? Gallium has full performance?

I'll try it later, thanks

Man they don't seem easily available in Australia.

they're pennies here, I couldn't buy less than 10 of them when I got my first intel replacement and that was like $5

Are there any certain cards to try and find? Tplink seems to have some but they call look old


devuan struggles to mantain certain packages which depends on systemd shit
gentoo is a better option

Sauce on this bitch?

there is, but basically it's worse then opensource one, bc opensource driver is developed by both amd and the community, so afaik proprietary one is useless

>Normie at uni reading something off my W520.
>h-hey you're using i3 WM... I use it too!

Any idea how they compare performance wise?

obviously opensource one should be better. just so you know, i do not have an amd card and everything i told is what i know from my friend who has one, so you better ddg dat shit. also prime only supports opensource drivers, both nvidia and amd, proprietary have to use some other shit

Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.

whats a good epub/pdf viewer?


How does the shell launch without a shell?

man 2 execve

This is a C function? The examples given are writing it into a program and launching in shell.

Welp, just had an interesting (and somewhat scary) experience with partitions.

I pulled the trigger and finally deleted my Windows partitions. I figured resizing my Linux partition would be rather easy, but when I actually was doing it, I started seeing all these signs in various online guides (because fdisk and parted weren't telling the whole story): "make sure the starting sector is the same!", "you shouldn't change the starting sector!", "parted no longer allows changing the starting sector!", and so on.

To clarify, my Windows partitions were in the first partitions of my device. So, I was kind of at a loss of what to do: the partitions were gone, the space was all there, but I (apparently) couldn't apply that space to my / partition in a safe way.

I ended up just creating a new ext4 partition in the space, made it pop up in fstab, and am now just treating it as extra home space, which I guess it was always meant to be. I'm currently and safely typing this on the same computer where all this happened, so yeah.

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Yes. That's how programs launch things without using a shell.

emacs docview

You could copy the data to the new partition at the start of the drive then delete the old partition and expand the new one.

It is a libc function, which is a wrapper around a corresponding kernel ABI function (a syscall called exec). But actually in the normal desktop login a shell at a vty is launched by login which is launched by getty which is launched by init which is launched by the kernel which knows a little about userspace linking so it probably calls /lib/ld-linux.so.2 to help out. Or if you launch a shell from a DE there is anther couple of steps in that chain, a display manager is spawned on the vty instead of getty and that calls your DE which can launch things like shells.

But then what about the bios and bootloader?

I actually thought about doing that, but I figured that 1) it'd be a hassle, 2) I might mess something up along the way, perhaps with preserving permissions and all that crap, and 3) something could go wrong and BLAM, bunch of deleted/missing data.

I felt like I was pushing my luck already, in any case.

What did Stallman mean by this?

They have preprogrammed logic of were to look. Honestly you're probably better off going onto wikipedia to learn this shit dude.

Is Tumbleweed, Arch and Fedora free as in freedom?



None of them are, but out of the three Fedora comes closest.

That's absolutely correct, though. There's no reason why "PC" should exclusively refer to Windows computers.

>The joke
>Your head

funny enough that this joke predates poo in the loo memes

Why exactly? I just wanna know.

That's honestly the worst Sup Forums meme ever.

Read the second paragraph you re-
Oops, my bad. This is supposed to be a friendly thread.

I was referring to Richard Stallman's comedic comparison between Microsoft's operating system (proprietary) "Windows" and WC (a toilet).
That was fairly funny to me :))

Have a nice day sir!

tl;dr they all include nonfree software
fedora however only includes nonfree drivers

you're not the brightest are you

They include binary blobs in their kernels and distribute proprietary packages.
They don't fit the FSF's definition of a free distro.

My maymay arrows were implying that I understood the joke, and that you were the one that didn't.

Fedora only contains free software, but they ship nonfree drivers for wifi etc

>They include binary blobs in their kernels
Why are Arch users OK with this?

exactly. it doesn't take the smartest kid in the world to understand that I got the joke

because they want to use them

Idk man. I'd prefer free drivers over nonfree if they were available.


what is the best distro?

objectively this one

oh it's linux mint

is there any Linux software, preferably scriptable, that can take a bunch of images of an object, and stitch them together to single image?
Not just simply putting them side to side or something like ImageMagick can do but something that is able to detect overlapping parts, can deal with slightly different rotations, etc..

clearly Manjaro

its clover os you dum-dums

How can I update my release channel install of Firefox on Linux Mint to 57 beta?