Best laptop for $2000

Does anyone know a good laptop for $2000 or under?

I was thinking of getting these options

>Macbook Pro
>Thinkpad 25

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The thinkpad 25 sucks dick, save up and buy a thinkpad p71.

>unironically considering the pixelbook
Are you mentally stable?

i dont think you can get a decent macbook pro for less than 2500, unless you want one with a screen size for ants, chromebooks are actually pretty based imo, or if you're in to muh FOSS use those stallman libreboot thinkpads

Asus F series

herro prease buy this

New ones are shit and older ones are, well, old.
>Thinkpad 25
Meme. T, P or X depending on your needs.
4:3 display is nice for coding, but it's 12 inches, has two ports and probably not the greatest battery life

Look into TPs or Dells unless you specifically need a Mac.

>under $2000
Surfacebook with extended warranty

get an xps 15 then hackintosh it

best of both world

My X220 with 8gb RAM and an i7 processor (SSD is a must (256)) is not a meme at all. It is light, compact, afaik it's sturdy and fast.

I think with the perkworks discount it is a very good opition especially the xeon model

Acutally I was eyeing on the last gen model and it sounds like a good deal,{creative},{keyword}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvOzOBRDGARIsAICjxofQIGvZLOsoigGe_GyUaYKjvL-NBei_y1rFQFELOlhgELSKrOYTwhcaAjzaEALw_wcB&is=REG&m=Y&sku=1293726

Fuck off chink

I really do not have a good reason to get a macbook for other than it has a good unix OS and screen and body look good

Okay. Read again?

I was thinking about getting one of those.

How hard are they to Hackintosh?

buy that or wait until black friday and save $1-200.

Only consider Dell and HP's business models, nothing else.

- the only MPB 15 model under 2k (which is at 2k exactly) has a gimped i7 that is like 30% less powerful as the XPS I showed you, and has only 256 SSD vs 512 on Dell

Very nice option but would it be better to hackintosh it or keep windows and dual boot and install Manjaro?


There are many guides on how to Hackintosh various XPS models, and you can even do it without having access to a mac to start.

Dual booting works just fine, too.

Seconding the 2016 MBP. Good shit my dude.

Get a fagbook without the touch bar if you need something that just works or the chromebook if you're looking for either a facebook or a linux machine.
Why do you fags always have to make such stupid threads?

If you want a solid computer that will last you the next ten years get a thinkpad p51 with the 4k. upgrade the shit down the road. But you really dont need anyhting for that kind of money bro. Why not get a computer and an external monitor and keyboard and mouse and table from ikea and make a nice workstation for that kind of coin

I am guessing he/she already has a nice workstation. I know I don't have a nice laptop just to connect external things to it or to replace my desktop. I have a laptop so I can get actual work done in hotels and on the road in general. I'm guessing that's the case for OP too or he/she wouldn't be willing to spend $2k on a laptop.

my plan really is not to get a workstation first but rather a laptop I can take on the go, so that I can get work done while away from my house because I do go to school and do heavy 3d rendering but I think my custom build I did a few years back will do fine for another year

Next year I will possible get pic related

get a pixelbook and tell us if it's good or not