>work at an isp
>sometimes customer's service goes down
>customers sometimes get butthurt and they demand we compensate them for "lost profits"
>someone is currently trying to get 10 grand from our billing department because they were down for 20 minutes
why don't these faggots get a backup internet link?
Work at an isp
You only have your company and every predecessor in the industry to blame. That shit is unacceptable, customers pay you to do one single thing and you fail at that.
quit running a shit ISP goober
>why don't these faggots get a backup internet link
Excuse me, mr fagtron. How about *YOU* get a backup link to each subscriber with failsafes for this?
Good night, sweet thread.
why do I feel like I've seen her before
what is an sla
Maybe if you had actual scheduled downtime people wouldn't be so butthurt.
Unscheduled downtime outside of natural disaster is pretty much inexcusable.
If the customer has a t1 connection, there is a clause in the contract between the is and the customer which states if internet connection is lost for x-amount of time, the isp will refund the customer x-amount of money.
Each of our DCs have four different ISPs to back up to in case the primary goes down for whatever reason. Why? Because we provide a service. You're an ISP, providing access to the internet is your service, there's no excuse.
having worked both residential and business support for 5.5 years before I quit I feel your pain. It's not until you hold a job like this that you realize how dumb and out of touch with reality the average customer truly is.This thread has some good examples. Chumps think just because they pay $100/mo for internet/tv they are entitled to on call techs with unlimited budgets. I miss being able to give them all a dose of reality sometimes.
Keep getting fired because the concept of customer service is so foreign to you?
What is this 2005?
>people want the service they pay for?
fuck you and die in a hole, your whats wrong with this industry
So if you go to a restaurant and the chef fucks up your order is it acceptable if they say
>"hey sorry man we can't make you a new order because the money you gave us would not cover the cost of remaking your food"
And if they continue to fuck up, the expense comes out of their pocket until they get it right. This is how all service industries work and SHOULD work. This shit is common sense.
Yeah I've called the "techs". They are brain dead bottom rung idiots who don't even know theyre setting their ladders a foot away from power lines. Paying that much for services validates free maintenance. Why else would they be so high. The fact that they are monopolies proves their budgets are unlimited
because you came from Sup Forums?
>"hey sorry man we can't make you a new order because the money you gave us would not cover the cost of remaking your food"
This has absolutely happened to me before, and technically they were in the right. Restaurants will remake and comp food for customer retention purposes, not because they are obligated to do so.
Nice shitty diner anecdote, after working 5 years in foodservice I can tell you this is not a reality. I have never denied or seen a customer denied a re-make, even when they were in the wrong and behaving like cunts.
Hey user can you tell me what isp exactly know about my internet history?
My ISP gives me the month for free if there is any downtime.
Sup Forums knows everything about you.
I hate this delusional larping bitch so fucking much
nice tits though
Who is this
The hacker known as 4chins
I have yet to see an ISP that promises no interruptions in the contract.
Fags just didn't read the contract or (more likely) are cheaping out on some backup if their business so much depends on it to demand loss claims.
99,9% of the time no one suffered any losses whatsoever anyway and this is BS.
I love it when the internet's down, it gives me a chance to work through my animu backlog.
Normie filth being mad cause they can't stream their R&M is an added bonus.
> R&M
Rozen and Maiden?
More like if a customer has an internet connection and isn't a large ISP or some other super critical thing, there are several clauses in the contract which essentially state if internet connection is lost for any amount of time, ISP will apologise in writing to the customer and never be held responsible for any losses consequential, provisional or inadvertent (are you joking, el-o-el) etc. There is way too much risk from speculative civil damages in exactly the manner OP describes.
bad example. It's more like if the chef fucks up your order and advises you they are going to make you a new one but you sperg out, ask for your next 10 meals to be free or threaten to "never come here again", then when the chef says this is not appropriate compensation you start to sperg out to their manager.
Kill yourself, I do this. The fact that my connection goes down for MONTHS on end and a shitty ISP can't be fucked sending out an intelligent non-Pajeet engineer /that knows how to fix the problem/ means I'm getting my money back. Simple as that.
Also if you work in a customer service job you've got no right to call anyone else braindead.
Ralph & Martin
from my experience almost no small business, even those who pay for IT, pay the extra $30/mo for a backup connection. When something happens and a truck takes down a pole or construction digs into underground lines they call in upset they cannot do business.
"But I pay for this to work!" And it does work 99.9% of the time but there are always circumstances beyond an ISP's control and for those times you need a backup plan. Insurance exists for a reason.
What if you're the only isp in the area
We do this at my work. We do have a failover, but we bitch hard to our CLEC and they go in hard in turn.
It's important to do because then we have logs of us giving a shit should the failover shit itself too.
satellite exists. LTE services exist; if there is cell reception in an area you can at least fallback to that in desperate times to send email or operate your PoS. If there is only 1 ISP and no satellite or cell alternatives you're living in such a remote area that you have no choice but to accept the risks of doing business in bumfuck nowhere.
There is no way a shitty dialup-like speed from some shitty satellite company that only works when it's sunny is going to surplus my internet connection. That is unreasonable and it is not a solution to the problem
>my spoon broke
>here just use this petrified stick
None of those "solutions" are adequate solutions to the issue of the isp monopoly.
I don't get paid to fix monopolies.
I pay 21€/m for 100/50 with public IP, open ports and obviously uncapped data. Never experienced downtime, been their customer for 3 years now. Also have prepaid LTE as "backup"
if you have only 1 ISP in your area you do not live in a very populated area. Move somewhere with more competition or start your own company. Expecting other businesses to operate at a loss for your convenience is retarded.
>Move somewhere with more competition
not possible in the US senpai
please show me any U.S. city with >100,000 people that only has a single ISP available to them.
>get a back up internet link
Get some failover like everything else on the internet you troglodyte. With this mentality of blaming your customers, is it any wonder ISPs are hated?
top kek, i worked for an ISP in 2006, around when ADSL MAX came out and got this all the time. my favorites:
>"muh broadband muh business muh compensation"
>check customer deets
>paying for the cheapest, smallest package avaliable
>gently suggest that if his home startup shit tier business is worth that much then he might want to pay more than £11 a month for broadband and get a service agreement
>rage ensues
>"has your dialup network gone down"
>yes people still used dialup
>apologised (it had) and offered a backup number for him to use
>"we have 60 weather monitoring stations around the UK that all use your dialup to report in, we'd have to reconfigure all of them"
>lol gutted
>Management decides that paying for 6 pipes is too expensive so we close two
>huge influx of calls saying internet is shite from 6pm onwards
>whole support desk told to lie to customers
>whole support desk paid on average £13-£15k a year
>huge influx of people cancelling contracts because we just told them what was wrong
>antsy bitch on the phone
>muh business muh shekels blah blah blah
>ask her what lights are on her router
>"dont patronise me blah blah im the technical lead stronk womyn blah blah blah blah"
>turns out entire network cab was switched off overnight
>slowly walked her through turning it back on and checking it like i was talking to a child
>can feel the estrogenrage through the phone
and on a different tangent
>"blah blah muh internet i'm going to park my truck across your car park so none of you can go home until you fix it, whats your office address"
>"it's on our website"
>"my son is an army sniper and he's going to kill you all unless my internet goes back up"
>put her on speaker so she can hear the whole office laughing at her
shit was cash
those who don't plan ahead for disaster are blameable. If your power goes out and you have no candles in the house it's your fault you have no light. If you live in tornado prone areas and you have no emergency refuge or plan to get to one it's your fault. If your ISP goes down and you rely on them to conduct business or your personal amusement is so important you cannot give it up for 24 hours but have no backup, then that's your fault.
There people are upset with every company and service in existence. No one really cares how mad you are as even if you switched you'd just get mad with the next company as well. If you started your own company your customers would get mad at you one day too.
I remember getting calls from people during power outages that were complaining they had no internet
I've never had a threat against my life before but if this happened it would be amazing because I could terminate the call, switch to a not ready mode, speak to my support team and ask for guidance, fill out a form for the police and pull the call log from that customer. Meanwhile I'm getting paid and I don't have to talk to a single customer the entire time.
Death threats werent uncommon. The general public are fucking psycopaths. They werent all bad, there was one guy who clearly worked in the industry and was also a depressed paranoid skitzo so calls from him were fucking hilarious and easy because he'd done all the retard checks so i could log cases with BT while he mumbled about his Sky box spying on him.
oh fuck yeah just read that properly, we had loads of those calls. "My internet is off" "ok what lights are on your router" "we havent got any power". The other favorite was "can you swap your microfilter" "ok i'll do that n..." and blissful silence as they unplugged their phone.
When internet goes down whole days, sometimes I called them and ask for free paying for a day/every TV channel being unlock for the next day, they always say yes.
this is an extremely reasonable request and if someone asked this of me I would probably give them even more than what they asked for just for actually being realistic.
>le smug british customer service jobsworth
fuck this, this country is a crowded tank of piranhas driven cannibalistic
>le angry cheapskate """""business""""" owner
how's your second hand laptop and free dropbox subscription working out for you
>>>>>>>>>>>>Management decides that paying for 6 pipes is too expensive so we close two
.....yes, thank you for backing up me up there chief.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whole support desk told to lie to customers
>I hate this delusional larping bitch so fucking much
Who is she?
>reeeeeeeee why arent these underpaid drones putting their intergrity on the line for meeeeee
i'm just saying everyone in this country seems to be malicious
>>customers sometimes get butthurt and they demand we compensate them for "lost profits"
seems to me that should all be in the contract.
either they have a right to compensation when the connection goes out, or they dont. tho realistically it's probably the side with the million lawyers (=the ISP) thats gonna win any legal battle.
fuck you and your cunt organization. also nice work ending up working in a call center you fucking low life
milky candy on twitter
>pay for overpriced service
>they can not provide it indefinitely and you have no legal recourse
what a scam