>Mozilla, maker of Firefox, has awarded $100,000 USD to fund the email for RiseUp.net. The email service used by Antifa -- a domestic terrorist organization within the United States. Multiple attempts to get a statement from Mozilla & RiseUp -- for over half a week -- have been met with total silence.
Mozilla gives $100k to fund Antifa
Nazi manchild tears so sad
stop spreading lies
"Riseup has existed before antifa ever came to the US
Riseup is a volunteer-run collective providing secure email account, email list, VPN, online chat, and other online services; the organization was launched by activists in Seattle in 1999."
It's a decentralized social network which is used by plenty of privacy advocates.
Basically it's the last hope against botnet webmail like gmail ect.
There's plenty of paranoid Sup Forums users who use the service too.
Reminder: "volunteer-run collective"
Next you'll say Tails was made by antifa..
>thousands of people use the service
>you dislike a few
>hurrr durr they're funding antifa
This is the same shit with the whole tor/stormer fiasco.
>Mozilla funds a service that Antifa uses too
>Mozilla devs drink water
>Hitler drank water
Coincidence? I think not.
The Mozilla coffin has so many nails now its unbelievable
>isis uses twitter
You fell for the bait.
>implying twatter isn't secretly supporting them and anyone else who despises western civilization
tweetorists :O
Antifa in the US was founded in Seattle in 1999 idiot
Granted they were actually fighting against Globalism back then rather than shilling for it
>anti-shill posting everyday
Why is this allowed
Who uses mozilla in the current year?
Well, riseup is pure trash. Mozilla should not fund that shit.
Honestly couldn't care less for them dumb amerifats
>tfw not ameridumb or europoor
its not trash and its not funding terrorists
you got btfo and are backpeddling like a rabbi on christmas eve
i did
>identity politics are okay as long as they're the identity I agree with or are against an identity I disagree with
fuck off race mixing degenerate cuck
case in point.
Doesn't believe in privacy and free as in freedom for free as in freedom.
Well good thing I don't donate a cent to Mozilla.
The Department of Homeland Security classifies Antifa's actions as "domestic terrorist violence."
You don't support terrorists, do you?
what happened to my le me me arrow?
Meanwhile on pol you call for racial war and celebrate the death of a white woman at Charlotesville, but hey Antifa said something mean about your daddy Trump! :(
The only domestic terrorists are you nazi scum.
>when you got too mad at Sup Forums and come back to Sup Forums
I don't donate so who gives a fuck?
yes they do...
they literally have guides upon guides about privacy/security and encrypted communication
they also talk about the importance of foss and decentral services to combat google
trump will wipe shitskins off earth, bull prepper bitch
how does riseup support antifa though
no one is disputing that antifa are bad but riseup isnt associated with antifa
they are merely users of a free service
this is why no one takes you guys seriously
they get their money from ads and data mining
See and
only degenerate cucks care about privacy, I can wait to the Based Emperor to destroy all online privacy fucking pedo cucks
>said no one on Sup Forums when stormfront or tor was attacked
riseup is actually a benefit against censorship on the net for all parties
So many retarded lefist butthurt here and there lmao
with or without that mozilla is fucked anyway is just happening the obvious but i guess is good, this kind of people enjoy failing and killing themselves i guess
Look at the degenerate who can't even speak English.
Calling for violence and actually participating in violence are completely different things. I think most people are less concerned with Antifa saying mean things about Trump, and more concerned with them throwing m80s into crowds at a protest, destroying private property, and other crimes, all while wearing masks.
>people I disagree with are Nazis or degenerates, depending on which tree I choose to nail myself to
Good dialog, everyone
Not a argument retarded lefist, your movement is entirely stupid and has no puporse to exist
Dont get fooled by the lefists, there is a lot of falseflag here
>Only leftists false flag
The Nazis will nail you to a tree. If you don't have a problem with this, nail yourself and get it over with.
And you're somehow better? Get over yourself and see your debate opponents as something more than an idea you have.
>Those who fight Nazis are better than Nazis
You didn't really think that through, did you?
I never said that. I said get off your moral high horse and realize that someone disagreeing with you doesn't make them a Nazi any more than you disagreeing with them makes you a degenerate.
i gee i wonder why
Being a Nazi makes them a Nazi. Please learn what one is so you can identify them.
Antifa are bastards but that has nothing to do with Riseup.
Does Mozilla still get their money from the build in search engines? If I want to continue using firefox all I have to do if not use the search box, the url box nor the start page for searching, correct?
>Being a Nazi makes them a Nazi.
Nice try, reddit.
If someone identifies as a Nazi, then yes. But then disagreeing with you does not.
Fascinating. That's definitely evidence and could no way be a false flag for either side
>Cheeto man calls group that doesn't like him terrorists
Really puts your thinking caps on, huh?
>they need to identify as a Nazi to be a Nazi
You're really not very bright.
Firefox funds domestic terrorism?
No wonder they're pushing so hard for censorship of news outlets.
So you're acknowledging that disagreement makes them a Nazi? Which posts, exactly, are Nazi posts? Can you explain why they are? Please enlighten me.
>-r-r-r-riseup is not associated with ANTIFA!
lol, nice damage control. riseup.net is controlled opposition, you'll always see ANTIFA protesting "le evil white supremacy" but you'll never ever see them protesting outside the corporate headquarters right in their own cities, the banking institutions or the house of neocon warmongers.
Hmm, yes, they seem really dangerous comrad...
ehh, fellow magapede i mean.
Them being a Nazi makes them a Nazi.
>le russian boogeyman
DNC corporate shills on my Sup Forums?
remember when riseup was unironically recommended here?
i do.
Nice evidence. You really convinced me.
>mfw I'm now a Nazi for not agreeing with you
If it upsets the alt-reich Mozilla must be doing something good.
>National Socialists
There's literally nothing wrong with being a NAZI, user.
>Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
>Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
i took that right off their web site, riseup.net
he even using the "pedes" shit or is a shill or a retarded redditor triying to fit in
>Walks up to you and shoots you. "Hey, I don't identify as a murderer."
>Centrist buddy: "Whelp! I guess there's no murderer here! Just one live guy and one dead one who are equally wrong!"
riseup is a legit service
sorry if that upsets you but the burden of proof is required by you
you two dont even know what the tails browser is do you?
Did you really just steal my thread?
You fucking faggot. Bump that shit instead of spamming Sup Forums with a duplicate thread.
What does antifa have to with browsers?
FUck I hate this board take this to can't or b or whatever
It still is.
Sup Forums isnt aware of their history and assumes they consist of antifa
despite no evidence of such 90% of people are taking the bait
proves how uneducated Sup Forums is
I love how leftists went from being Russophiles to being hardcore anti-Russia as soon as their Democrat corporate and media overlords got rekt by a game show host.
What's the matter vlad? You don't get paid if they discover you?
>Russia shows they're fascists who want to spread fascism
>Anti-fascists now don't want anything to do with them.
>This surprises conservatards
and whats bad about that??
any one can join the project and contribute
you can even start your own private network on there that you have 100% control over
>and assumes they consist of antifa
>despite no evidence of such
You're full of shit and I'm going to prove it. brb
>You fucking faggot. Bump that shit instead of spamming Sup Forums with a duplicate thread.
This is coordinated, my guess is that shills want to force a "le evil /paul/ russian bots spamming other boards" narrative.
Beating neonazis to death is literally not terrorism.
>Sup Forums reverse falseflagging itself
Riseup is an old and legit privacy focused service that happens to have a left-leaning stance like a lot of other services of this kind; that alone doesn't make them associated with antifa. Please post actual proof instead of some faggot's video or fuck off. I don't want to see this thread ever again on my Sup Forums.
Leftists hate Hillary though. She's a liberal, like you (racists are just retro liberals.)
Says the conservatard who couldn't even find Russia on a map
>im going to prove it
im waiting for the proof
the origin post states they are funding antifa
riseup arent antifa
they might have people who use their services or tools that are antifa but how does that represent them???
every single GNU tool or project used by Sup Forums are now NAZIS?
take a second and think about how you sound right now
Reminder: Riseup is a volunteer-run collective
Who cares its not like Sup Forums does anything to society
Isn't Mozilla owned by Soros?
>hurr hurr russian
i haven seen this shit so many time fuckign shill make it so obvious
Don't bother guys, you're probably talking to a paid troll:
Soros owns Sup Forums and Infowars.
>no u are da real libruls!!!
fake news.
soros does actually own alphabet/google/adsense and youtube stock though
it equates for 20-25% of his yearly revenue
You are though. If you believe in free markets and private property you are a liberal. Just because you hate niggers doesn't make you not a faggot.
You know, maybe if your english was better you could be more credible.
>if you write bad english automatically you are a russian
this is a new level of stupid, not surprised though
Jack Pozzloads IS a leftist, what's your point?
>responds to the picture instead of the actual post
Typical. Daily reminder that Sup Forumstards look like this.
Daily reminder that ANTIFA leftists like you look like this.