What are the best headphones under $250?


Nigga you just asked Sup Forums this

hd 668b

any sennheisers priced $249 or below

Focal Utopia on a 95% sale.


hd6xx, dt880, monolith m565 or moded foxtex t50rp mk3,

Can't answer that Q without knowing what genres you listen to and what general sound characteristics you're looking for.

I came here to post this

Stupid user.
The objective measure of headphone quality is the flatness of frequency response.
Everything else is garbage.

DT 880 pro.

Is $39 a good price for these?

I use pic related. I have other headphones I like, but I keep coming back to these for general use. They're pretty lightweight and well padded so I can wear them all day without becoming uncomfortable, and the highs aren't as sharp as some headphones like Beyerdynamics so I don't get listening fatigue. That said I recommend getting the hd579 since they're basically the same as the 598 but appear to have better build quality. Stay away from the hd599 since people say they sound worse.

HD558s are literally $60 at Best Buy right now. I bought 3 one them so I can have a pair at my desk, my bed, and my sofa.

hd600s are literally going for $286

Also order some comfy compatible ear pads with them and you gonna have a great time.

I mean, the price seems to good to be true, I hope it's not some chinese copy.

>Also order some comfy compatible ear pads with them and you gonna have a great time.
As in velour or leather?

I loved my Audio-Technica ATH-M40x. $100 rn.
Don't fall for the Sennheiser meme

Those headphones are shit. Ear raping treble, don't fall for this unless your are dirt poor.

So should I fall for the HD558 meme?

pic related

hd558/akg k612/akg k702/hd600
In this order. hd 558 are only headphones that don't require additional $100 dac/amp investment out of those.

If you're gonna spring $100 for M40x, you might as well shell out like $10-20 more and just get the M50x.

/hpg/ is the proper place for asking this question.
The best headphones below that price are Beyerdynamics DT770 (closed) and K702/K701/Q701/K612/HD558 (open).

This guy is right, tried them myself. Get the Superlux hd681 Evo. I've had them over a year now and must say, I haven't tried a better pair of headphones

well to be fair an extra $50. But yeah, you're probably right.

Pink color Teac CT-H02

Just because 50 is a bigger number than 40 doesn't mean the M50x are better you know. I'd take the 40x over them any day.


Field recordings
Classical music
Musique Concrete
... sometimes Jazz, Classical and Ethno/Folk when I want to relax

this user is talking shit. The sound quality is good. The build quality is a bit meh but it won't fall apart easily. I'd recommend buying it with comfy earpads, the stock ones wear out after a year or so.

>not buying sub 20$ headphones
Enjoy placebo

headphones such as? not earphones btw

yeah maybe if all you listen to is fucking trap you can't tell.