What the fuck is it with the self-righteous "le anti-piracy protectors" flooding this board?

What the fuck is it with the self-righteous "le anti-piracy protectors" flooding this board?
Are they leaking from elsewhere?
Is plebbit baiting?

It's called shilling

Sup Forums is being infected by kikes.

You tax dollars at work I guess. Probably a "cool" marketing firm hired by dmca or even a company who was sued for dmca violations forced into paying for a campaign like this. It's like how the tobacco companies have to pay for those antismoking campaigns and they try to make them look all cool and hip. Like i think the one was called "truth".

Getting paid to shitpost is an employable quality now.

Ignore the static

I still wait for the day where anyone gives a valid source on these claims

There's no way any organization gives this much of a fuck about Sup Forums and even Sup Forums

You got triggered. All according to keikaku.

My own personal stance on piracy is not that it's stealing, is that in this day and age it's generally a bad idea. The chances that it's got viruses and spyware are pretty good. And you don't get any of the potential support, bug fixes, and updates you would have gotten if you would've just stopped being so Jewish and paid for the damn thing.

Now if you're broke then I totally understand. If you have a job, it's a different story. It's just that if you literally didn't pay a dime for any of the software you have loaded onto your drive, and then it fucks up really bad, color me surprised (not really).

>public trackers

>what is CTR
>what is Shareblue
>what is Google

We are getting targeted by goons from somethingawful who have thoroughly infested plebbit and now are taking aim at this board.

They will defend firfux
They will push Rust
They will attack C++

Sup Forums infestation

no one is attacking people for pirating shit, they're attacking them because they act like they're some sort of superior creature because they get their shit for free rather than paying for it

pirate all you want, just don't act like a proud nigger about it

This. It never fails to get 300+ posts. Just like people posting Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums

its all over Sup Forums for some reason, faggots think its hilarious, so hooray, now we get it here, its probably on Sup Forums too
honestly i think i might jump ship, it appears Sup Forums has changed irrevocably for the worse, what follows is just a tragic circling of the drain
some of the smaller boards are alright still, but every time i visit a fast board it is complete cancer, nobody even knows how to imageboard anymore, more faggots keep flooding in bringing their shit tier twitter and imgur memes, these "people" dont make oc, or even attempt to provide a reason for their existence here, nor do they even consider that they should
my fucking lawn

I used to think that these anti piracy faggots were really just trolls, but it's become apparent this isn't the case since they can't even try to be original and just copy and paste the same shit every time.

hey shill, fuck off

or get a brain

Sup Forums ?
Fuck no
Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums ?
Abso-fucking-lutely and you’re kinda retard for doubting honestly



It's not like they shill exclusively here, you know. Sup Forums is just one of many places.

The first one isn't shilling, but a faggot memeing

I pirate my friend's answer sheet on exams. Does that count?