Sqt - stupid questions thread
if I break the pins on a ryzos cpu can I return it for a new cpu?
No annon. Otherwise your parents would have returned you for a better binned midget.
Can I erase everything from my desktop hds/ssds to sell it using a notebook?
Can someone explain me how the Fuck i have 500GB on a 320GB HDD?
Learn about extended and logical partitions
Can I use one big ssd as a boot drive on two different computers? Not at the same time
Can i get a quick TLDR?
Looking for a decent guide or site with a good run down on browser hardening. Current info on increasing anonymity, diminishing tracking, that sort of thing.
browser hardening is best when you sandbox your browser and use it together with vpn/tor
awesome, that what was I was looking for
ccleaner best old version??
How do I make Ubuntu not look like the stock trash that it is
How do i decide if i want to be a webdev of a software dev?
Which one is easier and why?
apt install xubuntu-desktop
if you're a brainlet go webdev
seconding this. i've narrowed it down to html/css/js and Java, considering what to dedicate to
What's a decent free email service? I'm trying to break away from google.
Suddenly in Chrome I'm getting these annoying rectangular shapes in the empty areas of pages. What the fuck is causing it? Pic related is what it looks like. The lighter shade shouldn't be there at all.
Why would you not use current?
What's the best way to play local .swf files now? I used to be able to play them in Chrome but it appears that's no longer possible. I want to watch old Sup Forums flash videos...
What do you need the notebook for?
what are some books or any direction on structure and or algorithims if possible what would be helpful in regards to software dev
I have a folder with some files
I have another folder with some of the same files, but some others
how do I separate the duplicates from the unique files?
I'm using windows
Looking at a T60 off craiglist. Is a $40 offer too jew? Hes asking 80. Also, do they have a serial number i can use to find its specs? Wanna make sure its a t60 thats brebootable.
What program should one use to maintain a small offline product catalogue/database with images and other data?
Libreoffice Base, Java, offline wordpress, etc?
What in the fuck should I do now?
thanks, that works
>I tried and it doesn't look good like yours, can you make a quick webm explaining? Maybe I'm selecting something wrong since my GIMP is not in english
sorry about the delay, i went to sleep before your response
ps. i don't consider myself an expert by any means, there may well be an easier way than this
>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.
damn overconfident detection
speaking of, anyone know how to avoid this? most of my longer webm's trip this
Good way to send texts from my phone using my computer? Would use mightytext but they collect data.
KDE Connect
I typically play some vidya games with my friends over at one particular house. We tendt o ahve about 5 laptops running LoL, SC2, PS2, ect. However are noting there is bouts of lag by the time the 4th person hooks up. The guy has 75mg download speeds about 8mb upload. We are using a router that connects all the computers with network cables so nothing is running off wi-fi.
Where is our weak link? Do we need better speeds/better modem/better router? If anyone could provide links to their suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
Why Sup Forums got so many Sup Forums related threads today?
>Laugh out Loud
>SoulCalibur 2
>PlayStation 2
strange line-up
Would be nice but I'm using Windows on my desktop.
check there's nothing else but the games using bandwidth (torrents, steam downloads, websites that constantly update, etc)
75/8 should be plenty for 4 typical game connections, most games don't need much bandwidth, i have up to 5 people playing online games at a time in my house, and we have a 15/0.8 line
So the trouble must be with either the modem or the router. If a router directly connects to the LAN port in the modem then there is nothing more the router can do to speed up the ping correct?
how come my VPN works fine but sites like google still report my current IP instead of the VPN given IP?
my university gave us VPN access and in the connection settings it says it gave me an ipv4 adress that differs from the one that is getting reported by google, but it's listing connection info like bits in/out which means its working? i dont understand
Almost definitely the router.
>If a router directly connects to the LAN port in the modem
If the modem is a router/modem combo, you need to be sure it's bridged
>nothing more the router can do to speed up the ping
That depends. There is a kind of ping-related phenomena called bufferbloat. It can make very fast networks like yours behave badly when there's different traffic streams going on. Either way a new router might be in order, if yourse is already bridged and using the latest firmware.
Can someone please tell me how to watch VR porn without a headset? I know I'm not getting the full experience, but I just want to be able to watch the videos closer up and in non-split screen mode, preferably with mouse control. I tried GoPro VR Player, and this is basically what I want, but it doesn't work right. It runs super slow, and the picture is incredibly choppy, especially if I skip around. Any way to get this working smoothly?
>dual boot Mint and Windows
>haven't used Windows in months, need to use it for something
>Windows is updating
>come back half an hour later
>error: no such partition
>entering grub rescue mode
Am I fucked?
getting into overclocking for the first time using msi afterburner and unigine valley benchmark.did some benchmarks and saved the results to the default file type which has no extension.how do i open them to compare results?
tried opening via webbrowser and notepad but it returns gibberish
how would I go about building an app in Java that displays a message on another app which has a button to make the original app button unred? I don't even know what code function to look up to do this.
When i open up an mp4 with potplayer while VLC plays an audio file at the same time, VLC skips the audio completely for a brief moment every time. How to fix? I never had this problem with the 64bit version afaik
probably a tcp socket
time for a grub rescue?
smartphone head mounts should be pretty cheap
>Firefox has no addons
>Tons of shit just unexplainably doesn't load on Chrome, Chromium, Vivaldi etc.
Is there a browser that just fucking works? Tired of needing different browsers for different tasks.
Firefox has tons of addons. You just need to chill out on ESR while they build the new library.
Rikaisama and Perapera Chinese are both dead.
Should I study cs, math, statistics, or cultural anthropology?
Looking to pad the cv and get into IT.
What is the prior knowledge needed for CCNA? What else do you usually need to be hireable?
Have no experience outside of building own pc and setting up personal LAN.
>jews want to destroy this
CS or Stats if you want a job, anthropology if you want to be unemployed
most CS programs cover pretty decent levels of math and statistics so youll end up studying them anyway..
They're both dead you moron.
Works for me.
Yes, on your old deprecated version of Firefox.
Not looking to buy anything. I just want to watch a couple videos I have in non-split screen mode.
Thanks. Math isn't very good for employment?
Frontenders are subhuman.
Has Sup Forums as a website changed besides adding/removing boards since it was made?
I'm talking about updates, not it's community or culture.
yotsuba is proprietary software
things like captcha, the inline extension, webm support, the catalog, and frame-less design have been added
what quest does this cat have for me?
Bare with me, im a major brainlet. I heard the blockchain network for crypto currencies is a protocol.
So, can someone explain the difference between blockchain network and http?
How come my stick-o-ram only ever does like this many frequency when it should be like 2666
Do I need to activate something
how do I ram
>So, can someone explain the difference between blockchain network and http?
that's like explaining the difference between english and chinese
protocols are similar to human languages, in that they define a common means of communication
that is, an http client (such as a web browser) "speaks" the https protocol to an http server (as as nginx), and the server understands what the client wants, as they speak the same protocol/language
i don't know a lot about crypto currency/blockchain networks, but if it is a protocol, then the explaination is pretty much the same, as i've just described what a protocol is
not for the past few years the last major improvement was the built in extension and added functionality then
Enable XMP from bios.
What's this thing? There were two of them at a local flea market but I have no idea what are they.
looks like a blade server
i want to try out a different operating system than windows or mac which one should i try? i am not terribly smart so something easy
The box on the right is a CPU cooler, the slots on left are for memory.
a module for a server, useless without it's backplane/host
notice the massive connector at the bottom right, it's meant to plug into a larger system
looks like a serverboard?
well I went to the xmp settings and set it up for profile 1 which I guess did something but I should be expecting 2666 freq shouldn't I? I mean it went up I guess.
Thanks anons, so it's useless then? There were like 8 server HDDs too but nothing else
Extended partitions are a way of getting around the 4 partition limit of the Master Boot Record scheme. An Extended Partition doesn't hold any data, it just points to additional partitions.
only useful if you have the backplane it plugs in to
other than that it's essentially a board with a cpu and ram and not anything else that would make it a fully functioning computer
I managed to get an image to display in Java Swing with:
>create icon
>give icon image
>create JLabel with icon
But what I need is:
>create icon
>create JLabel with icon
>give icon image
How can I get the latter to work? I tried it and it displayed nothing.
doing benchmarks in the source engine i get results like this
2639 frames 25.221 seconds 104.64 fps ( 9.56 ms/f) 7.145 fps variability
2639 frames 24.812 seconds 106.36 fps ( 9.40 ms/f) 6.287 fps variability
2639 frames 25.031 seconds 105.43 fps ( 9.48 ms/f) 6.103 fps variability
whats this "fps variability" thing?
is it more important than average fps? is it supposed to be time between frames or... ¿?
you might be able to use the cpu, ram, and hdd's in another machine
just keep in mind they will likely be ECC ram, Xeon/Opteron cpu's, and SAS hdd's, not your typical consumer kinds
Do gui toolkits usually support all of css or do they just pick a useful subset?
you don't, the extended partition is simply a 'container' for partition 5 and the 5.2GB free space
uhhhh why does it need to be the 2nd way ?
nevermind I'm dumb this is where it should be lel
Install Runit.
How to rip a wix site?
hey Sup Forums i was talking to this guy online and he said he was planning to make a political chatbot that could catch and call out when the person it's talking to makes fallacies
i told him I didn't think AI is advanced enough to do a good job at something like that yet, but he insisted it is
i don't actually know anything about technology, so i'm deferring to you Sup Forums, is he right?
likely the range between highest and lowest recorded framerates
lower = more consistent frame times (less jitter)
Is shinespark/pipelight viable? Why would anyone use those if you can install Flash player for free?
hard to say. It's 2017, if the internet can teach a computer to shitpost then many things are possible
it just seems to me like sometimes fallacies do have easily identifiable patterns to them
but i feel like they can also get pretty damn intricate, or too fuckin varied to be identified
thanks, so lower is better in this case
Ubuntu, any ubuntu variant
How could I store 1TB of data on my 250 GB pendrive?
whats the alternative for supersu?