Visualize this with me:
You are out in a crowded coffee shop using your laptop (web browsing, programming, etc).and you are getting texts from your clients.Your workflow continues to get interrupted by the constant having to pull out your cellphone, unlock it, change typing modes mentally from a keyboard to a small mobile touchscreen.
Ok, end visualization. Just trying to get my point accross more easily by illustrating my problem.
Now for the solution I am going to propose, but cannot find anything online that can quickly and easily solve my problem. How can I (preferably by bluetooth) connect my cell phone to my laptop, and text using my computer through some form of interface? Hopefully this makes enough sense.
Visualize this with me:
Other urls found in this thread:
i know some business laptops have SIM slots and cellular data support, so you can message with that. I'm interested in this thread.
It is possible to run a VNC server on your phone if it has root, then you can simply host a hotspot and connect to the VNC server.
Most of the time the VNC server doesn't work since the apps are abandoned, there are other solutions I think. Have you bothered using Google? Control your phone from pc?
>How can I (preferably by bluetooth) connect my cell phone to my laptop, and text using my computer through some form of interface? Hopefully this makes enough sense.
There already exists a few apps that do this shit.
Pushbullet was great until it went paid
AirDroid is still free but has a few quirks
I am sure there are a few others but these come to mind.
You dont even need BT for this to work, as long as your phone as a connection the apps work.
You could have the phone in office and use the PC application at home if you wanted.
>VNC server
why overly complicated things
KDE Connect if Linux and Android. iMessage if iPhone and MacOS (Does calls and regular SMS too). Dont know about windows.
>being in a crowded coffee shop
just kill yourself
On Android is used to do it through Airdroid, not sure if it still works anymore
Now that I’m using an iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, all my devices are connected via iMessage. I receive messages on my phone and they get sent to my iPad and laptop as well. I can reply from any of my iOS devices,
Not OP but one should be careful around those kinds of apps, because all sms data you send/receive will go through their servers, which probably isn't suitable for business needs I'd the app company doesn't have an established record.
VNC or some local BT solution will be more tolerable.
I tried to use one of those my parents had in their basement but att shut down everything below 3g. Fucking kikes.
not clicking that uma delicia shit
you stupid fucking faggot. go to the apple store. your texting & phonecalls are automagically intigrated through ALL of your devices, tablet, pc, laptop, cell phone. this stable and convenient ecosystem many businesses thrive on.
also your email, contacts, notes, etc etc.
This. Airdroid pushes texts to your PC and you can reply to them
yes, if you get a call or facetime call and you're typing on your laptop you can take the call through your laptop. or your ipad. or your desktop mac. same with texts. you get a little toast on the top right hand that shows you got a text. you can instantly reply.
"working" in a coffee shop
stop meming
Isn't that just a popup?
Where does all this retarded terminology come from?
Or just have a mac and iphone
who gives a shit you complete nigger autist? in this case i believe microsoft.
>one guy says popup
>another guy says toast
>another guy says notification
doesn't matter. what matters here is that OP should be shamed, and feel stupid for not knowing this shit exists and is used by nearly everyone already.
It's a notification balloon
Toasts are the android notifications that appear in the middle of the screen
yet ANOTHER retarded term
I'm not blaming you, but why are UX people so unbearable?