Who's the most commie ?

Who's the most commie ?
Who's the less commie ?

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Venezuela is by far the most commie
not sure about the less commie though


Absolutely venezuela

>Who's the most commie ?
Venezuela and then France
>Who's the less commie ?
Hard to say. Would go for Chile.

Also how strong are commies in each latin american country ?

Who's the most commie ?
Who's the less commie ?

The worst of both worlds right here

>most commie

>least commie
Peru, literal nazis


What do you you think of Venezuela. What is your honest opinion? Disregard all of our secret agents trying to overthrow maduro as he correctly and accurately predicted.

>What do you you think of Venezuela.

Country is rich as hell. Banana-style Dictatorship has led it to chaos. It won't be long for a revolution there.

the ultimate shithole, even worse than Cuba


Too true senpai

Everyone wants to be communist but embraces the benefits and mentality of capitalism and neoliberalism

Fucking hypocrites all of them.

We are the leaders of the non-commies tho...

>Repudio de organizaciones de izquierda

so based

I know you're trying to be an edgy leftist or perhaps even trying to be open minded, but as a Venezuelan I'm telling you you're defending the indefensible. My country has truly become a living hell. And I'm just middle class and me and my whole family bought into the socialism meme while Chavez was still around. Btw that commie stuff is just for mass consumption, most of my family works at Maiquetia Airport and can attest to government dudes loading VAST amounts of cocaine into an incredible amount of flights. It's just like North Korea, "hey everyone let's be equal and poor isn't this great!" While the leadership lives in insane opulence.

I'm in America because my grandma's Puerto Rican so of course we claimed citizenship and got out of there.


obsolete map

how are we "repressed"?

Man, it's literally hell there.
Check this out

But Chile is way more privatized
We have the free education and health care

Sorry? Allende won the elections and was chosen by the people. Neoliberalism was imposed by a dicactor that achieved power through a coup.
In the case of your country, the right wing are the bad ones that didn't accepeted the will of the people they supposedly were protecting.

Me dejaron pa'dentro esos videos.


The State doesn't do anything for you here. You pay for everything. And when I mean everything is because we even have to pay to a private company to administrate our pensions (obligatory by law) We can't even save money without paying.

I guess thats the price of "freedom"
Here we have several public saving programs for houses and shit


Macri has done barely a thing

Macri wasn't in the government in 2014, when that map was made


Nothing changed until January 2016 and reform has been slow ever since.

Argentina is Mostly Repressed.

We've also got free education and universal healthcare...

Denmark or Norway do have higher living standards than France or Germany but it's the economic powerhouses that rule. In our region that's Brasil and Mexico, with Colombia and Argentina as middle powers and everyone else below... It's simply aboout economic size and relevance, that's the reason that while we are both in OECD only we go to G20 meetings, along with Argentina and Brasil and that while the US has FTAs with a lot of Latin American nations is NAFTA that matters as a bloc.

Be glad, the countries Trump cares about raising tariffs on are China, Japan , Korea and Mexico... There's advantages to being a smaller economy...

>Argentina is Mostly Repressed.
pls elaborate, since you seem to know so much, how are we repressed exactly?

Next time post sources
