Makes you think, huh...
Makes you think, huh
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this is horrifying
I can be webcam slut for furrfag with that.
Original idea by me, please dont steal.
dont even have to show your actual face
Add support to AR glasses to that and we have a deal.
You don't even need to be a female, you could make cash just by pretending, even being fully clothed. Would it be gay though?
nah, you could act like your fingering yourself and shit and it would only be on the fur thing youre controlling
we need interactive models
It's not gay as long as you get paid
This sounds like a way to sustain the neet lifestyle. But won't people second guess if behind the furry animal is actually a mordbidly obese individual if this becomes widespread?
If the girl farts will the cat also fart?
who cares
Wisest words ever said
What did he mean by this?
Why does the cat have such a fat weird jaw?
You can already do that with facerig.
> neoliberals everyone
you are still going to hell
I was just reading this piece:
It does really make you think. Is face tracking always going to be on whenever you're using your phone? I mean, the current tracking we're having is already pretty bad, but now Apple will now how you're feeling, 100% of the time?
the one on the left is like 2006 youtube not fucking 2011, google already had its chains on youtube by 2011 2008 is went google bought youtube if im correct.
yes 2008, 2008 was the best year, because after it google started their dick sucking contest
As much as people make fun of Apple for this kind of stuff, I'm sure they did research to see what people use their phones for, and iMessage and emojis are probably in the top 2-3 things that people do.
Also this makes people in the Apple ecosystem. Also it opens up facial recognition to other things in the future.
Pretty smart, not mind blowing, but smart, business wise.
You Sup Forumsfags wouldn't know anything about business because you're all poor.
I'm sure they'll open it up as an SDK in iOS 12 (next version).
Apple always does this. They introduce a new feature, then one OS version later, they open it up to 3rd parties in the App Store.
They did the same with Touch ID (I login to my bank with Touch ID and purchase shit with Apple Pay).
I assume it will be open 100% of the time once you unlock your phone to other 3rd parties.
>Facerig with poop emoji
He is American
Remember reading /cyb/ books in/from the 80's?
That's exactly why /cyb/ fashion and body modifications to the face, especially, exist.
We have known that for decades.
I've been doing that with FaceRig for years already.