Have you ever used a 120kbps internet connection? That's 15.0KB a second

Have you ever used a 120kbps internet connection? That's 15.0KB a second.
I cut the internet at my house so i can wait a few weeks and sign up again with someone else's name, meanwhile I've been posting from my phone tethering connection.
I ran out of "4G data" now I'm stuck at 120kbps until next month.

It really changes the way you use the internet.
You just sit there waiting 100x longer for things you take for granted.
Installing linux updates take 3 hours, you start to resort to doing stuff like piping youtube-dl to stdout so you can watch youtube at 144p on mpv.
Online gaming is out, downloading a 3MB image takes 2 minutes.
You start to ration bandwidth, downloading videos in a playlist overnight at full quality so you can watch them tomorrow.
You can open a web page or download a file, but not both.
You stop opening random shit and you get off the computer more often and live your life because sitting on the internet fucking sucks at 120kbps.

I just want you to think about your high speed MEGABIT internet connection and realize how good you have it.

>I cut the internet at my house so i can wait a few weeks and sign up again with someone else's name

This is what eating fungus from your feet does to your brain.

I wanted to get introductory pricing again, fuck paying $74.99 for internet.

>not buying a pringles can and making an antenna out of it so you can steal internet
>not living in a van and being parked close to a mcdonalds for easy access to food and internet

Use a compression vpn, like Opera has

120kbps? I started off using a 2400 bps modem to access BBSes, and at the time that was "fast".

I was multiplexing dual modems on ganoo loonux to get a *blistering* 128kbps before you came spurting out of your daddy's balls.

Also get off my lawn you dipshit weeb.

I started off using a 1200 baud modem on a Pentium 100mhz when everyone had 1ghz tbirds. I used "the Simpsons" free dialup with a banner hack. The fastest I could download was about 120bytes/s or about 0.12kb/s.

I suffered with this shit for 2 months until I could afford a used 56k modem that turned out to be lightning damaged so it wouldn't hang up without unplugging that shit.

Nico-Nico ni!

Are you me from the future?

Used 56kbps for years, wasn't that bad.

used 120KB/s from 2010-2016. You'll manage it user.


>I just want you to think about your high speed MEGABIT internet connection and realize how good you have it.

>I wanted to get introductory pricing again, fuck paying $74.99 for internet.

The absolute state of burgerland everyone! Meanwhile in yurop I get a gigabit fiber connection for 40€ a month.
But hey, at least you can play with guns and indulge into mass shootings to vent off right?

At least everything else is cheap.
How much is a thinkpad in your shitty country?

>At least everything else is cheap.

Gee, I wonder why!
- Food : cheap stuff that isn't chokeful of corn syrup derivatives is industrially produced, tasteless crap designed to keep you high on sugar and apathic,
- Real cheese (not pasteurized toothpaste), good wine, actual bread and curated meats: nowhere to be found,
- land and housing: cheap is either in the middle of nowhere because there's so much of it, the housing situation is the same if not worse than in Europe in big cities. From trailer parks to big houses, everything seems to have cheap plywood foundations that are torn to shreds at the first hurricane/earthquake, yet burgers rebuilt them the same way everytime,
- Healthcare: do I need to go there?
- education: do I need to go there? ^2

>How much is a thinkpad in your shitty country?

>Hurr at least I can buy my used thinkpads off Craigslist for cheap!

Next post is gonna be muh trucks of peace because you can't argue with what I just said.

You just wish people would talk about your country like they do america, right?

>he's literally proud of being the butt of a joke

>he's literally proud of being irrelevant

Yes, kinda. 128kbit/s ISDN (64kbit *2)

>>he's literally proud of being irrelevant

TIL that geopolitical relevancy is measured in Kbps and diabetes.

>I ran out of "4G data"
How much data do you get? Have you thought about getting a prepaid mobile broadband?

>Have you ever used a 120kbps internet connection?

the modem i first used to get on the internet was 2400bps thats bytes per second, 0.2kbps

i downloaded rise of the triad shareware and had to do it overnight, was like 10mb or something

>Still under a gigabit/second

>You can open a web page or download a file, but not both.

I've lived at more than 1 location in Australia that had a landline connection like this, 1 of those times was in a capital city. We had to ban the use of Spotify because it would effectively ddos us and no one could do anything else on the internet.

Even now I get 1.3mbps down but 0.8mbps up (80 KB/s) and I couldnt do anything else for about 10 minutes while I uploaded a 40mb file.

>Even now I get 1.3mbps down but 0.8mbps up (80 KB/s) and I couldnt do anything else for about 10 minutes while I uploaded a 40mb file.
You need a router with good QoS.

I used a 56Kbps modem for a long, long time.
At least it was very fucking stable, always, ALWAYS delivering the peak 5KB/s without fault or drops.

But every year, roughly on the day of my anniversary specifically, the telephony company would call in and offer their DSL services, and every year i would say yes, to roughly 2-3 days later they call back and tell me that it was not actually available on exactly my street.

Later this Wifi thing appeared and it's what i use to this day.
And to make the things weirder, the telephony company called me on the next day of getting the Wifi service, offering me the DSL, which i refused, just to get the fucking saltiest response possible.

i had 128kbps connection until i started high school, except that i had 64kbps for the first year of having internet

i was leaving computer for a week to download ripped gta 3 without radios, i think it was packed with uharc so it was super small. good times

I remember being stuck on AOL in the late 90s because my mom saw their ads all over the place and thought "Well, that means they must be good, right?" I had a 56k modem but it usually connected at somewhere between 14.4 and 28.8 speeds. I remember dreaming of having a 128kbps ISDN line. Not even for the bandwidth so much as the latency, you couldn't be a railgun whore in Quake 2 with a 300 ping.

even now I don't use huge piles of bandwidth, I'd probably be fine on a megabyte per second symmetrical. Sure gigabit fiber would be great, but no way in hell do I want it badly enough to pay what they charge for it.

>mfw 15 yr old weebshit redditors have never used 56k dialup
>pleblets haven't even tried to dial in with a 56k modem and always getting 33.6 instead because the line is shit

>Have you ever used a 120kbps internet connection? That's 15.0KB a second.

Do kids actually think this was bad?
The average speed on my DSL line was 5-6kb/s, and that's when my phone line wasn't being moved by wind. Let's not even go back to when we counted the connection in Baud.

Get the fuck over yourself.

>dial-up connection
>spend hours waiting for a pacman clone flashgame on yahoo games to load
good times

Does QoS even matter if it's one computer doing both?

>be 10
>trying to make the dialup faster
>grab two of these connectors
>plug one in the wall
>other in pc
>two telephone lines between them
definitely didnt speed it up, but i dont remember if it worked at all



The router can prioritize protocols like DNS and SSH.

If you want to give browser-based downloads low priority, it's going to be a little trickier to distinguish interactive browsing from downloads. I suggest a dedicated browser just for downloads, and then either
a) run it under a different user & use Linux iptables to set the TCP TOS flag (used by QoS later)
b) setup a local HTTP proxy and set its TCP TOS flag, make the "download browser" use that

or you could just use a virtual machine for all larger downloads and shape that to low priority

I've lived several years with slow ADSL and Linux traffic shaping did wonders.

>Online gaming is out
Totally not. Older games were designed with dial up in mind. You can easily play Half-Life, Quake 3, Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Diablo 2 online.

That's roughly 4x faster on average than my dial-up internet that I had while ago.

Oh, I've used worse. Back in the early 1990s we were using 28.8k dial-up. The worst part of it wasn't even the speed since it was mostly about pure text back then - it was the fact that dialing up cost a fortune by the minute.

I actually did use something about as slow as your connection not that long ago when I was in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and we all shared a shoe-string 3G connection that could barely talk to a tower using a huge antenna on the roof. It wasn't all that bad, turning off images and JavaScript made most modern sites usable. Didn't try to update or download anything because that would have been futile.

>lightning damaged
heh, I had a 14.4k modem go that way in the BBS area. There was lightning and then all the phones in the house rang, seemingly more loud than usual .. and the next day I noticed the modem didn't work and didn't power on at all. I opened it and damn that looked ugly.

Seems like you're a newfag who missed the glorious days of dial up.
I sure remember when my family got an ISDN contract so I wouldn't keep the phone line busy all time with Internet: when I was connecting with both lines for a whopping 128Kb/s I used to feel the king of the world as websites would load in little time.
Unfortunately modern web is not really optimised for slow connections so it will suck ass.
The best thing you can do is using an rss reader which strips out all the images and leaves only the main text of the webpage.
This assuming that the sites you navigate still use RSS feeds.

it pisses me off that a lot of places put only the first sentence or so into the RSS feed. Presumably to force you to visit their site and (they wish) see their ads.

i watched youtube with a 56k modem...

Why are you so mad? It's not good for your health user

I've been throttled at 120kbps for 2 weeks. It's infuriating but usable

so it keeps you from wasting time on the internet, good.

In reality, it would make you waste more time on the internet while being able to do less of the time-wasting stuff. Instead of visiting 50 websites, you'd only be visiting 10 in the same amount of time.

I LITERALLY WAS IN THAT CONDITION FOR A MONTH! Never felt so isolated from civilisation.

Yes I have - exactly 120 kbps. I found image boards to be the only sites that work well without any tinkering. Otherwise either install extensions to not load images, or use a text mode browser.

I used to download dvdrips and game isos on 33.6 k dialup back in the day before my town got broadband.

Damn, that's fucking brutal.

Yes because my hackerspaces internet has become a retard sadly :(

>remember getting ADSL2 as a kid
>250kb/s avg, 300kb/s max (yes bits)
>for 8 years
>move out last year to city apartment with new fibre
>9MB/s avg, 11MB/s max
I still start 30GB~ downloads just before bed, only to find they finished in under an hour the next morning.

FFXI too

If you used Mobile Hotspot instead of tethering
>Page loading
>Never loads
>Magically, when testing out if you can search anything, the one time you can it's "bweruihul4mv" when you're just typing random things, you get nothing else.

that just means you won't have all those tabs open

> Have you ever used a 120kbps internet connection? That's 15.0KB a second.
Yes, in 2005. The whole school with 20-30 PCs used a 1-2Mbps line. I downloaded Kung Fu Max Payne mod in 6 months.

> I live in shit but at least WE are relevant!
You sure you aren't Russian?

I get the same issue, except I pay 3 eu a month for my phone total (besides the slow internet, but unlimited I get 150 minutes of talk time as well as unlimited SMS). I have fast wifi everywhere I go and the slow internet is sufficient when I don't. It's weird but it's completely feasible to stream spotify off 120 kbps.

I'm a mathlet so I can't figure the speed but, I was hanging at a bros place and we had to wait about 10 minutes for a 14.89 KB update to DL to his xbox.

I would have killed to have that back when I was on 28.8k. That's 3.4kB a second.

I just want you to think about your high speed CENTOBIT internet connection and realise how good you have it.

>tfw remembering dialup
>had time to complete full thoughts between page loads
>the thrill of waiting for an image to load not knowing if there's going to be a dick under the waistline or not
if i were you i'd uninstall 4chanx, force every board to Yotsuba theme, turn frames back on and pretend it's 2005 again.

>I started off using a 2400 bps modem to access BBSes, and at the time that was "fast".

Same but 2400 was never fast.
28k8 was fast.

Opera Max was shut down. Are there other alternatives that don't suck dick? With Max I used less than half of data on YT videos on my phone, it was pretty good.


>which i refused, just to get the fucking saltiest response possible.

I'm sure that employee cared a lot.

2400 baud was fast when the alternative was a 300 baud acoustic coupler, user.