Android and security updates

Average Flagship OS Update Lifespans
Apple: 5 years
Microsoft: 3 years
Google: 2.5 years
Samsung: 1.9 years
BlackBerry: 2 years for BBOS, 1 year for Android
Sony: 1.6 years
Xiaomi: 1.5 years
OnePlus: 1.5 years
Motorola: 1.25 years
LG: 1.25 years
HTC: 1.25 years
Huawei: 0 years
vivo: outdated & abandoned at launch
OPPO: outdated & abandoned at launch

Exactly why should I choose Android when it will never be updated for more than 2 years (Pixel is 3 years)? Security exploits are always happening and they think it's acceptable to not give security updates? My Moto X Pure security update is 10 months late. Absolutely embarrassing.

Android is shit. I hate Apple, but 5 years security support cannot be be beat. $800 for an iPhone 8 Plus over 5 years is cheaper than spending $175 every year on a new phone. And, you'll be able to use a top phone for 5 years, compared to barely working phone every year.

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Wtf are you talking about? My Nexus 6p (Google/Huawei) gets security updates every few months..

Nexus 6p is a good phone with good support. But it released two years ago and has one year of security support left. Google abandoned Nexus line for Pixel. And Pixel is ridiculously overpriced. $850 for 3 years support, $283 per year.

What should one get if they need an upgrade now? Or what phone will you get next year once security updates stop?

>Have had 2 years of updates and security patches

Ok mate.

At least android updates don't brick your phone to make you buy buy the new iPbone like apple...

>Being too retarded to install lineage
Your kind are better off as iSheep.

>Worried about security
>Download and install shady third-party software OS on your phone

It's like you're downloading and installing your own trojan.

Because your iToy cannot do anything my Android phone can. That's the biggest reason you'll ever need. If you're competent, it's not too hard to keep your phone updated

>b-but some people just want a phone that "weeks" and don't want to tinker
Then these people better post on macrumours or something, Sup Forums is hardly the place for this

>Installing an OS other than the one the manufacturer puts is a virus

You sound like a middle aged soccermom with that ‘everything is a virus’ bullshit

>Well known open source project
Apple should get their money back for this kind of low quality shilling.

Lineage OS is open source, if there's malware in there, why don't you point it out to us?

Fuck you and your LOS.

It never works properly: camera, GPS, bluetooth, etc.

And you'll lose all the OEM/Qualcomm features back to a version that lacks so many things like panoramas, good photos, etc.

I see that you've carefully examined and scrutinized all the open-source code of the OS that you've installed to your phone? Oh no? Well at least the OS code is released and maintained by a huge company with a good track record. Oh?

>Xiaomi: 1.5 years
Bullshit. One of their oldest phones has the latest MIUI 8.

Google sells/uses your personal data to advertisers. Chinese phones spy on you. What's the lesser of the evils?

If you're claiming lineage OS contains malware, it's your responsibility to point us to the part of source code that can be considered malware.
We trust the developers, just like you trust your homosexual CEO

Has any device ever been hacked because the user wasn't being a retard? Why would you want to update to Android 8 when you have less freedom?

just stfup brainlet

One relatively recent example, Blueborne vulnerability. You have bluetooth enabled and just walk around without even touching your phone. Boom, you're hacked.
Android security upgrades are so bad that even 1 year old phones may not get security updates for that yet. So they are still vulnerable, long after it's been discovered and documented for hackers to use.

>Huawei: 0 years
thats why i'm staying with my P9

Thanks. I remember hearing about that.

Just got an iphone SE last month. Am I good?

>HTC: 1.25 years


They promise 2 years.

>Average Flagship Lifespans Before Phone Becomes a Lagging Pile of Shit
>Apple: Lags and crippled at launch with lagOS


Thinking that this is a problem with Android is stupid as shit. I bet you can't tell you ass from your elbow you god damn troglodyte.

This is a third party manufacturer problem. If you buy devices from shit companies that regularly abandon their software (LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc), you deserve it. Google and it's own flagship have 3 years. Google doesn't control what the other third party manufacturers do.

An iPhone would not be usable after 5 years of OS upgrades. People still use the Nexus 5 as a daily driver with updated software.

I think Sony is pretty good with their software updates, outside of first party releases they also distribute their own AOSP ROMs open for tinkering. Additionally Google is now pushing Treble which should theoretically enable vendors expedite the implementation of new Android releases, Sony is one of the vendors that has committed to it. On top of that Sony just released a new update for the Z5c which is two years old.

I read that there are three steps that are causing the update problem for Android. Treble only solves one of them, so there are still two steps left for blame to go around. Which is what the carriers, manufactures, etc are doing.
Realistically though, I feel Treble is the same as the United Update Alliance that Google did years ago. They promised to update more promptly, etc. Nothing ever came of it.
Looking at Google's track record of projects (like Project Ara, google glasses), I wouldn't put too much hopes in Treble.

Reminder that iOS 0day is worth millions of dollars while android 0day is a dime a dozen, wonder why that is

thats why you just stick with stock android stop brainlets

True. The only viable phones for Android are: Pixel and Nexus. Nexus is discontinued, there's no point in getting a Nexus 6p now. Pixel is ridiculously expensive. With that same price tag, you can get an iPhone with 2 extra years of support, should it happen to last that long. At the very least, Pixel is 3 years and iPhone is 5 years. That's a given. With iPhone, you have the option to go 2 extra years.

I'm not super invested in Google, I'm hopeful that manufacturers are going to try and hold their end up although that's likely misplaced faith. But again since Sony does release their ROMs for AOSP it should be easier to integrate LineageOS for "legacy" devices. right?

you fucking nigger
>Security exploits
name one that affected you or anyone you know

Samsung gives 3 years of updates.

Eh, you said "Android and security updates" and then you just list OS version update time frames.

Samsung Note 4 is still getting security updates. It was released in 2014, or 2013.
Older Samsung phones are still getting security updates too.

Sony devices seem to get longer support as well.

And then you load up a custom rom and would you look at that, my old galaxy y can run android 4.4.

You apple shills say this crap but you still throw away your "old" iphone when a new one comes out.

>no one cares about software security
>Sup Forums - Technology
Fucking hell, the absolute state of underage phonetards on this board. Go back to Sup Forums, triple nigger.

Look. You have two different types of updates. Security updates and version updates.

Most Android providers give you a couple years of version updates, or two major version updates, but you get years more security updates.

He didn't specify security updates. He just said OS updates (which is generally considered to be version updates).
Security updates are the issue here, and they aren't an issue if you are with a major manufacturer and your phone is through a carrier that isn't complete shit.

Answer the question, quadruple nigger

> using clearly made-up numbers to prove some point

Way to go.

> use a top phone for 5 years

Like that phone isn't way outdated after two years. Please. The iPhone 8 will be a mid-range phone at best after 2 years and outdated tech after 3.

This *will* change, though. Look at desktop and laptop computers, things have kind of stalled there. It will make sense to buy some expensive phone thinking it will last 5 years or more one day, but that's not the case today. Right now you're foolish if you buy anything past $150 for a phone that'll last you a few years - at which point the current $150 phone will be a real and noticeable upgrade. for lifespan, look at the specs for the iPhone 8. It's that 2 GB RAM. It's 2017 and Apple is selling a phone with 2015-tier Android specs. 3 GB RAM is the standard on $120 Android phones these days, paying nearly ten times for more for less is beyond stupid.

Do they provide deteministic builds?

>Not installing google cam with hdr+
Stay pleb

thread title?

>the latest MIUI 8

But user, MIUI 9 came out months ago

All works for me on a Galaxy S4.

>suggest iOS instead
What a fucking retard.

The mere fact a phone updates more often doesn't make it better. Video games need updates all the time because they are almost all unfinished at release.
How do i know im buying support for years instead of an unfinished product?

>Xiaomi: 0 years


Buy a device on LineageOS support list and yours is updated with the latest patch.

Idunno about you but my galaxy s6 went from android 5 - 7 although a bit delayed. Pretty sure Oreo is going to be pushed out as well when they finish touchjizz customisations

>LG 1.25 years

Funny because LG released Android 7.0 Nougat for the LG G4 after the G4 had been out for 2 full years.

OP is a fucking moron.

Android makes updates, but the carriers choose not to release them. That would be free, and they can't have that. They Jew you into upgrading your hardware instead.

Or rather, the manufacturers make updates, for carriers to sit on them.

> And, you'll be able to use a top phone for 5 years
Try using an iphone from 2012 and tell me if the experience is really "top".

All arguments in this thread are invalid because the Librem 5 reached its funding goal. You will be able to run any Linux distro so it will get indefinite version and security updates for as long as the hardware can comfortably run your OS and DE. That alone makes both of your Fisher Price toys obsolete.

>Running a desktop os on your phone

Works on my S5 that's soon getting Android 8.0

Who the fuck keeps their phones that long?


Gnome and KDE have been working on versions of their DE for small touch screens for several years now. Neo Sup Forums needs to fuck off to r/technology.

Security updates are what matter. New version of bloatUI is not something you want on your old chinkphone.

>turning your primary communications device into a fucking freetard coding project

I see you just use your phone for watching videos and making 1 call a month to ask your parents for money.

LineageOS without Gapps is the best you can do right now. It's your fault if you don't do research and buy a device with a locked bootloader.

>I know nothing about Android and custom ROMs and I'm proud of it: The post

>It's your fault if you don't do research and buy a device with a locked bootloader.
Or if you buy a device with no custom ROM support due to manufacturer not publishing kernel source code.

Why would you use a Xiaomi phone without a custom ROM in the first place? They don't have a great record for their MIUI ROMs.

>Android security upgrades are so bad that even 1 year old phones may not get security updates for that yet. So they are still vulnerable, long after it's been discovered and documented for hackers to use.
Good thing custom ROMs exist.

Not true since Android 6.0. Try again.

There's no real way of knowing if it will succeed.


Why? To not get security updates and latest version of the OS? Have you not read a single reply?

in reality apple is more like 2 years because past that point the newer iOS versions cripples older devices

Xiaomi phones get MIUI updates for about 5 years or so, with security patches and backported features.

Cause my S5 still gets updates and it was released in 2014.

Where did you get 1.5 years for Xiaomi?

Android security level patches are a part of MIUI updates. Even if the xiaomi phone is 4 years old and stuck on Android 5.0, updating MIUI (stable = monthly, dev = weekly) will give it the latest security patch that all xiaomi phones have.

Also a 4 year old xiaomi phone has the same UI as a brand new xiaomi phone along with updated core apps because MIUI heavily modifies Android, so it could be argued that MIUI updates are Android updates because it replaces so much.

This piece of shit still installs many of the latests software just fine and cost me about 70$ for every year i owned it

>tfw Mi5s actually gets better camera processing with the Google Camera HDR+
>everything works perfectly

>using stock
You have only yourself to blame
t. Oneplus One owner running LineageOS which just updated yesterday

>running Poo-XDA-OS where standard features aren't even stable half the time
>Think they are qualified to talk about security updates
Ahahaha, good one, thanks for the laugh

Wrong. It's still in beta

I know all there is to know about them. Retarded pajeet shit on random forums that retards like you willingly install on their devices while nobody audits the source code because they assume someone else already did ad infinitum. Literal garbage that's either malware or will have more bugs than a forest floor which has no place on the phone you actually use daily for anything important.

You evidently have no important communications to make.

>conveniently excluding nokia

Let's be fair though, this can be said about just about any software free or not. How many end users sit down and audit every line of code that goes into an operating system, and further each application included? Who function checks every library and each call?

What it boils down to at the end of the day is does it work and did I lose my CC#?

>Let's be fair though, this can be said about just about any software free or not.

Regarding the whole picture, no. Not at all. Please don't tell me my iOS update, from Apple, which I install after checking it didn't brick anyone else's shit is the same thing as an OS made by forum members. I'd rather have a minor issue fixed in 3 days with a 0.0.1 update than argue with autistic Indians on an obscure forum about how a certain feature is totally fucked.

At the end of the day, an iOS/official Android update/installation will be more reliable and secure.

I agree with you there, but I don't trust first party developers either. The OS might be stable and it might be more reliable, but the security of a system should always be under scrutiny by the end user, especially on a common platform. If you use the same system version everyone is on then you're joining yourself to the biggest attack vector.

OP got it from here:

How accurate is it?

>huge company with a good track record.
Such as?

>>Worried about security
>>Download and install shady third-party software OS on your phone
The ROM's source code is public. If you don't trust them, read it yourself.

Great. Can you prove there's malware in the code? And what's your alternative? I'm going to guess iOS. With the amount of buzzwords you use, I may as well be right.

Yeah, but my apple device wants to update every month. That's a busy 5 years.

They need to simplify the process. I still don't trust them, I put iOS 10 on the 5S and works great...

This. iOS 11 has crippled my iPhone SE... I know small phones are no longer popular but this is unacceptable.

Definitely if you bought a phone and it had this or it had that, it could have been !missing this or that.

Phones these days, the screen is too high resolution. Just look at the X. The X has the same processor as the 8th gen iPhone. So Apple is saying we put the same chip in all our phones out of laziness?

Hah... I mean, the clockspeed is so high, it should run anyway, but what sense does that make. People don't even know what they're buying.

Adding to this, we had the Note 7 scare and etc. I know what the problem is, the best answer is just a better cooled device. We seriously need nitrogen in our phones? Well, we could use something.

You can blame the battery's, the chips, the contents... But really the deal is the packages. What package is right for you¿

I understood the Note 7 fiasco to be a manufacturing error causing a battery short. What's cooling have to do with that?

Or it could have been throttling not stopping the phone from exploding. If everything gets hot, its going to melt, simple as that.

Like for instance I had to get an SE replaced because I played the damn thing so much on AC.

It was a translation error in the battery design that lead to pole shorting which caused a reaction in the electrolyte. This is known and publicly disclosed.