Tell me, Sup Forums, why aren't you using a god tier editor?

Tell me, Sup Forums, why aren't you using a god tier editor?

Why would I use this over Vim? It seems like people talk about Evil Mode or God Mode a lot, but why not just use the real thing then?

>emacs, made by the same people who also made the abomination that is gimp
yeah, nah

Hey gimp isn't an abomination! It let me create this masterpiece

emacs is a meme
vim is the best text editor fuck emacs

>tfw use emacs but know literally no emacs commands besides Alt+x

who /evil/ here

For simple text editing, I prefer ed.
For programming, I use vim.

Emacs is just too bloated

But I am using micro, user!

Using Vim is like using iOS. You get new features ten years later.

But I do! It's the comfiest software which I use.
Because it's more versetile and capable. Don't need to learn a new tool if an old one does the job well, though.
Didn't know that. GIMP is actually a very capable image editor. There were times when it was considered to be a future alternative to PS. But then PS brought smart objects to the table and everybody was blown away.

>text editor
Do you want stickers and emoji?

>not having official support for HolyC
>not being able to embed images into your code

if he does something other than editing a config file once a month (like most of Vim users) than I think, yes, he does want features.

Spacemac or emacs with vim keybind and customization > vim > emacs

I'm using spacemac because i'm too lazy to customize emacs, it works like a charm.

>The toy has been advertised as helping people who have trouble with focusing or fidgeting by relieving nervous energy or psychological stress. There are claims that a fidget spinner can be used to help calm people down who suffer from anxiety and other neurological disorders like ADHD and autism.

Bad defaults, mostly. Elisp is a better language than VimScript, but you can use a fresh Vim install on Debian right away. Meanwhile, a fresh Emacs installation has terrible shortcuts that are only good for inducing RSI.

Bash and emacs have similar shortcuts.

Totally agree with this, I've been using Emacs for 9 years now, I had like 1k lines config in several files just to make it usable. The default keymap is partially outright retarded, partially designed around some obscure 70s keyboard with idiosyncratic key placement, so it makes no sense on modern PC keyboards, painful to use and leads to RSI.

Then I switch to spacemacs and haven't looked back once, it just werks, the vim keymap is the best.

>The default keymap is partially outright retarded, partially designed around some obscure 70s keyboard with idiosyncratic key placement
This is the same for vim too.

EVIL is only for the sake of people who don't normally use Emacs (generally for Org mode), so, actually, EVIL mode users genuinely *do* tend to use the real thing.

>Didn't know that.
That's because is blowing shit out of his ass. Just because the two pieces of software are part of the same project doesn't mean that it was authored by the same people. Some really basic research would tell you that this is, in fact, not the case. The people who authored GIMP are not the same people who authored and maintain GNU Emacs.

The only person you're hurting is yourself.

True, but vim keymap makes sense once you remap Esc on something else, I use simulational J+K.

For great tools like magit and org-mode. To be able to use Eshell and to use Elisp as a powerful scripting language that can replace traditional UNIX tools.

Nothing wrong with Vim, though. It's more whether one prefers a UNIX workflow (grep, awk, etc.) or an Elisp one (dired, macros, etc.).

And here I am using Nano.

Come at me like reavers.

genuenly try only vim for a week
use vimtutor and start
i was using nano too but only when i was forced to use vim and learn it i started prefering it to nano

This. The initial learning curve is higher. But after you learn mode changing, movement, saving, quitting, copy/paste, and delete you'll be faster than when you were editing in nano. Takes like 20 minutes tops for those things

Basic movement* a big part of vim is many different types of movement, but things like G, g, a, A, o and O, and hkjl but that all comes pretty quickly in the tutorial

Oddly enough, you've given me a valuable lesson in advertising. I have no clue wtf you're taking about and was not enticed to try.

Is not seen anything that makes me want to use something that appears counterintuitive.

why not just capslock
(also +1 for the spacemacs evil mustardplace)

I don't want RSIs.

>There were times when it was considered to be a future alternative to PS
lol nigger the reccomended way to draw a rectangle is to select a area and use a brush
why the fuck isn't there just a rectangle tool

>not M-x

but I am, user


I am and it's great. Here's some memory helpers for noobs:
C-N for dowN
C-P for uP
C-F for Forward
C-B for Backward


I'm using intelliJ pro

some more helpful macros for noobs

>search and replace string on entire folder
C-d -> select folder -> t -> Q

>delete all annoying useless whitespace
M-x delete-trailing-whitespace

Because it doesn't matter what I use since it won't change the fact that I'm a NEET retard.

>actually using jamal

back to pooland with you

i dont want my entire system to revolve around my choice of editor