Is there any reason to buy the 1800x over the 1700?

Is there any reason to buy the 1800x over the 1700?

100x more reasons


>my babby consumer decisions
>separate thread
Stay in your fucking general, retarded faggot.

(18x) / 17 times the reasons you mean.

Get a 8700k.

Much better CPU.

better binned


But, there is no reason to get an 1800x instead of a 1700x. You might push an extra 0.2 GHz overclock out of the 1800x, but not enough performance gain to be worth the extra shekels.

thats a fucking meme with regard to GloF/tsmc, paying an extra 150-200$ for 100mhz is not worth it at all. ALL Ryzen chips are capable of reaching 3.8ghz across all cores, the better binned ones can do maybe 3.9-4.0 but its really not worth it due to the extra heat they generate under load, that money is much better being spent on a stronger graphics card, or if you absolutely need the CPU horsepower go with ThreadRapist.

So this is the power of Sup Forums manchildren

If you have no idea what overclocking means, yes.


Sort of as they are better binned with the usual benefits. But generally you are much better of with the 1700/1700X. Those 200mhz additional overclock you MIGHT push out of the 1800x arent worth it.

200mhz extra overlock

1700 for 275€
1700X for 335€
1800X for 410€
why are they so dirt cheap

Because they're made of the blood of pajeets from the Radeon division

>delidding tool not included

Ryzen+ is coming early 2018 with the release of ryzen+vega apu.

If you can snag an 1800x for $350 at Micro Center, and then take advantage of $30 off an X370 motherboard, then I'd say its worth it.

Because they're easier to manufacture than the intel stuff.

This CPU don't actually exist.



The 1700x costs $300 in Amazon atm, it's practically identical to the 1800x when OCd



If you are buying for a company or an environment where you don't have the time to maintain oc across installs or need the ensured stability of what is Esentially a factory oc.

No. Get the 1700X instead.

stfu intel fag

Poo in loo, pajeet

Incredibly high yield rates and magic glue


The only reason is if you're a dumbass who can't spend 30minutes on youtube to find out how to OC.

My 1700 is at 3.6 for stability and cool temps with the stock cooler. And honestly haven't been in a situation where that was not enough.



If you can afford it just fucking buy it. When you have money you can stop caring about this shit and always get the best.

1800x / 1080ti sc2 / 2x2TB SSD / NCASE M1

Shit cost a lot. I don't care, I can have the best and so I will. I don't even play gay ass games except quake 3.

That ain't threadripper poorfag

Threadripper was not released when I built that machine and I don't believe it's available on any mini itx platform

No satan, that's not a fucking meme. They are binned indeed, but that doesn't mean that the premium charged for that is worth it.

Say, there's a stock clearance fire sale at your favorite computer parts supplier selling the 1700 for 300, the 1700x for 305, and the 1800x for 320. Would stay true to your principle that it's just a meme and get the 1700 because, lol, they are all exactly the same?

gr8 b8 m8

current gen of ryzen was built on a low power node with low clock mode
next one will be on a low power high clock mode
and the true zen 2 the one we knew till 2 months ago the (7nm) is going to be using ibm black magic so you know low power very high base clock and practicly killing everything

Except that all X cpus hit 4ghz. Most non X won't hit that.

better binning, 100% gurrenteed 4 ghz across all cores

the 1900x is also pretty impressive, it gets 4.3 ghz across all cores which is insanely high for ryzen on safe voltages

AMD doesn't have any other choice. Intel have huge market capture and to win over customers there has to be a strong incentive outside of just increased performance

Can one user be more based?

>Intel have huge market capture
why do you guys keep spouting this shit? AMD is in every Xbox One and Playstation 4, that market is probably bigger than your stupid fucking enthusiast desktop market by a pretty big margian...

Because we're obviously taking about consoles here right you fucking retard