What's Sup Forums wearing?

What's Sup Forums wearing?


I wear my pajamas with little polar bears on them because they are cute and I never leave my room

As someone who used to actually wear cargo pants as a teenager, having anything heavier that tissues or maybe a plastic bag in those pockets gets hella annoying.

If don't mind looking like a massive nerd and still want some practicality, get a fanny pack instead.

levis 501

Nothing right now bb :3

I had the same desu.


Comfy for home.

Comfy for business

Comfy for general

My tight jeans that I always wear.

As someone who works 90% from home, let me share some knowledge:
1- Cotton Trackpants (I buy 3 of these each fall)
2- Thermal long sleeve shirt (5 each fall)
3- Polar Fleece Tracksuit (I buy 3)

With this Comfy pack you can pass through winter every year (@home) for less than 60 bucks.

What's your excuse now?

Post dick

Fucking hell, I always knew this was the gayest board

kickers shorts and a touhou t-shirt

Plain jeans, a plain grey t-shirt and a grey plain hoodie or whatever they're called
Post boipussy

why the fuck do you buy so much stuff each fall?

Are you ripping them apart or something?

why do you need new ones every year?

I wore these type of paints regularly before. Now I have a gf and these are of the menu. Unless of course I ditch my gf but I'm not gonna do that.


No way!

What's gay about me?

>being prideful in dressing in something that screams virgin

because his entire winter wardrobe for home costs the same as one t shirt

you're mom


the cost doesn't explain why he needs new ones

americans are such consumerist whores, jesus christ

>not wearing the superior short version
>not taking advantage of the last summer days to show off pic related
Are you gay or something?

he buys cheap crap and it doesn't last

you actually wear stuff more than once?

lol poorfags

>cargo anything
how to be the pastiest, whitest fuck ever
I bet you wear crocs with them too

Imagine being so insecure, you care about what people you don't even like think about your clothes :^)

I'm not over 40 and haven't given up on women yet.

Cargo pants, t-shirts and hoodies.

I wear the three stripes

>being white is bad

Post more, fucking sissy

Those are tight?

I have a gf too but she's luckily she doen't give too much of a damn what people are wearing. I couldn't stand being with such a person for long.

Still haven't left bed (5:36), so naked. But about to be in polo/dress pants for work

based trackies
every fucking time hahaha

Those aren't the tightest I have.

What do you mean?

hit the gym, that ass needs work

very funny la

Really? I thought my ass was fine...

nope, it's flaccid

I'm over 40 and haven't had woman yet.

>casual button-down (flannel is comfy)
>rain jacket/light parka/field jacket/heavy parka depending on conditions

got any original pics la

cargo shorts

Fucking traps are ruining this site

Literally me, flannel, chinos and cortez's everyday senpai

Prana Zion Pants

I'm not a trap.

that's all you need

>large hands
>shadow from adams apple visible

I'm not a girl either.
I'm a boy. Also I have no adams apple, my neck is totally smooth.

If you're a boy and you dress like a girl and take HRT which it looks like you do. You're a trap

I don't dress like a girl and I don't take HRT.
My clothes are unisex.
There's nothing gendered about a plain grey shirt, a grey hoodie and tight blue jeans.

I like them. It's just that no one in my school wears them. I would feel awkward if I were those

If you're that curvy and you have shoulder length hair, unless you have a beard or masculine facial features everyone will think you're a girl you sissy faggot.

r u a home of sexuals

I don't have control over my curvy feminine figure.
What am I supposed to do, start lifting and roiding?
I don't even grow facial hair by the way.


same x

I guess that all makes sense. Good luck finding a boyfriend friend

>low key trolling Sup Forums
joke's on you, cargos are fashionable rn

I hope I can find someone who can love me for who I am. A sissy little flower.

Being a homo is hard... I just want a loving, non slutty boyfriend. I don't want to get pozzed and most homos are into manly men. I have to find a homo that wants a girly boy. It's not fair.

i think ur qt and i fit that description

think i made him malfunction lads

dressed as if always ready to work on a mainframe

Good luck gay friend
You look qt

I have a friend who likes cute boys OwO
Want a hookup? Where u from

There are tons of guys who like girly boys, dude. Tits or gtfo.

You just have to ruin everything.

cock or gtfo

Thought of trapping? Chances of getting someone like you described are increasing.


A telnyashka and underwear

programming socks

I've literally become a hipster. Fucking kill me

>Wears Levi 511's
>Wears collared shirts
>My shoes are Red Wings Iron Rangers
>Owns and works on a MacBook pro
>Does some hobby programming in fucking coffee shops
>Only drink coffee black because it tastes better desu
>Am a full-stack webdev
>My workplace is all Apple products and open desks
>I use an iPhone, pay for music streaming and Netflix

I mean, at home I've got a windows/linux battlestation and more Android phones than I know what to do with, but in my professional life I'm a skinny hipster who's hiding his power level

I guess I never realized it until now. At least I'm into weird music

Your Linux installation is probably just an alibi

N-No, it's #! Because I'm too hipster to use a less depracted distro.

Unironically this, except I've got baby blue gazelles instead of those white whatever they are shoes.

I used to have a surface, sold it and bought headphones and now my main laptop is a t500.

nice user

rear shot pls

It's been my favorite for years. Actually got me to stop distro hopping

unironically wearing cargo parts rn

Cargo shorts improve your IT skills
Programming socks improve your programming skills

But what if... you combined the two?

you end up looking like a poof

What hath science wrought?!

Where are you from, user? ;^)

Tell me about the cargo pants! Why do you wear them!

They improve IT / admin skills

>Not just sitting around in your underwear all day

. Good shit right there

plain t-shirt, chinos and vans

Im wearing not-quite-clean underpants and a winterjacket right now (nothing else)

Kaby Lake keeps me warm.

Sup Forums live in warm data centers so probably nothing...

tux cosplay!

Currently in my office. I'm wearing generic blue pants, sometime black.

M65 woodland camo bitch
OP is a fag, only true BDU's count

>At least I'm into weird music
How is that not hipster?