Is replacing Windows 7 with this inevitable if you want to play games?
Is replacing Windows 7 with this inevitable if you want to play games?
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Yes, sadly
> muh gaming
2017 windows 7, retarded? what do you think you are doing?
Not yet. The userbase for Win7 is still massive, and you'll probably see quite a few migrate to 8.1 when 7 stops receiving security updates.
I'd be more worried with the lack of security updates after it reaches EOL.
Less telemetry, less retarded interface...
>shitposting on Sup Forums
El Otro Lado?
Depending on your gaming habits playing on GNU/Linux is already a good alternative.
There's now around 4000 native games on Steam, around 1000 on GoG, and a number of old games that have open source engines that are still actively worked on and maintained (though you'll need to get the game files).
The games available skew towards grand strategy, hardcore simulators, classic FPS, and retro platformers, but there's a bunch of modern AAA and other styles of indie games as well. Combined with emulators and compatibility software (same way you run old games on Windows now anyway) you can't quite play everything but you can get a lot closer than you'd think.
I too would like to know
I can't stand the autism that happened after 7, I could take using a modded 8.1 but 10 is just too far
No, it's still pleasant released after several years ,even better.
10 is even worse
less CPU and memory consumption
Atari is releasing a Linux gaming machine.
2018, the year of Linux gaming.
Get a better CPU corelet
win7 and win8 don't support all features of skylake, kaby lake and covfefe lake processors so yeah.
or you could just get a PS4
>windows releases new OS
>shit optimization, 100%cpu usage on idle
>computer running slow? Buy new one!
>autists like you flock to the store to buy the newest winshit sponsored hardware
Wrong, check your shit
It was just memes Intel had fun with for a while
Google before shitposting
Well, there are some exclusive Win10 games, but they suck because they don't run natively.
Even the win10 store version of cuphead have some terrible 200ms hiccups, and this on the digitalfoundry titan x+7700k box.
So nope.
I will never update my main OS to W10. I have it on my laptop and it is the most god-awful OS I've had to use.
End Of Life.
Win 8 was a direct downgrade to 7 and 10 is comically worse, so no.
Eventually, yes. Though we will still be able to use Windows 7 for quite a while. It wont be until games start to drop support for direct x 11 that you will absolutely be forced to switch. I imagine around 2-5 more years of Windows 7 usage is possible.
how about i will stick to windows 7 because it's BETTER OPTIMIZED ?
>posting on this site
>not being fat manchild
ye pick one
Do you think it might be possible to stick with 7 long enough until microsoft releases a good version of windows again? Kinda like how people stuck with XP until 7 came out.
Similar boat. I fresh installation of 7 is no longer doing it for me. I would love to upgrade but all that spying bullshit is keeping me away from it. I just hope that by the time 7 becomes deprecated, we'll have some alternatives to 10 or at least a spyware free option.
That's the plan.
Win7 EOL comes in 2020, so either MS release a new good windows, or people make win10 good.
the only dx12 exclusive games are made by microsoft, so the answer is no.
>spyware free option
Not trying to meme, but it's never going to happen. Switch to linux if you don't want spyware.
>but muh manchild gayms
How well does wine work for games these days? Any other options?
>the only dx12 exclusive games are made by microsoft
For now. Eventually devs will stop supporting old versions of dx.
Funnily enough mac has better support for games but in order to get hardware that doesn't suck you will have to pay a billion dollars.
Linux support for games is passable at the moment and getting better. Also there is absolutely no support if you have problems.
They're starting to drop DX10 now.
To be specific, 30% or so of the games don't run on my Geforce 9800gt due it lacking DX11 support.
If we go by the same scale, DX12 only games will start to be a thing around 2025 or so.
according to wikipedia there were only 3 dx12 games released in this year and one announced, that's like 1/3 of what got released in 2016
it looks like the developers actually stopped caring about dx12
I call bullshit
tell us when it answers
I've got windows 7 in a gpu-pass-through vm on arch, it's got near standard windows performance and I can monitor and control all the traffic that gets received and sent from the vm, I just block all Microsoft related servers and services
Sounds great, can you do the same with w10 for the sake of dx12?
Yeah, it's even easier than 7
It worked for me first try, I just couldn't stand the shitty os and dx12 is a worthless meme up until now imo
>good alternative
4000 games might sound good, but when 99% of them are just indie trash then it doesnt matter. also, running on linux =/= running WELL on linux, there are still quite a few games that will boot and run, but will run like shit or just crash constantly. windows 7 will pretty much always be better for gaming than linux.
>inb4 micro$oft shill
I use linux daily, and for most stuff prefer it to windows, but if i want games i just use windows on a machine that i do nothing else with, still stay effectivly disconnected from the botnet, but get the compatability of windows. windows 7 though, 10 is a pile of shit
Only in 3rd world markets
>better optimised
7 represents the peak of bloat in Windows, they cleaned the codebase up a lot for 8 and removed a lot of the non or semi-functional legacy holdovers that were just bloating the system. 8 uses less disk space, less memory, boots faster, and is just in general more responsive.
The difference between 8 and 10 is marginal though
Why do people pretend to care about spying while using 7?
Possibly not, if Vulkan API manages to gain traction gaming on any OS should be viable. Not to mention Microsoft is propping gaming up personally less and less, Xbone is a flop and their focus is more and more on tablets and mobile, very few exclusives for win10. There only Ace-in-the-hole is to turn a nation of autistic children rabid for having Minecraft 2 exclusive to whatever OS they want. They're frankly evil enough to do it.
I don't want to be one of those "Year of Linux Gayming" guys but, from my own experience, it's nuts how many games are easy to run out of the box on Linux no. even compared to just 5 years ago when your best bet was humble bundle shit and whatever played nice with Wine. If trends continue I don't think you'll want for much in 5 years for gaming on less shit OSs, not to mention it's in Valve's best interests to support linux as much as possible.
Almost everyone who was on 8 jumped to 10 (willingly or sucker-punched by auto update).
Based on Steam hardware surveys, the current spread for 7, 8/8.1 and 10 is roughly 45% 5% and 50% respectively.
>"I choose my OS based on how many video games it can play"
It's a valid choice as any.
Of course, if you go with "on how many good games it can play", suddenly things like linux don't actually lose that much.
>10 is comically worse
The fuck am I reading?
Cause they have that cheeze pizza
Who you want to Play Battlegrounds on Windows 7.
Modern games and eSports need an up to date OS and CPU
Anyone that don't want to get cut in the middle of a important battle with the OS wanting to update some shit.
Are you implying it's not?
I have an SSD in both a windows 7 and windows 10 machine, anybody telling you the 10 machine is much faster is a shill piece of shit *even without the "feature" of never turning the machine off completely so it "boots" faster.
Windows 10 is horseshit that will fuck your files if you do any type of business from your 10 machine unless you go through and painstaking remove every single little caveat of the OS that was forced upon you by loads of updates.
The latent build of 10 that receives updates at a slower rate is still a piece of poo in loo shit as well.
Don't believe shills telling you otherwise.
>I'm an adult man doing adult things
>Shitposting on a Taiwanese Fishing Forum is an activity mature adults partake in
It takes one to know one, cunt
win7 is the best.
i dont know a single retard using w10
1 guy at work got w10 on job computer, not a single fucking program works and always problems
like random fucking problems too, 2 days ago w10 decided it was cool idea to fuck up the cad key licence program cuz it was cool
No, why? Titan X Pascal works without any issues on Windows 7. If anything it works better on 7 than on 10. I experience some weird GPU issues with 10, where it goes to P0 on desktop for no reason whenever I interact with the start menu or settings or any other modern application. It happens on any build of Windows 10 since 1607. Issue which is not present on 7. As a direct result, my GPU runs hotter (5-10 degrees celsius) in Windows 10 compared to Windows 7.
Benchmarks, in METRO LL Redux, BioShock Infinite and STALKER CoP are also worse on 10 especially lowest fps. Averages seem to be the same though.
My sister just asked me to look at her Windows 10 laptop to see why it's so slow. After uninstalling the antivirus and iCloud and letting Windows Update do its thing, it's still pretty bogged down though, and from what I can tell, it's almost exclusively some Windows Store service doing who-knows-what in the background, and also a bit of some telemetry service. That's why I recommended her to upgrade to Windows 7 if she still finds it slow.
Speaking of which, I still can't believe what a total piece of crap Windows Update is. It uses 100% CPU, tons of disk bandwidth and like 1 GB of memory just for checking for and downloading updates, and obviously when actually installing them the system is completely unusable, and it takes multiple minutes for doing things that APT does in seconds.
Us military is upgrading to Windows 10 from 7 by the end of this month. If you're slower than the military to upgrade than you're just a fucking idiot.
Run GNU/Linux with a passthrough, that'd do the trick, no?
>tfw my computer busted
>tfw want to use my steam to play playstation and older games
>my windows 10 literally freezes within minutes and barely works
>want to reformat the hard drive and change the operating system but literally of the few games i want to play they aren't playable on ubunutu debian or mint
>tfw will probably have to buy a cheap windows somehow
Lads is there any way around this? I rarely ever play games but of the ones i do i need fucking windows. Mods also are windows based.
>the list of good dx12 games
Inevitable my ass!
You can literally do a fresh windows 10 install in less than 30 minutes including all your necessary driver downloads.
Then W10 is shit, because the inferior backward compatibility.
Where did you find my photo?
Is that free? How do i do that? I literally didnt know that..ill have to do it..
Nigga Microsoft even made a tool to make this process easy af. Just research it.
Thanks daddy..
The botnet is comfy... and buggy.
Is it so important to do all the updates? I'm thinking about installing a fresh Windows 7 and not updating it at all. Did anybody get affected by those security vulnerabilities? I never did brcause I'm a home user.
I use it solely for games. Linux partition for everything else.
>you will never hunt bloodsuckers with femanon
Yes it is.
Install gentoo and do GPU passthrough.
Why would you think so? Are there any games that only work on W10? If so, I'm not aware of them.
people keep regurgitating this meme yet windows 10 has never interrupted me for an update ever, maybe this is something from the preview builds
it was reindexing C: before unpacking the update, that is my only gripe with this OS it loves to reindex C:
Or this guy will make his distro able for windowslike gaming compatibility.
Yes and no, both are true at the same. Yes for obvious reasons, and no for the same reason ppl keep a XP VM for running 90s gamus. Some older stuff I play doesn't fucking works on W10, only 7.
>same time
>Caring what an adult does in their spare time
You sound like the child here.
Why not? The Windows 10 telemetry is back ported to 7, so there are only gains to upgrading.
Yeah, I'm moving my dad's laptop to 8 on 2020
Microsoft, stop this madness, dont kill windows 7, dont leave her dead, give her new life.
Windows 10 is a yandere
>Why not? The Windows 10 telemetry is back ported to 7, so there are only gains to upgrading.
ur mom is back ported
how it is it "backported"? seriously don't post if you don't know what fuck you're talking about.
This is what I will do, though I have zero confidence in Microfuck to make Windows great again.
>since the streetshitters aren't going anywhere soon.
CSGO is actually faster on 7.
I don't really play other games, though.
>win10 has been released for years now
>still only userbase it has are casuals who don't know bettter and think bigger number is automatically better
Just how hard did microsoft fuck up?
By the time games are incompatible with 7 they will be so trash I won't care
replace win7 with openpepe leap
install retroarch, use dual shock 4 2 play a shit-ton of vidya
Can any of you cunt redpill me on where the flaw is in this?
>inb4 >>>reddit
Pretty sure MS said that win10 is the last version of windows and they'll just keep updating it, cant get you source, it was some tech article i had read
vete de aqui y vuelve a esa mierda de foro, mongolo
Yes, but dx12 games still sucks, so wait a few more years.