So I'm a small youtuber and twitch streamer, and recently my channel has been growing decently

So I'm a small youtuber and twitch streamer, and recently my channel has been growing decently.

Only now however I have begun to realize how dangerous that might become - I got into technology and information security waaaaay too late in my life, and so the internet is littered with information that could potentially be used to track me down.

Now's the question: how do I go about cleaning up after myself, so that I can minimize the risk of being doxxed?

And after I'm done, how can I test that my efforts would actually hold up against someone who is trying to gather information about me?

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Bump because interdasting.

I do this the hard way though, and just search a fuck load of things whatever I can think of about myself and try to purge the results, then I resort to creating a whole new persona online and stick with that. You have to put your face up, but you could’ve at least used an alias.

Tough shit kid, start by getting a real job

Yeah, that's what I've been doing so far - googling my real name, aliases + location names where I've been, usernames, email addresses, phone numbers and so on.

However simply creating a whole new persona is probably too late at this point - like I said, I'm a small youtuber, but not 100 views per video-small. I do have several thousand subscribers, and at this point it is to be expected that some mirror or something has been created of atleast some of my videos, which would make it possible to identify my in a new persona.

My best bet is probably to clean up as much as I can find and then maybe bury everything I can't remove in false data (e.g. setting up a few more accounts with random email accounts, using the random email accounts to create accounts with the usernames of random people, etc.)

youtube and twitch are strictly a hobby of mine and I don't earn (nor plan on earning) any money with it.

Google allows you to reload cached documents if the information is outdated. By changing information, you can request the cache to be wiped/refreshed, so use it if you have some forum account that accidentally was cached with your personal information.

thanks, that's the kind of stuff I was looking for.

There's also this if you're in EU

Well first, stop fucking attention whoring on twitch you massive faggot. :)

that would make things less complicated, wouldn't it?

Nobody cares about doxxing you unless you are a woman or court drama like Ice Poseidon.

Put out fake doxxes, muddies the water. Loosely connected accounts, vague mentions, make people go down the rabbit hole only to hit dead ends.

dumbasses who put their real info online deserve everything they get

Same boat as you OP, just recently got my sub button. I never once showed my face or revealed any information about myself. The only thing the viewers know is my voice.

what the fuck you're talking about, you whore and shill for money online and you want to be anonymous? how about not being the whore first place?

also, watching other people playing video games is literally the most retarded trend. I can't remember anything so cancerous invented in the last 20 years.

I most certainly whore for attention and imaginary internet points, but not for money.

Also I don't make any videos where I play videogames, that's what you assumed.

im just waiting for the bubble to burst, nothing will satisfy me more than seeing all these gamers lose their revenue stream

What bubble? Advertising? Kids can't stop watching this shit.

if there is a bubble, then it takes very long to burst. the shit is just about to start and companies can start from very young age with shillling. they pay big bucks for young people watching their shit. their hobbies are playing gamez and ram with blue leds. of course its easy to sell them 1000 dollar gaming chair if their mum who is fucking a yupppie corporate nigger is paying for it.

Watching people play sports is retarded too. Why don't they play sports themselves instead?

People don't spend eight hours a day watching sports. Sports doesn't give you the same virtual friend experience.

>People don't spend eight hours a day watching sports?

World snooker or golf or tennis can be watcher for 8 hours?
>Sports doesn't give you the same virtual friend experience.
What do you think sports commentators, pundits and presenters are for?

A lot of kids will watch these gamers during 80% of their free time every single day if your let them. That doesn't happen with sports.

So? What is the problem?

Tough question. When I started doing YT and twitch, I made up a new identity and made sure there were no ties to anything else I'd done online.

But that's not an option. Best you can do is go through old accounts and deactivate them whenever possible. Especially if there was some connection to your name.