How do we get more girls into STEM, g?

How do we get more girls into STEM, g?

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I'd rather we get more girls into garbage collecting and taxi driving

More sewage women too.


I'm an engineer. From what I've observed, we are doing everything we can to help out women during their education. However in actual industry they don't seem to perform as well as their male counter parts. So much so that it seems many smart female students try out industry and for whatever reason instead decide to pursue academia or a post-grad life. It could be that the university or school system is more welcoming, that there is a trend of disconnect when applying their knowledge to real industrial problems, or that there is actually some kind of sexism going on at the work place. I have noticed the last point and won't try to brush it under the rug. I can't deny sexism exists especially with the older male crowd aged 35+.

I don't think it makes sense to change the way industry works, if such a change can be substantiated to help women, unless it helps maximize profit. It is certainly more competitive than academia. On the other hand in academia collaboration and who you know is very important (moreso than industry) so perhaps women thrive there more. They seem to depend on and navigate our social structures more readily than men, and women seem to favour collaboration over competition.

So maybe there's a place for male-centric thinking and a place for female-centric thinking.

By not forcing those uninterested in the fields into them

Nohthing's stopping a woman from pursuing a STEM career. Not now and not twenty years ago. nothing.
Femishits are making up BS about why they aren't successful as they believe they are ought to be.

Start young: give them cool shit like Lego sets, video games, and a computer. Don't give them dumb shit like dolls.

Gender neutral toys that don't reinforce gender stereotypes, let boys wear pretty dresses and make up and push strollers too.

>be woman
>get English degree / women’s studies degree
>spend life bitching about no women in STEM
There is no helping them. They’re gonna do it or they’re not gonna do it. Apparently it’s the latter. Stop trying to force the change, there’s no benefit to having women in there unless they actually offer something, and they don’t. When there’s an exceptional woman who breaks away from the crowd and contradicts that, she is just that. An exception.
I live in a region secluded from the urbanite, where industrial work is the status quo for *everyone* and women still avoid it like the plague.

Just let the meme die. Women are women.

This is a good point. Dolls like Barbie not only enforce female gender stereotypes but fill their heads with toxic beauty standards. You risk getting a vain kid with no real curiosity with that kind of shit.

I've graduated MAI and now have worked on a turbojet engine factory for two years.

There have been 3(three) entire female students on my faculty, two female engineers in my department and one more on the factory that I know of.

They all are pretty great, comitted and highly intelligent individuals, there's just very few of them.

By comprassion the midless paperwork, beurocratic, and office positions and quality control (not heavy but tediuos and mibdless labor) on the factory are all staffed by women without higher education almost entirely.

I think that pretty much reflects female intelligence.
Women are smart great and intellectual people approximately like 3% of the time.

They dont want legos.
Million experiments have been dine already, they just want dolls, not toy cars.

This is all you can do, treat them like a boy. Even then however, with this as a standard practice, you’re not going to make a significant impact. The generalizations about women exist for a reason. They gravitate to other things. At least doing this though will probably make them less retarded and understand the technical world around them better, reducing the amount of thots who “literally can’t even”

>Lego sets, video games, and a computer

Are girls not interested in these because they are not marketed to girls, or are these things not marketed to girls because girls are not interested in them?

A little of the former, a lot of the latter. Even favourite colors have some degree of hardwiring in the brain. Psychological conditioning can do anything, but nature can penetrate through any conditioning too.

The latter
Gender neutral parenting since birth has berl tried many times before.
Even if you raise little kids just the same the boys still prefer to play with toy cars and girls cuose dolls.

I'd never thought I'd see the word "thots" on Sup Forums. Kudos to you.


I'm not sure about colour but there was once an experiment that examined which babies will choose which toy.

I don’t like the term roastie, and thot brings to mind chicks with fake ass makeup and slutty outfits that can’t figure out how to change the passcode on their iPhone. I just went with it. I’ll be honest, I actually hesitated about using the term but thought “nah, it won’t matter”
But here we are, someone noticed

We market the professions to them endlessly to no success for over 30 years.
I don't see how that could possibly fail.
Seriously though I have no idea. Effort has been massive and the gender gap has just grown.


I view the term with being synonymous with black twitter so, yeah. It's a funny term.

You don't, they're meant for people job, not machine job.
But you don't deny the few ones that actually are better with machine shit.

It’s true, but of course will stay “unconfirmed” for a long time, if not forever.
A couple years ago researchers dissected a monkey brain and found globs of cells in the brain that react to different colors. A primitive setup, and it wasn’t based on the system of color mixing, it seemed to be based on things in nature that monkeys should be attracted to or notice. Brown, red, green, yellow and I think one more.
These globs of cells were also different shapes and sizes, indicating that different colors triggered different reactions in the monkeys brains.

I’ll be damned if humans don’t have a more advanced system in their brains.

>free to decide to attend college
>free to pick any major
>free to use your degree to enter any career path

maybe women just aren't interested in stem fields. if that's the case, then what was the fuss actually about in the first place?

Women want other women to do those things, they don’t want to do them themselves, the female “academics” just have a desire to infect every male environment with their bullshit.

We do not.
Society (and especially the government) should not try to force any outcome when it comes to "inequalities".
What should not happen is qualified people getting discriminated against because of their gender, but that is obviously not happening.

No one is stopping women from getting a STEM degree (aside from everything that would stop a man too).

Thats not how it works, gender differences are largely biological and not environmental, most girls prefer dolls and it would be absurd to deny them that.

Not bullshit. There's plenty of such shit

What’s worst about this is that these cunts actually RUIN things for women in tech by infecting it with their fem army shit, and making things hostile for the men already in the industry, which artificially creates a bigger rift between the genders.
Women in IT who are actually autistic enough to do a STEM job struggle and pay for it because men won’t be in the same room alone with them for fear that they will pull some shit, since we can’t trust random hoes, and they can get away with anything if they are immoral

>or there's some kind of sexism going on at the workspace
>35+ males are especially sexist
I disagree. I've got a mom that's a senior programmer now and her opinion is that sexism comes entirely from the female side of things. There's gendered meetups organized by women at her company and their primary activity is shopping. Yes it sounds like a ludicrous stereotype but they actually do go out shopping as an activity and they're engineers mostly.

She doesn't feel there's sexism in her day to day though. If I were to judge (based on female stereotypes) I'd say her boss gives her way more document/presentation writing work than the rest of her team. But it's understandable as the rest of them suck at that and she's really good at it.

And in my software career I haven't seen a woman being treated in a sexist manner. But that's less important as the perception from the woman's point of view is the real determinant there.

I don't have any ideas about why there's this gender divide.
Not sure where you got that idea from. Sounds more like a political agenda than an observation.

I’ll read this later thanks, I gotta run now

How do I get my stem into girls?

>men avoid women in STEM fields because they're afraid of spurious claims of crime
Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe that's a university thing now. You can't avoid your coworkers.

Literal feminist want females in each power position.

What does that have to do with STEM?

make them laugh

STEM high pay jobs.

Hold them to lower standards and discriminate young males to drive them out in to manual labour jobs that are too hard and dirty for women to do.

I wouldnt mind having more women in stem. However , normal women would never make it. Only outliers make real good female devs.

You'd hardly argue they're positions of power though. I've seen feminists push for ratios in leadership which can be argued for and against but that's at least clearly a power position.
High pay jobs at the level of STEM there's plenty of. Doesn't really count as a power position.

shut the fuck up and back the fuck up. women do not need jobs, instead they need strong, working men, who are in the STEM field. FUCK OFF YOU FAGGOT.

If gender is just a social construct isn't everyone in STEM effectively a girl? Alongside whatever else they might also be?

Asian women are over represent because STEM prestigie on Asian, white women get stigma loser nerds.

Isn't this true for men as well? Normie infiltration of CS is sky high now, but how are you as competent as a guy with no social life on the computer 18 hours a day?

I agree. There's lots of men I'd rather be without at my workplace. They're just there because the perception is that they contribute to development speed.
Me fixing their code all the time doesn't come into it. That's just normal bugs every developer might have apparently.
Sometimes I don't think management knows the concept of cost benefit analysis.

It has to do with literally EVERY industry dude. That is what political revolutionaries do. They don’t dress like Antifa and riot, they dress in a suit and tie and work a 9-5. Climb to a position of power in a business. Then make that environment hostile to anyone who isn’t an ally of their ideology. Rinse. Repeat until their opponents are all eliminated.

user this is awfully close to sounding like you think women in general have a political agenda to undermine society for nefarious purposes.

The companies that make tits only want to make money. So what do you think?

That’s why STEM is done last.
But if they want a full absolute takeover, they can’t do that while depending on people who disagree with them fundamentally to run and maintain the knitty gritty of all of society.

Good luck inflitrating engineering lol.
Fucking brainlets will never do it.
And if they had IQ above 110 they wouldnt be lefties to begin with.

tech is hard and all girls have a notion that they will marry rich and be stay at home mom, so only the plain ones seem to bother; but even then just to hedge their bets, because if they could they would marry rich

No they don’t you fucking retard, leftists do, they just happen to mostly be women. See Normal women in the industries don’t like the hostility either.
>hurrr muh personal problem
Not me, faggot, but for your god Linus Thorvalds it is. There’s many stories about false rape accusations and such issues with hostile women in the tech industry, all flying just under the radar, all you have to do is look and you’ll find a shocking amount of it

CS normie here. (Normie in the sense that I have a gf, play sports, and have good social skills despite being on Sup Forums)

Social skills are becoming just as important as your coding ability these days. The era of a lone coder developing in his corner is long gone. Managng large software projects is always going to be a team effort, and if you can't properly function as part of a team (which many of the autisticly brilliant devs can't), then you're not of much value to the company because they can't explain your work to others.

Good engineering knows no politics, user.
Also see Google

That’s why they rely on their vaginas and false rape accusations...

I don’t want women in STEM
I want women who genuinely WANT to be in STEM to be in STEM. You can’t create those out of thin air.

I am the polar opposite from you in every respect except social skills, which I somehow possess regardless.
It's a given that your ability to communicate is important, but it's not corollary to being a normie (i.e., experiencing distractions from life's true purpose, spending the majority of your day, every day, in a digital world of autism). NOT being a normie should lend natural advantages to being a programmer, communication skills being equal.

The solution is to kill all men

Then women have no choice but to work in STEM

Fair enough. Besides the point of the post I had though.

I dont think you understand women.

I know what you’re saying, I am quite confident there is an agenda going on, but no, I’m not delusional into thinking that women in general are naturally part of this. I do believe that if we see a major influx of women into tech, that it will be indicative of a big movement happening. Firefox is a nice example of what happens when we take for granted the apolitical nature of our industry. I’m reluctant to go about initiating unnatural changes for any sort of social progressive reasons at all, because those people always show up when we do that.

>what is a joke

I would agree that the autistic guys generally do have better coding skills from the hours they've toiled away on a computer.

However, my point is that these guys don't generally succeed in the industry in the way that they used to, given that most modern software is far to large to be managed by one person.

This means that even if they can write great code, they can effectively explain it to other members on the dev team. Every single piece of code is properly explained and doucmented in modern projects. When a project review comes along, often these guys code gets scrapped because the guy reading the review couldn't understand what it did.

Then they have problems in meetings, where they either never say anything at all, so nobody really knows what they're doing, or they blather on constantly about something that's not even relevant to the project.

These guys rarely advance in their careers, and will always stay as a code monkey unless they learn how to properly communicate. It really is as important as coding in itself.

They can't explain it to the dev team*

it's your fantasy, normie...

>How do we get more girls into STEM, g?
Physically impossible: we're already in a point in history where feminists managed to take over key power positions in politics and in every industry, and they're constantly campaigning to end women oppression and bullshit like that (it's not that oppression doesn't exist, it's that it exists equally for everyone, just in different forms). Nowadays, and it's been like this for at least two decades, there is physically nothing less but incentives for women to start colonizing areas that were mostly men's domain, and yet we see that STEM is still a man's thing.
Politically Correct and feminists politics try to impose new way of thinking, which might or might not be a good thing in of itself (there's some good stuff, although not much, but it's mostly polarizing propaganda made for power hungry groups to take control over the current establishment in the chaos that results with these insane politics), but they surely can't rewire our brains.

I was reading some statistics on the output generated by universities of my country: the amount of engineer females is still way lower than 40%, while philosophy is 75% female; only 7% of all graduates per year is an engineer, meaning there's a yearly deficit in engineers in the market (which is a good thing for every engineering graduate, but it's bad for a country). We still have to see propaganda pushing for more men in philosophy, we still have to see propaganda pushing for more people in general in engineering. Feminists politics are directly hurting the host nation in which they live.


Software developer isn't about neckbeard autist, neither basic programmer with good social skill, is about profesional competent in computer science,mathematics and good social and time mananger skills.

Biggest lie on industry is programmer begin isolate guy then magical learn programming software inside solid path of learning.

Teach them the mecha is of making their own sybian, will never leave engineering after that!

Isn't médecine, pharmacy, biology and chemistry part of stem? Because women are doing very well in those fields.

We don't

I did an undergrad in philosophy and then an MSc in computing. Currently working in software dev.

Studying philosophy made picking up programming easy. Logic and problem solving are domains of discrete mathematics that are well taught in analytic philosophy.

>How do we get more people into STEM, g?
ftfy, no need to bring sexism into this

Having worked in various engineering environments, men are willing to work longer hours.

This does not necessarily mean the men are doing a better job by working more hours, however the "more ours are better" mentality isngrained in almost all work sectors.

Men are naturally more competitive than women who have a more colabiritive nature.

On paper women make better engineers, but I feel the work environment is hostile towards women.
Not in a sexist way, but the expectations put on engineers in various sectors are
very high.

May be men are more willing to sacrifice either their health or other parts of their lives to be successful in the engineering sector.

Men are naturally

Make it easier and less stressful honestly. Most hot girls can't handle the hw load or the stress of actually having to study and work hard to get ahead. Attractive people aren't designed to work hard. So you would need to essentially dumb down stem or some sort of affirmative action where failing everything can still earn you a degree

This is fucking ludicrous of course though but I wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening

>This is fucking ludicrous of course though but I wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening
It might happen on low grade universities, but the market would still require good engineers, and with "good" I mean people (regardless of their gender), that know their shit, and have amazing problem solving. Fact is that there are industries where inefficiency and malpractice aren't that relevant after all: shit programmers won't cause anything more than a loss of time and money , but when we talk about actual engineering lives can be at risk: if ubisoft fills up with blue haired radical feminists we'll see games turning into shit, but that's all, if Airbus fills up with blue haired radical feminists...

Is all about what role models they have and what cool stuff their role models do, as in a female engineer. Start early on school before they fill in garbage in their heads. If one thing some parents got wrong is making their daughter braindead serfs.

Good luck battling the influence from Tv though.

>not wanting to work at a cute girl only tech company
we should definitely make stem a cute Sup Forumsirl thing