Homo Sapiens exist since 200,000 years ago

>Homo Sapiens exist since 200,000 years ago

>Nobody invented anything till a few thousand years ago when suddenly cultures popped up everywhere around the globe.

tell me why I shouldn't believe in advanced ancient civilizations?

you're telling me that 100,000 years ago, some asshole didn't think of planting crops, domestication and eventually build cities? we had to wait until 15,000 years ago for the first cunt to think up agricultural revolution?

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those 200.000 years are still very very optimistic. older homo branches (f.ex neandhertals) were probably the same as sapiens, they buried their death, did paintings in cave without any visual differences as those made by sapiens, and had similar or even bigger brains.

i don't believe there was any ancient civilization (it might be, but not something advanced) but it's truly interesting how humans did nothing but at the same moment in the whole world the humans seemed to get enlightened

one simple reason what many people decided to ignore

temperature rose

It's quite simple.

>humans are busy doing their shitty hunting routine as usual
>one guy gets an idea
>everyone copies it

And these days people get paid for ideas. So lots of ideas pop up.

aboriginals didn't do any of that until the brits arrived just over 200 years ago

>3.180.000 years for a fucking idea to appear

we're doomed

Also, if it took 100,000 years for men to move out of Africa, then Africa should be the most advanced continent in the world. WTF

>go hunting son stop wasting your time with those silly gay plants
>"but mooooom, these seeds will grow into plants with fruits"
>no son, we're going to move away tomorrow. So go be a real man and feed our bellies
>move away next day
>other tribe comes along and takes a dump on your shitty plants ayyy lmao

I didn't know homo erectus did an exodus. where they intelligent?

also how did they manage to get into indonesia? lower sea level?

but even then, it wasn't too cold for them to be able to live, and they didn't all live in cold or temperate climates. Even Homo erectus dwelled all over the world.

many tens of thousands of years of dwelling around acting like niggers

also there was warmer periods with sapiens existing before the last glacial era

the very last one killed humans to the thousands hence all other species stopped and why humans have a genetic bottleneck


>spend the whole year in one place while you could be catching those juicy meats
>grow some crops
>some shitty rabbit eats it lmao
>pick the remaining fruits
>some other niggers steal it ayy lmao
How is agriculture even a viable plan? Fucking nerds.

>hey let me put my food in the ground for bugs to eat
okay genius

>Vast majority of human settlements near a water source
>Majority of these are coastal or have ocean access

>Cities and societies begin to appear much earlier than is currently accepted
>Wiped the fuck out simultaneously by massive glacial outburst flood because most or all are along waterways and coasts
>This decimates and scatters man, setting him back thousands of years and creating all the flood myths
>None of these settlements are known because they've been buried under sediment and in many cases seas and oceans for millenia

bigger colonies means they can't hunt enough to keep up
at first agriculture was just to supplant foraging and hunting but what was too labor intensive versus raids by other groups so farming became the main labor for the proximity of security

>you're telling me that 100,000 years ago, some asshole didn't think of planting crops

>but it's truly interesting how humans did nothing but at the same moment in the whole world the humans seemed to get enlightened

It's like the most stupid kid in the class for years suddendly started A'cing all tests in the last year of school. Really weird.

>>Wiped the fuck out simultaneously by massive glacial outburst flood because most or all are along waterways and coasts
>>This decimates and scatters man, setting him back thousands of years and creating all the flood myths
That's what I've always thought

glacial era ends -> water raises -> massive floods -> many centuries and deformations later -> le deluge omg!

>setting him back thousands of years
Why would this set man back thousands years? In other known catastrophes such as bronze age collapse, man didn't revert to living in a cave, he rebuilt his cities in a smaller scale immediately.

He's probably a black American. They revert back to the hunter gatherer era every Friday.

need a better explanation than blacks did it

Trips confirm I was speaking the truth.

That's mainly down to the "decimates" part. The Bronze Age collapse wasn't a catastrophic event that changed the landscape entirely and eliminated a significant portion of habitable, arable land

I dunno, but as neandhies did paintings here I have to say that they knew how to get honey, they liked it pretty much.


>neandhertals were smart
they were fucking retards

what is your favorite idea?

Fire was not actually discovered by our species but by it's predecesors, Anatomically modern humans didn't appear until 200,000 years ago, but behavioural modernity, dates to 50,000 - 40,000 years ago, on that timeline the advances necessary to reach the point in which advanced civilizations could arise had to be made in something like 20,000-30,000 years which kinda fits. It isn't as if things which may be appear obvious today for someone who's received a Western education were that easy to figure out or that people had much chance to do so at a time with an average lifespan of under 30 years and in which kids were doing manual labor at kindergarten age...

You might have been forgiven for trying to fuck a woman before you died rather than figure better ways to chip stone blades if all you ever knew was a deeply superstitious world of dark nights, disease and starvation... The new world, which didn't have the advatage of developing in areas which had been continuously inhabited for the full lenght of that period was something like a millenium behind the old world.

IMHO the progression is pretty clear, there being no evidence of advanced civilizations prior to Middle Eastern ones.

brits didn't know how to wipe their own asses 1000 years ago. brits were AFRICA TIER 1000 years ago while arabs were ROME TIER 10.000 years ago

That's a really fucking disgusting meme.

There is even more neandhertal presence here than sapiens one (without current times, obviously) and they both did the fucking same.

Their painting take long to be verified because there was the scientist taboo of "they had to be dumb!!"

I really need a small handheld vacuum cleaner for spiders, beetles and silverfish where they keep sticking inside.

If they remembered this as the great flood than they have historic memory hence retained culture continuity and had similar social structure and were able to create complex societies. They didn't have cities and than went back to cave paintings. Your theory can explain maybe one hundred years in set back not the 200,000 (of which in only the last 100,000 homo sapiens had the same mental abilities as modern man).

they had no projectile weapons or spears
even niggers have projectile weapons and spears
even abbos can make really sophisticated projectile weapons
neanthertals were dumbshits

Oh no, schlomo already build it.

>We waz Babylonians and sheet
Nop, arabs were the barbarians of mideast living in the deserts and raiding more advanced civilizations.

Aren't neanderthal genes what makes white people?

>15,000 years ago
>some apes wander out of Africa
>interbreed with Neanderthals
>creates the caucasian race
>they begin farming and forging tools and riding horses
>15,000 years later
>the apes who remained in Africa are still exactly the same

it's that simple

>it's that simple
it's not
apes cannot make with neanderthals

The economics were more important than the ideas and technology themselves. Paradoxically, the first farmers would have been hunter gatherers doing well enough at hunting and gathering that they could stick around the one place, pen in prey animals and play silly buggers with early grain crops and vegetables. They had larger families who got better at sticking around in the one place and that became civilisation.

neanthertal genes are what make non niggers and that's pretty much it. are you going to start sharing your uneducated ideas about how neanthertal genes are superior or something you chicano

>jewish shilling their bullshit everywhere all the time
go fuck yourself you fucking cunt son of a bitch motherfucking rat
scum being a piece of shit in every civilization for the past 10.000 fucking years, don't even know why you are in this conversation

like 0000000.1 percent

Neanderthals also used tools. But they were stronk. So they might have needed it less than us.

Humans traded their strength for dexterous fingers.

they could though

desinovans, homo sapiens, and neanderthals were similar enough that they were able to interbreed

speciation is a fine line

>unironically being a homo sapiens



Ahmed can't handle his buthert

up to 5%

I would trade 50kg of pure muscle and the inteligence and dexterity of making projectile weapons any epoch of the era and if you wouldn't do the same you just deserve to be out of the fucking evolution game because that is what would happen you lady boy

Ancient civilizations were advanced, intelligent people, its just that until the invention of paper, nothing was written down, stories were passed throughout the years.

Plato talks about the wisdom of ancients in his book Laws, and also makes reference to how Egyptian sculpture hasnt changed much in 10,000 years.

These are signs that smart people lived long before us.

Not if Enki has anything to say about it

>arabs were ROME TIER 10.000 years ago

haha bullshit, burger quality

The use of weapons didn't really do them in. Nor were they dumber than humans. They just weren't social creatures like humans.
Human children are very slow to mature and need lots of nursing. So humanity formed communities.
Their children were already mature and fully grown in their early teens. And didn't really need a community effort to protection them.

they werent so advanced if they didnt have paper.

said the filthy backstabbing barbarian who had to learn agriculture from the arabs

why don't you open an actual history book first, you fucking birdbrain

and then niggers fucked their shit up by stabbing a spear through their anuses/hunted all their food. then we interbred with them until their weaker blood got so diluted they went extinct

suck my dick you barbarian puppet piece of shit

"""hurr brits were niggers 1000 years ago arabs were like romans 10000 years ago"""

probably the most stupid post i've seen here so far, do they teach you this in your american schools?

most of us are simply riding of the ideas of a few hundred important people throughout all of history. Our entire world was literally shaped by a handful of brilliant people Most of us are completely useless and don't really do anything except use up resources.

>breed with Neanderthals
>they grow in numbers and dominate the world as whites
ayy lmao


Not entirely true. Without consumers there is no funding for new research.

consumers are replaceable, guys like Leonardo Da Vinci are not

You still need consumers.

are you fucking kidding me? niggers drove neanthertals to extinction and only a little percentage of their DNA is left in homo sapiens. besides, arabs, native americans and asians also have neanthertal genes. white people didn't dominate jackshit 10.000 years ago.
but apparently, no matter what I say you will just go back to your retarded looping thoughts anyway so fuck off

Not to mention there used to be only a handful of humans.

I didn't say you didn't...


>Most of us are completely useless

No we aren't

Nice lack of proof mate.


No. 2,000 max. Anyways, "historic memory," i.e. passing things on by spoken word, existed long before permanent settlements were ever dreamed of. The earliest known "cities" are dated to ~8000 B.C. If Çatalhöyük-tier settlements are the best that humanity has come up with, and the vast majority of these get destroyed along with the vast majority of the people who built them ca. nine or ten thousand B.C., it would almost certainly take neolithic man another thousand or so years to get back to the same level, and even that's probably being quite generous. It probably never happened anyway, but that's considering the complete lack of empirical evidence, not your increasingly asinine excuses.

Get out of my country you Arab piece of shit

>read a 1000 pages book for a quarter and study my ass off to get a decent grade on that subject
>now a shit eating uneducated neet on Sup Forums wants me to chew all the information and spit it in his throat

I'm not responsible for your education little friend






>15,000 years ago

It took US (yes us, not you) a lot of time, we invented it 11,000 years ago


>I believe everything I read despite not being able to reproduce it or criticize it
Sounds like an American bible thumper alright.

>mad barbarian manchildrem getting butthurt

I get your point. However im not surprised it took that long. Even now mist people really dont invent anything. And in the earliest days people were probably to busy gathering food to have free time. However there were early astronemers that used the stars to predict seasonal changes which helped people to understand the migration of animals and whatnot. This probably led to understanding growth cycle of wild plants which in turn might've led to agriculture. In turn the abundance of food allowed people to live at a place for a prolonged period of time by which villages were formed. But this is just guessing on my part.

Maybe your confusion and anger comes from mistaking arabs who burst out of the peninsula around 700ad into the levant like the germanics wandered ibto rome at that time with the original dwellers of turkey and the levant who were people such as hittites, amorites, assyrians and sumerians?

>reproducing anthropology
>criticizing something that is not even in my field of specialization

still better than
>I read nothing and I still talk shit

>his arguments have devolved into ironic quotes
Oh, how the guys who read a single book about anthropology have fallen.

Hasn't changed in 10,000 years

More like 2,500 years since Egyptian civilization didnt exist before 3,000 BC, but yes, for some reason their sculptures didnt change much in style except maybe for Akhenaton's

Because my dear turk rapebaby, agriculture is actually a lot harder than it looks. Especially if your tools are not up to the task.

HAHAHAHA I thought I puppeted you hard enough to let go of those grandiose dellusions you filthy barbarian

Try to imagine the horrors of prehistoric man's everyday life. Not only they didn't have the comforts, health care, fresh food, law and order, but even the most basic things were mystery to them. You don't need to be a PhD to understand general things about fire for example, you know its just a burst of energy that happens when certain chemical reactions occur. You know what "chemical reactions" are even if you don't understand them. Modern man understand and feels confident about 99% events of his reality on at least a principal level. For ancient people EVERYTHING was a fucking mystery, the entire world was filled with unknowns, every rock could be possessed by spirits, fire was magic, they didn't know why trees grow, why water is wet, why some things are edible and why some aren't, what makes day turn into night, what makes things smell and taste, how to treat basic health issues, etc. They didn't have comprehensible language, 2+2 didn't equal 4 because nobody knew what the fuck is 2. The most important inventions in history - agriculture, fire, metal alloys, cooking, brewing, sewing - were likely all done by accident and weren't really understood past "must be a magic spell". What I'm trying to say is that their environment was a tiny bit more challenging

better than you who never had any arguments at all

oh no, around 8000 BC Arabs were having a civilisation on the level of the Roman Empire.

The white race exist since 10,000 years ago.

The one making the argument has the burden of proof.

No I think its because people come from Africa thus everyone was black, and it took some time to get the niggery out of our
systems and become white.

And everyone knows only whites work and create, am I right guys?

True, also that is why lesser developed peoples like niggers and arabs tend to be very superstitious. I know arabs who believe that Dynamo and other magicians are helped by evil spirits, just because they do not understand and are mentally lesser developed.


There were major climate shifts drying up land and everyone started bunching up together, and from there it all comes together. When you have everyone in one place people need to protect themselves and to be treated fairly, people need to make sure they are helping each other and not killing each other, people need to make sure other bunches of people don't kill them, etc. In order to make sure people are treated fairly you need some kind of leadership or hierarchy, in order to make sure people are treated fairly you need law, in order for people to protect themselves or be protected you need to produce weapons, in order to make sure people are helping out you need a concept of a community, in order to make sure other people aren't killing your people you need walls or geographical defenses. Since you're in one place you can't run from bad weather or winter so you need buildings, and you need to store food when you can't grow it, you need to keep track of animals and use them as tools, you need tools to use animals as tools, you need people that can make tools, you have people trading animals and food and tools, you need to keep track of people trading, you need to regulate trading, you need to record previous trades so you can judge if they were fair, you need armed guys to make sure unfair trades are dealt with appropriately, you need some system of law to make sure the right people get punished, you need some kind of hierarchy or authority so someone will direct the armed guys properly, you need to make sure no one else challenges your authority, you need to let other cities know you have authority, you may want to trade with other cities which includes most of the above...

They were likely done on accident frequently, you just needed a city so people can see that a thing works and copy it between each other. Much harder to teach technology when everyone is nomadic.

What a bunch of dumbasses lmao

Being from Africa does not mean black, Negroids are just as different

Actually there were a lot of inventions.
Skinning an animal, making a fire, cooking food, making cloth, making a bow, building a trap...
All of this shit had to be invented once

It's between 2.3/3.5%

So trial and error

190000 years is a long time


it is all a lie.
