
Do I really need to install Qt Creator for this?
How do you guys develop with Qt?

Its pretty good user, you should try it
I used to use gtk before using this, but the UI designer on this thing is very good, kinda like the visual basic one, if you've ever used that. Everything is drag and drop

Give it a go, there's always that uninstall button

I know, but I'm already used to other tools, which is why I asked if Qt Creator really made it much more convenient to work with Qt, or if I could just do it "manually".

Qt creator is decent.

They never heard of multi display setups, though.

>multi display setups
When was that mentioned?

When I try to create a new project it tells me no kits have been found.
I installed qt and qtcreator separately via command line since otherwise it would've also required a 10GB Xcode installation which I really don't need.
Where could the problem come from, aside from >using a mac?

No, you don't have to use qtcreator to develop with qt. There is an add-on for visual studio and several other ides have support for qmake and cmake. You can even ditch the recommended build systems and do everything manually in the command line.

Using OSX.

>How do you guys develop with Qt?
Qt + CMake to make some portable programs that compile anywhere.
CMake makes you the job a lot easier but if you refuse to use Qt Creator you can use those libraries just fine. Here's a CMakeLists that can help you.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.11)
project (Project)

#set(DEBUG_MODE Yes)

# set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)

# Change it to the path where QT is installed if this doesn't work for you.
set(QT_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/usr/share/qt/5.7/gcc_64/lib/cmake")

# Find includes in corresponding build directories

# Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed.

# Append custom CMake modules: Search in Qt Cmake folder and in cmake-modules here.

# Include C++11 support
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -std=c++11")
message(STATUS "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support. Please use a different C++ compiler.")

# Find the QtWidgets library -- Change the QT_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH above if you have problems with this step.
find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)

Is there a way to link the command line tools, which I assume are enough to use Qt Creator since it just seems to require clang, to Qt Creator without having Xcode installed?
I found stackoverflow.com/questions/36928514/installing-qt-creator-on-os-x but it doesn't really answer the question.

You don't have to, just install everything with brew

absolument dégoûtant

I played with QT years ago and I did not like how it basically takes over everything like you had to use their stuff like strings, build system, etc. Is it still that bad?

What are the alternatives? Isn't Qt pretty much the best C++ framework for anything involving GUIs?

>how it basically takes over everything like you had to use their stuff like strings, build system, etc. Is it still that bad?

I guess it takes over the building if you use QtCreator, but I even got to mix up QString and std::string without problems. Only you can't cout the QString, but there is simply the .toStdString() so that's fine.

Qt is suited for RAD stuff: You don't really care about overall minimalism, despite C++ guidelines.

For small-mid size meme projects, it's fine
For REAL and Large projects, i would avoid it.

>For REAL and Large projects
What would you use?

Everything that isn't a framework (a.k.a black box).
Half of my projects are using IUP for GUI and pretty much else is boost+stl. Just one project is using Qt and i'm struggling to update because QML bugs.

>update because QML bugs.

How is QML? I made one program in Qt with regular c++ just fine. What are advantages of QML?

No reason you couldnt do the code manually.

Huge frameworks like Qt are better used within something like an IDE. Trying to use Qt with Vim is asking for trouble

What would you use if you needed to design an application with a graphical interface that needed performance?
Something like a trading platform, web browser, or 2D game.


You best better have a reason for that bump there.

It's a mobile project.

IUP. It's small and not bloated. Only lacks the native MacOSX support and more MathGL stuff.

>not bloated
Why use C++ if you're going to complain about bloat, though?

C++ is bloated in terms of language features.
For performance, it's fine m8.

Stop being a Sup Forumstard C cuck faggot.

It means it doesn't detect a kit. Just go to the settings and make a new kit (in the "Qt version" tab I suppose), tell it where you put your compilers and debugger and qmake, and you're good to go

But Qt is fine for performance as well.

>Code less.
>requires me to do 1 hour of programming on 3 different layers just to get a button in a GUI working
what the fuck
meanwhile it takes me a couple minutes in AHK, which isn't even made for GUIs

That's the "industry standard" for you
Everyone uses Qt so it must be great right

yes. c++ is shit for anything involving guis

But it's bloated in terms of features.
Also, fuck all those raw pointers everywhere.

All GUIs use either C++ or Java though


What else? C#?
There are a lot of GUI programs written in C++ either way

>What else? C#?
python, js, c, vala. plenty of languages have gui frameworks
>There are a lot of GUI programs written in C++ either way

>python, js, c, vala
Not that guy but lets see...
Slow meme bindings, slow meme bindings, literally impossible to have good GUI libraries in the first place, dead.

nice meme post. literally 0 actual content, just buzzwords

That doesn't mean C++ is shit for GUIs though. If you need speed and performance you can't afford to run your shit on Python.

>c++ is shit for anything involving guis

>pretty much all web browsers have a large part of their codebase in C++
>same for most DEs, word processing programs, video games, graphical OSes, the list goes on
really activating my almonds there