The current state of Linux

>2 years after release KDE 5 is still a bug riddled, unstable, desktop environment prone to crashing
>Gnome is trash too, but for different reasons
>Unity was so heinous it got scrapped
Desktop environments are one of the most important components of a functional OS, since the average user spends 99% of their time interacting with them.

If such basic elements are being neglected and poorly working in Linux, how can anybody really trust that the faults and bugs are only "skin deep", and the core of the operating system is functioning properly without issues?


>Desktop environments are one of the most important components of a functional OS
they are on windows because windows has a crippled command line

LXDE just works, all I did was change the bar color and move it to the top. And moved the clock to the center because that's better than the Windows clock-on-the-right.

What about Powershell? From what I've heard it's just as good as Bash

using command lines when everything could be done in a GUI if the devs weren't such lazy motherfuckers, is just like insisting that reading stone tables is better than printed books.

they should release ubuntu cinnamon already as default

No, it's not. CLI tools are faster and more efficient than hunting and clicking through a million different menus and buttons

>t. C# developer on Visual Studio
It's hell.

>using command lines when everything could be done in a GUI
>when everything could be done in a GUI
but thats wrong you fucking retard

clearly you dont know what your talking about

try kde neon and plasma 5.11 i dare you. or go back to buttchugging semen winfag

desktop environments are for plebs, windows managers are all you need and Openbox on BunsenLabs is some of the most intuitive computer navigation I've ever had.


All shit. Xfce and i3 are much better.

Use Openbox if you want freedom + efficiency.

having left windows behinds during the windows XP reign, I wouldnt know.

>insisting that the latest KDE iteration finally works without issues after 2 whole years of development, when it should've been functioning out of the box on day one

Do you even hear yourself? How hard is it to release actual, bug free software, instead of treating the userbase as their personal guinea pigs for years?

>not differentiating between comercial and free software

why do you expect that something you didnt pay a single penny for performs on any level? your level of entitlement is impressiv.

Windows has bash which can interact with Win32 applications, and Powershell is good although complex and time-consuming to master.

So why are you making comments on the state of Windows if the last version you used is almost 20 years old?

linux and related software is made by people who use it
the smarter of those people tend to not use DEs
see the issue?

All irrelevant.

Xfce works just fine.

XP's reign only ended 3 years ago


>2 years after release KDE 5 is still a bug riddled, unstable, desktop environment prone to crashing

just werks for me :^)

>If such basic elements are being neglected and poorly working in Linux, how can anybody really trust that the faults and bugs are only "skin deep", and the core of the operating system is functioning properly without issues?

The core is fine, honestly. Multi-billion dollar companies around the world trust and use the kernel on a daily basis. Gnome is particularly stable, even though I'm personally not a fan. There's also more environments than the ones you mentioned, all built and distributed for free.

>Do you even hear yourself? How hard is it to release actual, bug free software, instead of treating the userbase as their personal guinea pigs for years?

I think the stability at least right now, is acceptable. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Personal preference, but I like the fact KDE is somewhat ambitious in their design philosophy. I don't mind being a beta tester for a free DE that actually looks and feels modern.

m$ cli btfo

XFCE doesn't even have a calculator included in the normal install

>what is xterm
A.dedicqted calculator program is pure bloat

Welcome to Sup Forums
Here paople talk shit abot thing they have no idea

Who gives a shit about desktop environments? You probably don't even use software that comes with it (besides the window manager, of course). Calculators, password managers, text editors etc - you're going replace those with your alternatives anyway. Why bother with installing it then.

>GNOME is trash
Sure, kiddo

>what is bc

>From what I've heard it's just as good as Bash
Even if it is (which I doubt, but I'm sure MS marketing would have you believe it), it's not just about the shell, but the whole ecosystem around it. What good does an excellent shell do you if there are no programs that can be used through it?

cwm with all of the X apps, like xcalc, xclock, etc is just fine.
If you need a true DE, Lumina is just fine.

MATE will always be rock solid and forever usable and themeable. You can make it look skeuomorphic or flat or whatever meme design is in.

You need to try kde on a rolling release distro like fedora or arch though. Or even KDE neon.
It's been very stable since 2016.

>not using trinity

I'm using OpenSUSE with KDE, I never had any trouble so far. Granted I only use it since yesterday morning.

You wont
all these idiots that parrot the kde is unstable meme are using it on fucking debian or ubongo lts

MATE and Trinity are the only two (actively developed) DEs that are worth using because they're hold-outs from a time of reduced memery.

The solution you were searching for

What's wrong with KDE? I've been running Kubuntu since 17.04 day 1, no problems so far.

powershell is terrible, but better than cmd

>should've been functioning out of the box on day one
no software ever works on day one

and plasma is evolving great desu, compared to the shit show it was when released, it's actually impressive that's usable

Blame the Red Hat/Gnome/FDO Jews.

Make complete dogshit and force everyone to use it just to abandon it (remember HAL?) and make some new still awful replacement and force you to switch.

How is anyone supposed to make a decent DE if that's the state of the underlying infrastructure for desktop software.

Damn that looks comfy. Makes me long for the old XP days. I'm sure it only looks comfy because of nostalgia, though.

>Not just buying or emulating a TI-84+

Texas Instruments is a near monopoly, why'd you support them?

>i3 just as good as you make it
There is a lot of WM's that are better with a little time spent on learning

It's basically KDE 3 patched to work with modern linux.
Try it, works perfectly fine on debian, ubongo, fedora, arch gentoo etc.

Enjoy your screen being teared apart!

>all the bloated DEs suck
no shit user

You are part of the problem as every wangblows nigger, but you are the spice o


>2 years later and the bug report is still open

My desktop works just fine faggot

>a company made the perfect calculator
>casio a shit
>hp a shit
>android/iphone a shit
>"B-b-but muh anti trust laws"
>Meanwhile other user wants to bloat XCFE, a perfect DE with a basic calculator that can't find differentials or matrices or basic graph info.
>Only competitor worth a damn is Wolfram, but they are proprietary data collectors
Stay mad Casio/GNOME dev

>casio a shit
>hp a shit

Casio calculators are literally better though
You should be using JULIA or speedcrunch anyway.

that's a pretty terminal
totally unnecessary storage/ip indicator, but the terminal is pretty

>not using Debian-based distros

Xfce is the best DE. Why even bother with GNOME?

>Casio is literally better
>learning a new language just to build semi-decent graphs
I gotta admit though, speedcrunch looks really promising so thanks for that I guess.

Budgie on Solus.

>>Unity was so heinous it got scrapped
I think they recognized that splitting the community more was a bad idea and its better to contribute to bigger projects

unity was what everyone should have rallied behind desu

Define unnecessary. Having a clock on your desktop is equally if not more unnecessary


Its balls easy to automate shit in a terminal emulator.

>Using gui basically translates your clicks into a small handful of commands and switches that are usually the same from program to program

Why add an extra layer? Just learn the fucking commands and common switches for them. It uses less resources, removes an extra (superfluous) point of failure and makes troubleshooting far easier because it's much better to see an actual error being output than clicking a button and wondering why the program stopped responding, closed unexpectedly, or did nothing at all.

GUIs are the true laziness here, dumbass.


XFCE works great

thats your opinion, and you are wrong. if anything, he doesnt have enough system monitors

>calling 99% of the users lazy,because they prefer to interact with GUIs

Mhmmm, I can smell the smug self-entitlement from here

because kernel and init system bugs are different than DE bugs you fucking mongoloid.

Different people audit them, and they are addressed faster.

If you can't see any of the source code for Windows, how can anybody really trust that Windows internals are being maintained efficiently and work properly?

or the Kaputt Desktop Environment

I never extensively used PowerShell but the concept of piped objects is appealing.
In bash one needs to parse the text with awk, which I never really learned, I just use perl -e like a noob.

GNOME3 + Adapta Eta (for a sweet material design and smaller titlebars) is nice. It's a sweet spot between full fledged DE and a tiling window manager. I also set it to use emacs keybindings which feel very natural because bash also uses them.
Whatever anybody says - GNOME has never felt this good. It's got a nice workflow and overall consistency.
That being said, I'm not gonna lie, an abscence of previews in a file picker really annoys me and sudden death of tray icons is kinda unexpected.

>install i3

>complains about bugs
>runs Free Software, but is too lazy to fix it themself

I'm gonna be getting Antergos soon on my laptop, although im noob af to Linux and wanted to rice the whole layout to look like winshit 10 (I'm really tired of Windows) what DE is great for ricing? I want to have the layout like windows so i can make small changes here and there until it's nothing like windows, but a gradual change instead of a COMPLETE CHANGE where ill be lost

>Awaits everyone to think this is bait or laugh at how autistic i am q.p

>look like windows
You probably want Zorin Lite or ChaletOS then. Although I'd go with regular Xubuntu. There's only 1 problem you'll have on Xfce and it's screen tearing. This is fixed by using Compton. Google it, literally a 30 second fix.

Your second best option is KDE. But it can be buggy at times.

Gnome is good compared to like, windows and osx. I don't get the hate.

KDE is crusty and buggy, mate is boring

Linux is cucked right now and soon it will start pandering to numales like MacOS does


Never had any problems with those desktops. Shills need to try harder, linux stuff is solid.

What can you rice better, Xfce or KDE

KDE has a bit more shiny stuff, but it's buggy.
XFCE is rock solid.
Customizability is similar.

Is this the new desktop thread

Powershell is stupid powerful but its a fucking nightmare to actually write in