Wow the new i5 is faster than last gen's i7

Wow the new i5 is faster than last gen's i7

duh, moar coars.

Ryzen would be even faster, but you probably don't want to hear this.


There was alot of speculation beforehand as to whether 6 real cores would equal 4 real and 4 HT.
It's mostly a wash. There are scenarios where the 4+4 is better than 6.

you do realize that is hitting 500W on the CPU only right?

umm no try again sweedy.

>cherrypicked as fuck chip
>literally who
>no products from the competition to compare

i wonder if the gen after next gen will be called "10070k" "10087k" etc

>stock speeds
>while the benchmark has it at 5.3GHz
>defending coffee lake power usage

I think you may be retarded


So this is the power or competition in capitalism

>m-muh gaymes
No server is safe from EPYC

Its a gaming cpu user, what did u expect

Guyyyyyys 1600 or 8400? Im just playing some games and making daz3d waifus. I'm using a gtx 1050ti 4gb

Get the ryzen 1300x, maybe the 1200, and upgrade in a year to the Ryzen+/2 equivalent of the Ryzen 1600.

Or just get the 8400 and upgrade in two or three years your entire system

Dont trust this nigger. 8400 crushes every single ryzen product in 95% of games. Misrible ryzen niggers love company

I said to him to get an inexpensive CPU and then get a Ryzen `/2 when it launches, you niggerpoop. Ryzen 2 will be really a beast, as it will hit 5Ghz with ease.

I also said that if he don't care about upgrading both his motherboard and CPU or won't upgrade in like a lot of time, then the 8400 is good. But there are only x370 mobos, so he should wait for the B/H mobos. Maybe for that time the 8500/8600 is out.

6 cores faster than 4 cores. WOW!


Wow such language. It's really provocative but then you realize it's less than 10 frames in most cases, sometimes 5. Then factor in price and power consumption, there you go. :^)

No need to be this mad, jewtel shill.

This level of damage control is pathetic
>inb4 civ 6 benchmark and 4k gpu bottlenecked benches

Stop shitposting and re-read. The 1200/1300x won't be that different, but it will be worse, of course, but he will be able to upgrade to the real good Ryzen 2 when he wants, but going with the intel chip, he will have to replace both, CPU and motherbaord, maybe even RAM by that time.

>40% worse on average
>buying poozen twice
>thinking poozen plus will suddenly make it good at gaming
Or you could just like, buy the good gaming cpu and not have to buy 2 cpus

>buys 120$ CPU
>use it for a year
>get superior in every aspect Ryzen 2600 for 220$
>sell the 120$ for 80$ or more

You tell me. And try to read over again, I'm not even shilling. If he doesn't want to get into all that trouble then wait to the cheap motherboards and get the 8400/500/600, thought the diference in price on those won't be really worth it since they will just be OC'd variants of the 8400.

Wow dude, didnt know you could see benchmarks in the future! Or can you? Probably another retarded amd shill telling you to wait for poozen to be good. Just like you idiots waited for ryzen and it sucks at gaming

But I am not shilling. You are paying half the price, you are getting 35% less perfomance butt with the ability to upgrade in the future. If he was other than just a gaymer, then would you still recommend him the 8400?

8400 might last longer than 2 or 3 years. My 2500K can still play stuff like Battlefield 1 at 60fps.

No i wouldnt suggest the 8400 for non gaming because i actually read reviews and benchmarks and am not some retarded shill like you. If you actually did your research you wouldnt suggest people ryzen for gaming. You also wouldnt make claims of performance from a product line that 1. Doesnt exist 2. Hasn't played games for shit in 10 years. Surely this time, right?

>performs like a 7700k
>only gonna last 2 or 3 years
Yeah that guy is just a fucktard and wants everyone to buy his prefered brand

Telling people to buy amd isnt even shilling at this point, they just are the best.
Intel has their higher highs, amd has the better overall
then with the 7nm zen 2, you get an upgrade path intel will not have an answer for.
Then the whole you can get amd today, while intel is fuck knows when it will be in stock and not till next year for the cheaper motherboards, something amd has now.

considering my experience with a 4790k and a 1700... the 1700 is the better cpu.

He has a 1050Ti you absolute retard. It doesn't matter what CPU he gets because it won't affect his FPS.

the 7700k has 8 threads, remember when game companies, at least a few put their foot down on dual cores? more then a few will likely do that with 4 thread cpus too, what with consoles being 8 threads, and the next gen ones being potentially 16-24 threads.

>he has a 1050ti
>so buy the shitty cpu

>next gen
Kek, fuckin luddies

Excelenty story mr. Patel

>shitty console ports
>optimized 16-24 threads
You are fuckin clueless man

Way to miss the point retard. Unless you're spending $800 on a GPU, the CPU you buy is irrelevant for gaming. I'm not going to bother arguing with someone who's clearly from Sup Forums. Bye bye now.

>you have to buy a ryzen then upgrade again for ryzen+ or ryzen 2 for "the best gaming cpu"
>cpus dont matter you 1300x wont bottle neck unless 1080ti
You arent the same guy i hope, also you are wrong lol.

for the most part, to bottlneck amd you need a 1080ti, anything less or of a lower tier and you wont see the big gap, it will be marginal.

with amd you have an upgrade path, a shocking revelation to anyone who uses intel I know, but its something that use to be a thing.
You can get a fantastic cpu now to get you by, while you have the entire rest of the system built, and then in 1 year or so, buy the best cpu on the market and plop it in.
considering the 7nm process targets 5ghz for its optimal range, as in not oc, this will be the base clock of whatever 8 core or 12 core amd puts out and it will be coolable on even stock heatsinks.

I know this comes as a shock after 5+ years of intel giveing 1-3% upgrades, I really do, but amd is set to be fantastic today and the literal best tomorrow, while intel is struggling to get people to stop buying amd cpus (see this tissue paper launch.)

Its really hard to read spec sheets for consoles that explicitly tell you thread counts huh.
Its also hard to see amd has been the provider of console hardware for a while now, and that they will likely undercut everyone again next gen.

People expect huge jumps between generations but what ends up happening is the smaller gains add up over the years.

todays i3 is equal or even better than a 2600K

>day to day nothing changes, but then you look back and everything is different.

Fuck off you retarded child. You dont know a god damn thing about console port development.

Dude no one has had an upgrade path. You act like amd provided an upgrade path before. They havent actually done it. Gonna laugh really hard at you idiots when they decide to require a new board for zen 2

if the recent activities of other tech giants is any hint, it'll be the "X070k"

There is absolutely no reason to purchase Intel now that ryzen has launched.

>5.3ghz at 500w TDP


i9 slower than i5
