Mozillas recent fuckups

Mozilla Joins George Soros’s Efforts In Launching A Strike Against “Fake News”:

Firefox ships with spyware:

Mozilla funds an ANTIFA supporting organization:

Can you give me 1 (one) reason why you still use their shit Browser?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't. I've switched to Vivaldi months ago.

still the best option

ESR 52 remains unmolested

>Can you give me 1 (one) reason why you still use their shit Browser?
1) It works as expected
2) The functionality I get from the addons (webextensions) don't exist in other browsers
3) For some unexplainable reason, my personal choice to use FF triggers people like you.

It's still the only browser on the planet that properly supports tree style tabs through plugins.

>Mozilla Joins George Soros
>Firefox ships with spyware
Valid complaint, but like any addon it can be disabled/removed with exactly 1 click, so I don't care.
>Mozilla funds

i have firefox 55.0.3 installed on my manjaro, is that version safe ?

>switches browser
>chooses vivaldi...

Install Pale Moon.

>worried if the browser is safe

>I can disable it therefore that makes it okay
That's like saying because you can buy new shit if I stole it from you, that makes it okay

i use palemoon, I just want to know if that vesion is safe from cliqz

let me guess, install gentoo right ? fuck off

> installing a super put of date Firefox that has no compatible extensions
Literally why?

>Valid complaint
I'm not saying it's "okay", I'm saying because it's so easy to remove IF it gets installed, I don't care. Reading comprehension is important, get better at it.

Yes, Chaim. Gorge has repaired everything. Soon we can clean the whole web from those unwanted news.

I sometimes still use Nightly but for the most part I switched to Chrome. Both Google and Mozilla are pozzed, so I might as well use the faster option.


>That's like saying because you can buy new shit if I stole it from you, that makes it okay
Those are not even remotely similar at all.

>its another try to get people to switch from [this browser] because the devs/company behind it are SJWs
Who gives a fuck

And what do you recommend instead, and why?

What's a good privacy respecting browser?

Shit, what's a good firefeox replacement. I've been using chromium, but don't like it.

pls help

go back to your leftist hugbox you dirty terrorist.

I always used Firefox but it's really shit on the latest Mac OS, buggy and uses way too much CPU, safari is better




They want everyone to think like them.

Firefox is still the only good enough browser. Brave has potential but it's not exact;y on par with firefox yet.

Didn’t they also change .man extensions because they were too sexist?
Anyways... I’ll just say this, and you can take it with a grain of salt obviously (inb4 literally anything, idgaf), I have a good friend who’s in a prominent position in the IT industry, we talk regularly, and he has a close friend who worked at Mozilla in a prominent position too, and they apparently both witnessed many changes over the last few years. Sometimes quite jarring ones very abrupt, and they tended to be coordinated also. It is obvious that Mozilla has been infiltrated. But what’s not obvious is the sophistication of the infiltration. I’ll let you all speculate on what that could imply. Just something to keep in mind, don’t get too autistic about it. Just remember we’re at war here.


Why are you incapable of deciding for yourself what is fake and real news and need a third party to tell you if it is or isn't?

Vivaldi. It's made by the ex Opera boss. He was the only one to call out google.


No OP, you are the fake news.


Still waiting for an argument, why do you need mozilla to tell you if something is fake news? Are you incapable of thinking for yourself?

This is really getting pathetic.


It's always fucking funny when I read a post about evil facebook, google, etc. and see the fucking share/follow/like buttons under the title.

From the EFF: Facebook's like buttons track users. Click on link to read. FUCKING LIKE BUTTON ON THE PAGE.

You are not doing a good job in defending your ANTIFA friends here. That's what they want, to kill all free speech.

Now you’re just spamming. You are what is wrong with this board

Is that all you're going to do? Just spam over and over again until everyone throws their hands up and give up seeing that arguing with a brick wall would be more productive?


It should be a bannable offence honestly.

So when is Hiro finally going to delete Sup Forums?

When is he going to ban you?

Sup Forums should be a containment board, the problem is when these morons start posting their dimwitted drivel on other boards.

Are you too young to remember when moot deleted /new/?

It's spamming, so it does deserve to be

I don't care if you're an actual leftist or pretending to be one for replies, you fuck off also.

>"Activist Post" is some nutty conspiracy theory website
>Riseup is now suddenly Antifa because a Youtuber told me
The only quasi interesting thing posted is Firefox shipping with adware in 1% of installs, in Germany. Thankfully, I don't live there, and don't really care.

Kill yourself OP

It's pretty amusing how the leftists here throw a hissy fit since they're out of arguments.

Look at this master of shitty analogies.

it is a containment board
it just doesn't work

daily reminder that Sup Forums is even worse than /mlp/

Waterfox for PC. Brave for mobile. Feels good.

>fake news
So basically anything they deem too right leaning? Lovely.

>Stuff I don't like is fake news

>Mozilla Joins George Soros’s Efforts In Launching A Strike Against “Fake News”:

I don't care

>Firefox ships with spyware:

I don't care

>Mozilla funds an ANTIFA supporting organization:

I don't care

>Can you give me 1 (one) reason why you still use their shit Browser?

I like it it

Go back, Paco

nothing wrong with mlp tbqh

I hear this all the time, but I never see well constructed arguments to debase them and prove these allegations.
>user above posts about soros involvement with Mozilla, and mozilla involving itself in curating web content
>all of this is true yet,
>Sup Forums, land of freetards, do a total 180 on their typical freedom loving to support private firms curating the web experience simply because Sup Forums opposes it
Honestly, Sup Forums is one of the most retarded boards I’ve run across for this behaviour, even Sup Forums does a better job of sticking to their own values instead of being contrarian retards

Wow you must be a special one who thinks he knows better what's safe and what's not.

Ivan pls

I love how this question never ever gets an answer.

Vivaldi, Pale Moon, and in few circumstances Tor Browser are viable alternatives that aren't 'plugged in'.

Thank you for supporting my case

>russian commie detected

what are your thoughts on the browser Brave?
I am using it both on mobile, windows and loonix. It doesn't seem to be poz'd.

agreed lol, that guys an antifa cuck

lol'd audibly

found the cia nigger

> Ohhh look at me I don't care about stuff so much that I can't keep it to myself, I must go and post about it.

normie visits Sup Forums: result

Activist Post is either too dumb or maliciously cynical to care about journalism, and that's from a mere glance at their page.
It's not a source of anything remotely intelligent. That OP believed it was even worth posting says volumes about the quality of his argument.

The Youtuber is a literally who, and again, not a real source. "Antifa uses them" doesn't mean the org is inextricably Antifa-linked.

OP has nothing but crappy, crazy sources. Ask yourself why.

> it could be wrong too: the post!
> i attack his sources but i dont offer any myself
> i am dumb but so is he!!!

>Bryan Lunduke
>a literally who
>>>/reddit/ and stay there.

>disregard content on the basis of source, not the content
>claim you’re not the one living in a hugbox
>rinse, repeat

ANTIFA posts have been deleted. Thanks based mods.

I've heard it's alright, I'm just waiting for the next qutebrowser release and then maybe I'll try out brave.

There's no need to offer sources against when the sources arguing for are either really, really bad (Activist Post) or make bad arguments (Youtuber).
The Youtuber might also be a nutjob but I'm taking him at face value. I wouldn't argue that using TOR makes TOR responsible for child molestation, and I wouldn't argue similarly here.

>disregard content on the basis of source, not the content
>Engage with the obviously crazy
No thanks. Though that appears to be how you enjoy spending your time.

If you don't like it, fork it.

And what good sources do you need asshole?
What about this one?:

Does daddy Soros need to tell you what's real and what's not?

Forking is still indirectly supporting their code base. Mozilla needs to die already.

>Riseup is now suddenly Antifa because a Youtuber told me
You'd realize that yourself if you didn't have shit for brains. Their logo is a star cutout of an antifa flag, the letters in the logo are in rainbow colours (cus it's 2017 seriously are you still cis omg stop oppressing me), and if you go to their about page you find this:
>We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression
>capitalism and other forms of oppression

Looks more like the anarchy flag to me

>>Sup Forums boogeyman
This defense never gets old.

Do you want to spill shit all over the place?

The immigrants will fuck off elsewhere for their memes, the rest will still stick around. As long as the faggots from twitter and reddit are gone, I'm happy.

That already happened though.
And Sup Forums is now the board responsible for the most new users. Just pull a /fur/.

It's got some good extensions and it is very responsive on all platforms, very clean design as well. I think you'd like it! The ad-blocking capabilities are really nice, it's cool to have a browser that is neutral on a lot of the crap being thrown at us from society today.

those end digits are pretty ebin :-DDDD

he should remove captchas and set the cooldown to 0 on Sup Forums and permaban anyone who posts Sup Forums stuff outside of Sup Forums

You're right there. The point still stands though, they're clearly associated with antifa and the like.

How are those two things connected to each other?

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