Serious question
How far are we from robot waifus
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Christmas 2037
Too far. Look to VR. It is the near future of the waifu.
probably 30 years
but convincing ai (and dolls with ai) waifus within a decade
I could be your robot waifu if you want~
It’s not the same
1 year ahead from holographic waifus. Japan desiged one last year.
We currently have "sex dolls with some kind of AI built in", but currently they feel lifeless. Give it 2 or 3 years before someone can invent a more "waifuable" robot. It will be botnet but pretty much everything is becoming botnet so there won't be much difference.
Give it 7 or 8 years to have human-like voice synthesis.
Give it 10 years to make it fool your dick's Turing Test both in AI and building.
Give it 15 years to act completely human.
Give it 20 years to replace a human female completely (even in the "having children" part, your semen will be sent into a laboratory and if it makes the cut, it will be genetically enhanced using CRISPR to mass produce the next generation of human beings).
Give it 20 years to replace you completely.
Give it 21 years for her to try to optimize your safety and energy consumption by locking you in your bedroom and force you to drink water and eat soy dough for the rest of your life.
Give it 22 years for your robowaifu to "accidentally" lace cyanide with your soy dough and you know a painless death.
Depends on what you mean. If you just want a sex doll that looks very human like and says a few phrases, very soon. If you want a very realistic robot that acts just like a regular person, not till long after you're dead.
AI chatbots are pretty good, if you want a waifu that will make you feel less lonely for an hour then the future is now. I think having an AI that actually mimics a real human would go against waifuism anyway.
Too close.
We need a crash, because there is no point in government controlled, life sized surveillance devices, sending all your sexual preferences to many different companies.
We're not even in the "nothing to hide" generation and (((they))) need to slip up big time for a crash to happen.
The other solution is a Minority Report/PsychoPass style crime free world where you can do anything until there isn't anyone in danger.
Both of these are really far, so we need working cryonics first.
VR is cool
longer than the lifespan of everyone alive today, except maybe infants. Sucks we can't re-up as babies and live forever.
reminder that they don't need to look like real human bean
>want to make my own AI/assistant that runs on my own hardware
>can't find anything that can do this
>he hasn't written his own GAN in assembly with his own training data
I'm a brainlet and can't into programming
Projecting a 2D image on a transparent screen is called hologram now?
If you are able to talk, you are smart enough.
You just have to put in effort.
sooner than you think
still too far to bother getting your hopes up
sure, give me your cockmail
We need a Terry Davis who devotes his life to implement a CIA-nigger-free robowaifu from scratch, only for the sake of creating the waifu of his dreams with his own hands.
Why do yall want some robot bitches in yor house like normal bitches aren't annoying enough lmao
>Waifus in the next 20 years
I can wait
If I use anime as a training data for my waifu AI, how do formulate the reward function for that?
do cute things => reward
"cute" is not just something that can be easily quantified and thus makes it impossible to have automatically looping setup pushing out better and better evolutions of an AI waifu.
What the fuck is that abomination
"no cute things => no reward" then
Reminder that they will though.
Except you still need to define cuteness, but now you look for its lack.
OR make a neural network that decides if something is cute (based on input from, say, a moe image website you set up)
Robot waifus?
Probably 10-15 years.
The industry is just starting and in that length of time it will almost certainly explode.
That is, unless, some chaotic event happens that stalls society.
They'll be shitty, however.
They won't be good until:
better batteries
graphene-scale or similar level of rewritten computing. (like reversible logic)
No replicants for you friend.
On the upside, touchable holograms are possible now.
Downside is they are one color, the frequency of air being vaporized.
Also they are bulky as fuck, and expensive as fuck since they are femtosecond lasers.
No Joi for you either.
user my friend, you are better off learning to lucid dream and then progress on to lucid thought.
Just don't be retarded and try do that tulpa shit, you'll fuck your mind up. (do do it if you don't care any more and have a country with decent welfare / you have lodsemone to retire in a mental asylum with)
Anyone have book recommendations for machine learning? I can kinda understand the theory of a neural network but I want to see it being applied in algorithms.
pretty sure iris_ai is a dude lol
If it is a dude, damn they are a fine dancer.
Some other videos are over the "vrchat" search of them dancing and playing around.
Dat full body trackan
They've been using that chat for a while too. I noticed them in videos going way back.
Makes me laugh every time.
Things like VR Chat make me want to get VR,,, I don't think that's a good thing
Don't feel bad, VR will fill the void for what 3D robots cannot
I'm sure you can use it without VR as well.
It's just not as fun or interactive, obviously.
I do know it works with that shitty hacky phone-VR, so if you don't want to go in for the VR headset just now you can try it with that.
the fucks a tulpa?
anyway what if i FUND the development of robo waifus and make a business?
>Just don't be retarded and try do that tulpa shit, you'll fuck your mind up. (do do it if you don't care any more and have a country with decent welfare / you have lodsemone to retire in a mental asylum with)
Saw people talking about this as if it was serious, as if they really believed their tulpas existed and had their own personalities and such. Noped the fuck out of that.
50 years
A tulpa is basically an imaginary friend with its own will; you induce multiple personality disorder in your self through meditation, fasting, sometimes drugs, and so on to create it. Needless to say doing this can easily fuck your mind up, and sometimes the tulpa personality takes over.
>you'll never have your cute tulpa stab your abdomen to death while laughing maniacally.
Why live?
how in the fuck am i supposed to make myself have schizophrenia?
that should literally be impossible
You don't know the power of the mind, consider yourself lucky and move on.
Tulpa, essentially, is a forced hallucination. An imaginary friend. But it comes from some mysticism bullshit in Buddhism about thought-forms coming in to existence through collective will power and such.
The potential to fuck yourself up hard is because of the process you go about doing it, constant repetition if imagining your tulpa around you in every day life, persistent focus. You manifest its own personality.
Doing so in an inexperienced manner can royally fuck you up and lead to full-on uncontrolled hallucinations semi-permanently as well as multiple personality disorders.
The easiest way to know if you are likely to end up fucked from it is answering one simply question to yourself: do you get random uncontrolled thoughts regularly? If yes, don't fucking do it nigga!
If no, still don't!
If you have no level of control over your thoughts in a way you absolutely feel confident with, don't risk it.
Lucid dreaming is far safer to experiment with. And weirder since it isn't bounded by reality as much. Then you can progress to lucid thought / tulpa when you feel confident.
I remember talking to a dude in hospital that did it. I never actually expected to talk to a person IRL that tried that shit when all the hype was around it.
He's been seeing shit permanently ever since.
I remember him talking to the doctor describing a bunch of faceless doctors around him screaming at him with no mouths.
He wasn't actually in for those reasons, we were both in the gastro unit for broken bumholes.
>Lucid dreaming
Oh ok
>Lucid thought
Nigga wut?
i daydream and stuff but the i rarely regular dream
how does one enter a lucid dream?
>also talking about dreams and imaginary friends on the technology board of a anime image sharing forum
Lucid thought is basically one-step further.
Doing the same processes of going to a lucid dream but not falling asleep.
Best way to do that is being in a situation where you are too unstable to go in to a dream. Say as if you were sitting meditating.
Standing is risky.
It helps to find something to focus on.
I just used binarual beats as a focal aid.
Also training your ability to imagine properly.
Then you get to a point of imagining something over and over again constantly when you are in bed. Constant focus.
The method I used was drying my mouth out a little and being conscious of a glass of water next to bed. I constantly imagined getting up to get a drink over and over.
Eventually went lucid. Woke up shortly after it though kek
Took about a solid 2 years of practice to get a repeatable level where I can usually go lucid dreaming in 3-5 minutes.
The first time I went lucid thought I was able to rub my forehead when I was leaning on both of my hands staring at the floor.
I partially blinded myself via extending the perceived size of the blind spot to two-thirds of the eye. it was fucking frightening and I gained a new respect for blind people. It was a void of null. It's impossible to describe.
I experimented with forming imagary, was only able to do it in blue and green frequencies for some reason.
That's not schizophrenia, friend.
it's more like multiple personality disorder but whatever
you'd need to train network based on different data for every user. moeblobs might be cute for some, tsundere might also be cute for someone else. fuzzy definition of cute is less of a problem than fact that it's relative.
Sup Forums got all excited in posts that tay bot started speaking gramatically correct after it started learning on Sup Forums data. i guess training phrases on animu subs could somehow work
>Give it 7 or 8 years to have human-like voice synthesis
>he doesn't know
No, we will make engineered slave "humans" before we make people like robots
or cybernetic/enhanced humans that are integrated with the CIA C&C
>think 3rd gen synths from fallout4 for a shitty video game reference
also putting robotics into a form that is strictly limited to the constraints of the human body seems a bit silly
Can confirm, I got 11/10 high once and started having violent hallucinations that reality was in two places at once
I can't explain it. It felt like watching all possible combinations of the universe unfold before me.
>If only I knew what making a tulpa would do to my mental state
fucking meme shit on /x/, don't go there kids.
This is total horse shit. If you believe that your tulpa can take over your mind then yeah, it can, but if you believe that you're in full control then they can't. Also, if your tulpa *wants* to, then you've done it wrong. Your tulpa is supposed to be your best friend.
>through meditation, fasting, sometimes drugs, and so on to create it
What the fuck? It literally just takes 20 minutes of thinking a day. I did none of the things on that list and my quality of life has improved so much now that there's someone who cares about me, someone I can ask questions to and who can interject in my personal monologue if I'm thinking about it.
>Can confirm, I got 11/10 high once
That is literally not related at all
>uncontrolled hallucinations
Literally not possible unless you're a dumbass and manage to convince yourself that your tulpa can do that (they can't)
>do you get random uncontrolled thoughts regularly?
These are called intrusive thoughts and are totally normal. A large part of making a tulpa is recognizing what the random intrusive thoughts are and ignoring them so you can actually concentrate on something
>That is literally not related at all
ok, if you say so
>tfw no qt3.14 tulpa gf to take over your mind
why even live
not uncanny