Post vim screenshot + colorscheme name

Post vim screenshot + colorscheme name
I'll start:

home made

gruvbox light


Just using my terminal colors, no actual color scheme



Font name?

>Quake IV
Good taste, colorscheme was 7/10 though.

So do you fgts actually use your terminal mode text editors and tiling window managers for anything other than editing your dotfiles?


Looks like Terminus but I could be wrong

What font? Looks sick

post colors?

I use my vim for editing any files (that it's compatible with) and I use my i3 for grouping and separating different programs and windows, like it should be used for. What, you thought the screenshots people upload to Sup Forums for others to admire are how, and the only way, they use them for workflow?


what the fuck else did you think we used them for you weiner

you retards took the bait lmao

>'twas merely an act!
Whatever helps you sleep at night

>saying i took the bait
>being the person who took my bait response

>he doesn't just use stock vim



what DE/WM is this
old KDE?

work, can't stand most IDEs, would rather use emacs than go full IDE and I don't particularly like emacs much

xterm is love, xterm is life
.vimrc is half way through a transplant so not complete

I find xterm to be a pain to manage desu, then again I manage my own st-6.0 + patches so not much better.


>not just using cygwin

LOL people unironically use vim?? holy shit.
stop and think about that for a while


don't have a proper colorscheme file, just Xdefaults colors.

! colorscheme
! special
*.foreground: #ffffff
*.background: #051519
*.cursorColor: #ffffff

! black
*.color0: #051519
*.color8: #617278

! red
*.color1: #f8818e
*.color9: #fb3d66

! green
*.color2: #84969a
*.color10: #22292a

! yellow
*.color3: #97a6aa
*.color11: #3e494c

! blue
*.color4: #5e6f73
*.color12: #a2b0b3

! magenta
*.color5: #677a7e
*.color13: #e0e5e6

! cyan
*.color6: #7b8e93
*.color14: #556468

! white
*.color7: #b3bec1
*.color15: #f7f8f8

i want my self's in python to b colored how do i achieve this? I'm using gruvbox btw

Hey, you're that guy from r/unixporn aren't u?

how did you guess


is there a decent light version of jellybeans?

>implying i don't use it at my work to manage all the projects


do you program with a microscope?

Honestly, I thought the exact same thing for a really long time until I decided to try it after a mate recommended it to me.

It's not nearly as autistic as you think.


Please spoonfeed me on how to get autocomplete working correctly.
I never got it to work and it is forcing me to use vs code.

show me more senpai :Q____

vim is not a Chad choice, Emacs is.
this guy is actually pretty cool

>LOL people unironically use vim

To unironically reorder and reorganize and restructure and reformat entire files with single regex targeted commands. Weird, eh.

sam is my name
feel free to insert your text into me :)

Nu-male low contrast comments.

Chads with contrasty comments.

Using tabs like vim is some kind of sublime text clone is extremely beta however.

>Terminal mode text editors somehow inhibit actual work

What did he mean by this? A text editor is such a simple program that you may as well kill two birds with one stone. I mean the complete extent of your interaction with a text editor is typing into the margins... exactly like a terminal. So why remove the terminal aspect? So brainlet's can clicks muh icon and opens muh window?

>tiling window managers are made for editing dotfiles
No, editing dotfiles is required for maintaining most tiling window managers. Tiling window managers are meant to host... windows. You know. The things people do their computer work in. It's not like is a bad thing anyway, since i3 (not sure about the others) has support for dragging windows and dragging files out of and into windows, so no workflow is getting fucked here.

>He doesn't cram 31 separate Vim instances onto his tiny 4:3 thinkpad screen and move his cursor for 40 seconds of every minute just to see what he's been typing on each one

You're the true beta here.


I don't know bcs I use M-x package-install RET auto-complete in emacs and it just works out of the box.

what font


Scheme name, font name, font settings? I like the rendering.

do you have trouble using bitmap fonts? text is totally readable imo, my previous font used to be way smaller

good luck doing any real editing in that.



Posted this yesterday because I just started using vim for programming and wasn't sure if there was anything absolutely necessary for it

I tried following a few "configure vim for c++" guides, but they tell me to edit files that either don't exist or they don't tell me where they should exist. It's like half the information they just expect you to magically know.

Also a bunch of their command line commands don't actually work, for example:

ctags -R --sort=1 --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++ -f cpp cpp_src

ctags: unrecognized option '--sort=1'
Try `ctags --help' for a complete list of options.

The colorscheme looked familiar. I remember really liking your screenshots.
Plus "rose" rung a bell as the title of one of your more recent posts.



Is there a program that takes vim color scheme file and change it to xresource or any other terminal format, sometime vim color scheme file written in a way you can easily extract color and note them but a lot of the time it's quite confusing and is in different style.

tomorrow night

i named my colorscheme 'glitchco'

if only i was as good at programming as i am at making good colorschemes.

Nord + rainbow identifiers