Ok Sup Forums , I need help with this. No soldering available, just shitty tape and a lighter.
What goes where?
Screw the mic, still want stereo. so far I got the left one to work, but it kept cutting out so i decided to start over.
Literal retard, thanks
Get some fucking solder
Can't, broke, and it's pretty late around here.
so on the buds, I have 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 grounding copper and 1blue covered in copper, on the jack i have red, blue and ground.
Do i need to separate the grounds from the grounded blue one?
update: i joined the reds together and the grounding, and i have sound in my right earbud, but when joining the green, blue and black, i get nothing in the left ear.
Also, the blue+copper one is still alone, i'n assuming that's the microphone.
What am i doing wrong here?
not your tech support nigger!
btw those wires have varnish, dip the tips in acetone or scorch them a bit
How poor are you just buy new ones
i did burn them, and only the red ones work together
i could, but that's 2 days of waiting vs like 10 more minutes right now,
just join shit together until it works
They take a lot of heat to burn it off. If the wire is twisted together it's going to work.
You could've shorted things out as well when it was destroyed.
that's not the kind of voodoo shit that i do, my man.
Fucking gold. Learn some soldering skills before you humiliate yourself any further.
I SAID NO SOLDERING, also that's tape melted on
I'm done here.
Have fun having this break in a couple of weeks, making your two hours of work literally worthless. Would've been better off to just buy 15$ headphones, minimum wage is 7,25$, meaning you value yourself less than a mcdonald's employee.
i do. no job at all.
Just twist them together and tape the individual wires THE FUCK together, and maybe you can hear your shitty dubstep over the static. If you have one of those basic arduino kits and plug that shit into a breadboard and fuck around with the cables and you can get that shit without having to use the shit tape.
He's using a candle! Hahahahahahahaha
>and maybe you can hear your shitty dubstep over the static.
This won't introduce a noticeable amount of static though, it's just incredibly weak.
Listen here, pal,
my sides have colonized mars
>Could've picked any jack he wanted
>Went with the one with the annoying as fuck cloth
yea it's the only one i got right now
a fucking