>hurr durr, mozilla just gave megatrillion dollars to an antifa terrorist organization hurr durr boycott the filthy sjws
Guess what is one of the free e-mail services suggested by the FSF?
>hurr durr, mozilla just gave megatrillion dollars to an antifa terrorist organization hurr durr boycott the filthy sjws
Guess what is one of the free e-mail services suggested by the FSF?
Other urls found in this thread:
antifas are against fascists
fascists are against your rights.
you decide.
Antifa are also against your rights, dumbass.
>Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
not when it comes to online privacy.
also, it's mostly in the US that anti fascist groups are vilified, for obvious reasons since they threaten your beloved police state.
The FSF doesn't care about politics. If riseup was hosted by Hitler himself, they still wouldn't care. Mozilla does have political interest.
They have been declared a terrorist organization by the government so you can shut your mouth
what's the deal with javascript being bad again?
The FSF and antifas just happen to fight a common enemy that is online surveillance. that's all.
lol FSF is entirely a political organisation.
yeah , the same government that's spying on all your private conversations and that is denying all your rights one after the other.
>go to stallman's website
> antifas are against fascists
> fascists are against your rights.
Black and white thinking, case of a false dilemma.
>We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.
Also to answer the OP, firstly, I think the only reason FSF even put that service on the list is because it runs on Free Software and LibreJS. Secondly, FSF as far as I know does not donate $100,000 to Riseup.
>also, it's mostly in the US that anti fascist groups are vilified
Amerilard detected.
it all comes down to that, anti fascist groups are on the good side of history. they've always been and will always be.
not my fault if the US government has been feeding you massive amounts of shit since the cold war. you're totally brainwashed to the point you elected a retard in the white house.
/leftypol/ get out. This isn't a place for politics. This isn't /gnussr/, /leftypol/ or any of your other faggy reddit-esque 8ch boards.
Good job Alexeij,
your family will get to live another day in the gulag
Never forget to bring glory to then name of antifa!
>defending antifa
Wew, memes from the 90s.... Russia is ultranationalistic religious traditionalists now, gays and feminists get beaten up and we worship God. Try to keep up.
Since he said antifa were always on the right side of HISTORY I decided to bring back HISTORY
> and we worship God
I even know the name of that God.
The original antifa was and is vilified you moron.
Yes you do. His name is Mr. God
>anti fascist groups are on the good side of history
Fascism is bad indeed. So is Antifa. Both want a totalitarian state.
I highly respect old school leftists (safe nature, reduce government influence to a minimum), but Antifa is a complete.
You one of those Jehovah's witness loonies?
The free software world in general is full of leftists. That doesn't mean I want to abandon it though.
complete joke*
It's because one of the tenants of leftism is gibsmedat. They want free shit without working for it so of course they'll bandwagon onto the free software movement.
Shame I have to explain the joke.
Oh fuck. I'm an idiot
>old school leftist
>minimalist state
Hahahahahahahaha, no.
Anarcho-syndicalists != old school leftists
>javascript bad again
>bad again
When was it ever good? It's been doing nothing but bringing down the Web ever since Web devs have started using it en masse. It's a disease that needs to be eradicated.
Realistically though, as long as clueless pajeets and wimminz use WordPress and Squarespace to "develop" "websites", it's not happening. It's also much harder for muh Jewgle botnet adverts to exist. Sidenote, my perfect Web would be 99% static HTML documents (CSS allowed, PHP maybe) with _all_ the advertising being either static images/banners (essentially what we have now but not moving or interactive) or purely text (like Jewgle has to the right side of the search results).
antifa is a misleading name
most of them are commie filth
just because antifa uses it, that doesnt mean the site run by antifa
t. retard who hasn't even opened their site
why dont you want free shit? are you retarded?
with massive javascript, modern "websites" are really more like programs ("web apps").
it makes it much easier to create obfuscated proprietary interfaces. it's pure cancer and a gigantic invasion of privacy, but it's a wet dream for big corporations and will never go away
OK, you're right. Old school leftists are just hippie socialists.
Anyway, my political belief is a minimal government. I don't think you can get rid of it entirely, but it's influence must be close to zero. Capitalism is cool though. Does that make me an anarcho-capitalist?
ancaps arent libertarians
they want less government tyranny so they can behave like tyrants
I'm no expert on political labels, but I think that might make you a libertarian
I despise fascism. That's why I can't stand the existence of a group such as antifa.
Judging by the related wiki articles, anarcho-capitalism is a bit too extreme for me. Libertarianism sounds cool though. I thought that label was reserved for burgers only.
Old school left is also 0 government.
and the DPRK is a democratic people's republic
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with communism.
I think it's perceived that way because there's a fairly large amount of libertarian burgers. I suppose I would consider myself one.
I always thought the label libertarian was reserved for gun crazy burgers. Not that there's anything wrong with owning guns, but some treat gun ownership as a religion.
and very anti-capitalist
You could be into minarchy and not know it.
Only on Stallman's personal page.
FSF and GNU is still about free software.
Isn't minarchism part of libertarianism?
It is but it's the type advocates for a state that works at a minimal level. A government that has an influence close to zero sounds very similar to the ideal minarchist government
I suppose you mean this: en.wikipedia.org
The only goal of the government should be to ensure the safety of its civilians. So you need police/military to enforce the laws and a court to prosecute the offenders. Otherwise it'd be a free for all. Anything else like medical care and fire fighting can be privatized.
lol, if Antifas wins online privacy will be the last of your problems, user.