Here's your thread, Luke

Here's your thread, Luke.

Other urls found in this thread: to understand words

why do you try to enforce that stone-aged stereotype of only le neckbearb fat autists use arch
arch users are generally cute girls

thank you based user!

Luke is probably more autsitic than anyone on Sup Forums with that alone

tfw no gf desu senpai

Seems like not many people give a shit though, sorry Luke.

Either Arch userbase:
>obese losers
>balding losers

yeah, nah.

but it's true
t. fat virgin neckbeard using arch

not a real arch user
arch is a cgdct distro

where are their faces

It's actually really cool since I always hated the prospect of building everything from scratch when I could just use someone else's rice and modify that as I see fit. Great that someone actually made an automated script to do that.

I followed the instructions perfectly.

when I run the shell file, permission denied

can someone post a pick of how it looks?


Anyone who gets my problem, do this:

chmod o+x /yourfilepathhere/

You will now have the rights to execute the shell script.

>have to install arch

too much work, make a script for that too faggot

Easy, google the Arch-Anywhere iso.

No scripts required.

make to a script to google it

If you can download Ubuntu Kidz, you can download Arch Anywhere. The installer is easier and faster than Antergos and loads your computer up with less shit.

make a script to explain your post

Manjaro Linux you fucking faggot dicksucking gay nigger from outer space.

Ran it, didn't work. Gj, Luke. Don't even bother asking for logs, now my arch installation is full of bloat.


I was gonna install Arch today because Ubuntu was feeling too NOOBIE!

Or maybe I'll just install Gentoo (probably Gentoo)

# explaining my previous post
echo -e "Just fucking google it you brainlet. What even is your name?"
read faggotinquestion
echo "I don't care how dumb you are, $faggotinquestion , you can still do this simple task.

But that completly destroys the fun of ricing :(

Every time I install via Arch Anywhere I have Bash hitting 100% CPU once or twice an hour until I shut it with htop. If I install Arch normally or Antergos, this doesn't happen. I've tried Arch Anywherw with xmonad, i3, bspwm, fluxbox, xfce and this is always the case on both my laptop and desktop. Even a fresh install without anything else but the DE does this.

>he didn't do this on a fresh install
>he didn't try it in a vm first
How did you even install arch in the first place?

Got it user to understand words

I trusted Luke because he knows the genius Chomsky and as such I imagined his IQ was around 160 and capable or writing a decent script


Luke said he thinks Chomsky's overrated.

Good luck with your meme distro that takes eternity to compile and load [insert meme browser]

He is tho


>takes eternity to compile
>blames it on distro, not shitty CPU

But I have decent computers.

A memepad doesn't count user

arch users on the left

arch dev's on the right

I have two Alienware PCs and a slightly older Dell Workstation (still works great, not that old it has i7 4770) :)

Luke smith is a brainlet as evidenced by him thinking Nashit Brainleb is a redpill. 90% of Nashit taleb's books are just facebook tier philosophy equivalent to niggers saying "haterz gonna hate" he is a failed intellectual that rationalized his entire failure and built a philosophy around it


People can have opinions and not be retarded.

Wait, this is Sup Forums, what am I saying?

>People can have opinions and not be retarded.
Not when those opinions are the ones a retarded person would hold.


What did he mean by this?

>haters gonna hate
>they just jealous niqqa!
Notice how Nashit Shiteb talks about sour grapes regarding wealth but he clearly suffers from sour graper regarding his failed intellectual career and pretends to never want any of it and all the critical people are just haterzzzz. Chompsky might be bad but we all know he would wipe the floor with Shiteb whose greatest achievement is inventing a a word (antifragile) and an acronym IYI. Also let us remember that Shiteb the retard is completely insufferable in his writing by being constantly self congratulatory

This whole thing reeks of redditor

Is this your first time seeing something Luke Smith related, user?

it works perfectly, I just tried it, mongoloids

I don't get it, why does he have this if he uses void linux now?

I don't even know who that faggot is (not murican). There's no reason to get mad over an opinion of some random dude on the internet. Don't just judge people by their intellectual/financial/whatever success, you never know the full story.

He changed back to Arch for reasons. One of which could be Void doesn't have all the TeX packages he needs for his career.

user are you new to Sup Forums? If you aren't a white racist asshole who agrees 100% with someone else you're wrong.

what's the point of arch if you can't install it to ZFS?

doesnt he have parabola on his x200 and parabola on his x220?

ext4 works perfectly fine on my machine :^)

see No mongoloid am I

if by "fine" you mean 10x slower, then sure

so is ZFS source code still open or is the ZFS that everyone uses not the same source code as the one OpenZFS handles

it's the same, just packaged on a per-kernel basis

Parabola is just Arch with Muh Freedoms


wow it looks like sh*t

looks like some Indian wiped their ass with your desktop

literally a meme distro

Posted while installing Gentoo

Into the trash it goes

It's been a nice laptop!

hey i am a noob i used windows all my life some weeks ago i found real interess in linux
i downloaded arch and installed it several times on my virtual machine
everything went smoothly i also install plasma 5 etc

now i wanted to upgrade my laptop to arch i wiped everything installed it with no errors but i cant manage to make the desktop environment working it just doesn't start says something like it can't start the xorg-server is this a common error???

use yuubunto

I'm running the script and it's just counting a timer right after the "getting rid of the retarded error beep sound..."

Welcome to the botnet

nobody who uses arch looks like that
or maybe they do and im just weird

Neomutt failed to install on my virtual machine test.

Wallpaper choice was poor, though it fits the poo-in-the-loo color theme.
Also, how about not changing the keyboard settings from the previous installation? I don't use an amerifart keyboard.

Other than that, good job on actually documenting things. That made me actually consider using this in the future.

You probably forgot to install xorg or something.

I'm thinking this.

I'm not gonna learn shit, and I'll be using somebody else's bindings/preferences.

Maybe it's a good starting point though. Or a good guide to setup your own i3/polybar if you read the scripts and guide.

Does anybody know if display/login managers give you an option to start i3 if you have other WM/DE installed?

I know how to configure my own shit, thanks anyways Luke.

Also i3-gaps is a screenfetch+scrot meme

Anybody got some screenshots?

You should start with something more beginner friendly to work up a basic knowledge, I'd recommend Fedora or Debian.

Installing i3 is so fucking simple. You install the package, add exec i3 to xinitrc, and you edit ONE config file, which is well documented on the site. It's piss easy. Working backwards from someone else's rice is silly unless you just want it to look exactly like that.

>Does anybody know if display/login managers give you an option to start i3 if you have other WM/DE installed?


Anyone else experiencing this issue? It's happening on all of my devices despite the desktop environment. Clean Arch install is fine so no probs, just seems shady/amateurish from the Arch Anywhere dicks.

>add exec i3 to xinitrc
this is the route I usually go, then startx from the raw terminal

cool. thanks. I figured it would. good to know just in case I want to have a normie desktop too

Reminder: Sup Forums is a 18+ website.

>pretending you're not the person by pretending to call them out on something

How fucking pathethic, just stop posting you retarded imbecile whose mind is on par with a 12 year old's.

I fucking hate arch users, why do the stupid fucks think following an instructional manual on the arch wiki makes them innately more intelligent

T..this is incredible, a new age for linux users is dawning!

but pic related isn't true.

only installing arch yourself is what equals brains. this script is no different than installing ubuntu

>Arch Anywhere. The installer is easier and faster than Antergos and loads your computer up with less shit.


This is what reddit does. Takes something that's about customizing your desktop and expressing yourself and reduces it to an automated script. You fucking retards will never understand anything. I hate you so much.

Yeah, following the installation guide in the wiki makes you a true intellectual.

>By true intellectual he mean homosexual..

Do you guys actually find this comfy and usable?

>le reddit boogeyman

It's cool, but it's going to take a week to get used to all of the commands, including the music player, neomutt, lattex and vim.

The only reason I'm testing it is because of how easy the whole thing is and I never used i3-gaps before.

>>Having to explain yourself on the internet