Hey Sup Forums, is he /ourguy/?

Hey Sup Forums, is he /ourguy/?

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an autistic sperg who thinks anyone gives a shit that he doesn't like the best, most popular tech products? yeah he'd fit right in

>t. macfaggot mactoddler

He actually explains why. Apple doesn't give diagnostic tools so no third party repairs, shitty design, limited user functionality, etc.

no one cares

True but all of their products constantly overheat and thermal throttle which is a big problem especially if you do work on them. My macbook used to overheat so badly youtube would stutter even though It was the only machine connected to my wifi.


That is a macbook, right?

Just a discussion on Apple products in general. Covers some flaws of iPods, Iphones and Macs.

So, it's there not because he uses it, but because he tried them and is explaining with them why they're shit?

Well, this guy does videos in his computer repair shop. Usually the computers you see are stuff he's working on. He gives commentary and stuff while fixing computer components on Macs and PC's.


So it is because he uses it?

He's used iPhones, IPods and Macs, and he's fixed multiple Macs on camera.

guy is mentally ill and he hates Sup Forums.
only morons watch that wackjob.

>noone cares
Everyone but brainlets care

>sitting at work today bored
>take jabs at my assistant Jason because I'm insecure about my own intelligence due to my poor performance in school
>fix a few motherboards
>think to myself, "gee I really don't appreciate the g'entle'man at apple"
>open a new macbook, soldered on ssd
>spend another hour trying to replace something that should take minutes
>while fixing this piece 'o sh'it, start on a schizo tangent in my head about how the education system is fucked and one can succeed on their own
>look at me
>get the urge to go on a long pandering rant for the 4th time today while filming myself
>finish work and walk home, but make sure to greet the negros on the stoop so I can assimilate m'culture
>get home
>immediatly start editing my hate video for youtube ad revenue
>remember I have to pay my rent today, only $5,000 to live in this paradise

this is the life folks. don't go to school

i'm surprised nobody's posted this one yet

jokes aside i love louis

(((((((((Richard Stallman)))))))))

Remember that time he met Linus?

yeah only the millions of people that watch his videos.

that's not true, some of his videos have surpassed the million mark, the linus video got 500k

>its not cropped

also linus sounds and looks like a faggot


Hes a literal kike but hes really good at what he does. Also like how he doesnt give a fuck and swears all the time.

yeah linus is a faggot but people care about what he has to say

>mentally ill and hates Sup Forums
Then he would fit right in here

>and he hates Sup Forums.
He literally browses Sup Forums.


Can confirm. He suspects either Sup Forums or Sup Forums

What the fuck, why is the first sentence only green?

>who knows

We all browse Sup Forums and hate Sup Forums

You're on the wrong board

>he hates Sup Forums
We all do that in some proportion.

There was a video where someone brought him their Thinkpad and a PCB kit to allow it to use 1080p panel.
PCB had a Pepe on it, and Louis couldn't stop talking how that board is probably Russian botnet designed by Sup Forums and how much he wouldn't put it near his laptop.
It was pretty funny steam.

> I do now, I think

This one, every Sup Forumstard would have done the same

> > what da fook

>I hate you fags



>who are you quoting?