>ThinkPad Retro sold out in 3 days
>ThinkPad Retro sold out in 3 days
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Shit... I thought I had time... This is rediculous! This is an outrage! I want a modern thinkpad with a good keyboard. Fucking fuck
>women buying it
dropped niggers
>Ultrabook dualcore
>3 cell battery
Did they make five of them?
that pic is old as fuck. it's not the T25 you fagget frog cuck
their internal target was 10K units. they sold out. now shithead like you think that's big deal and it means something.
you're a gullible retard. go back to plebbit. that's the site for your IQ level.
It's great and a solid computer.
it's trash made from parts they had lying around from a couple generations ago and sell for $1900
It's a fantastic computer and well worth it compared to anything else in the price range.
>compared to anything else in the price range.
weak bait.
>T25 sold out in days
>Lenovo smells blood in the water
>the next generations of Thinkpads will have old style keyboards
i cant wait to buy a T480
That would be great!
LMAO. You're not selling fast enough. See you tomorrow.
>Let me google lenovo now.
> -flimsy build
> -tiiiiny battery
> -gigantic charger port
> -widescreen
> -only 1920x1080
> -plastic above keyboard buckles considerably
> -no 9cell protruding battery to carry with
> -keyboard still inferior to x220
> -inferior screen
> -2300€
> +multi colour logo??
let's just say I'm somewhat disappointed
People really spent 2 grand on a dual core all because of meme marketing. Fucking Christ.
Don't forget
>dual core when Covfefe and Ryzen are about to up the majority of laptops to 4c8t
All these NEETs mad because something sold out they couldn't afford anyway.
can still place an order for one
In a way lenovo got em good, if people wanna burn money its their problem nothing we can do about it
>+multi colour logo??
That's the only other reason why I wanted the retro, apart from the keyboard
Your post basically proves that Thinkpad users like ugly shit
>the next generations of Thinkpads will have old style keyboards
>barely produce any actual models knowing it will flop otherwise and is only a publicity stunt
>S O L D O U T
>not just buying a decent x or t series thinkpad for not a huge fucking pile of money
>inb4 gaming on laptops
laptops are meant to be used outside of the home, do you seriously game at work/school?
This is retarded shit that nu-hipsters like.
>that lenovo logo
god why
And they AGAIN used a fucking shit panel with shit contrast and probably shit colors aswell.
That brand really does not know how to chose the right panel for their laptops.
It's annoying as hell.
Literally the target audience of this fake ass chinkpad
Pretty sure this whole retro thinkpad thing's been going on for longer than Rick and Morty has. Not that I'm agreeing with your post because Rick and Morty's great while the people you're referring to are not.
You consumer whores fell for it.
It's just another laptop with a nostalgia feel to it.
>tfw i bought two
Still better than most laptops with zero nostalgia feel.
Anything retro*
They made 2, so it's nothing special. Expect seeing them on ebay.
install gentoo
>Rick and Morty's great while the people you're referring to are not.
You are obviously the people he is referring to.
I just assumed the transmission's same mindset. People online seem to make fun of Rick and Morty a lot while it's actually a great show.
it's a "lol random" mess for fedora tippers. At least most youtube poops involves more thinking.
>involve more thoguht than literally anythig else
That's the biggest insult I've ever experce enced,.
Still says in stock on the website
also retard's are salty and reviewing it and don't even own one
>The screen resolution and aspect ratio continue the misguided wideness of cheaper machines from Lenovo and others. The lack of a built-in optical drive stops this from being a sensible and fair iteration of the machines we still use when we can get them in good condition
kek, people got memed hard
>lack of a built-in optical drive
>rick & morty is so le great and le deep!
>haha pickle rick! i get it but i bet you don't! xD
You ARE the people he's referring to. Why don't you have the self-awareness to understand that?
>hurr it's current year and you can't buy an optical drive
blood in the water
Fucking garbage hinge design lmao
>being amazed by hipsters and nerds
>you can't enjoy a show that idiots spam with
au contrarie
isn't it focused on power saving instead of being a power machine?
Bought by cunts that want to unbox it on their shitty youtube channels, and scalpers who want to put it on eBay to sell it to even denser cunts.
How expected.
How can you be so young to not know what youtube poop means?
Good. That means the market is going to be flooded with them in 3 years and I'll buy one for around $400.
>mfw i've made that photo
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
The 940m is less power efficient than a 1040.